2010ic Analysis of the Ebla Texts,
in Lucio Milano (ed.),
The Question of Digital Thought,commitment to digitize the texts of the Ebla archive was made very early, during the first meeting, in 1977, of the International Committee for the Publication of the Texts of Ebla, just two years after the discovery of the archive. That was my specific task within the Committee, and the goal was to provide the colleagues with a computerized data base that could be used as an in-house resource. This was in line with a similar research project I had undertaken in 1968 with regard to Old Babylonian letters, and in working on both projects it became clear that graphemic analysis was an indispensable component of this research. On the one hand, it was necessary to develop coding and tagging procedures that would allow for a more coherent definition of the data than was possible with the standard
transliteration system (the numerals being a case in point). On the other, it became immediately clear how desirable it was to exploit fully the unsuspected potential of the system as a way to develop a more clearly articulated approach to graphemics analysis as such.
in Tatiana M. Nikolaeva (ed.), Studies in Linguistics and Semiotics. A Festschrift for Vyacheslav V. Ivanovirable it was to exploit fully the unsuspected potential of the system as a way to develop a more clearly articulated approach to graphemics analysis as such. , Moscow: Languages Slavic Cultures, pp. 46-55.
See full text11; January 2020]
Digital thought represents the core of this contribution: after a first step when writing was invented, human beings experimented the birth of extra-somatic embodiment of intellectual constructs, i.e. 'things', intended as an object independent of the mental processes that had produced them (p. 46). The second fundamental step was represented by the introduction of the printing pressci, Guido (eds), , providing a wider public with a larger 'publication' of information and thoughts. The third step is represented by the introduction of computers and the diffusion of a 'digital thought', characterized by wider aspects of discontinuityBR> and fluidity/urkesh.org/attach/BuccellatiF2019b.pdf" target="_blank">, leading to a fragmentation.pdf" target="_blank"> and integrationee full text, influenced by features of non-linearitybsp; The article presents an examination of the cost of construction, in terms of working hours and manpower, of three contemporary 2 (for which see suprapresents an examination of the cost of construction, in terms of working hours and manpower, of three contemporary 2, Buccellati 2007], strictly connected to a specific 'grammar'culated using energetic algorithms from the EnCAB digital publication (Author's abstract on p. 85). ).
[mDPdth="100%"> – January 2020]