Unit Book J5

The Mittani Staircase - Version 1a

J5 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phases for Unit J5

James L. Walker – February 2013

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A general overview of the phases is given in the introduction to the J5 book. Additionally, a more detailed look at the process of deposition is given under the depositional history. This section is intended to give a summary explanation of each excavated phase, which unless separately noted will be from the J5B sequence.

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The earliest phase excavated to date in J5 is sub-phase 2m . The only feature exposed so far is a portion of the top of a wall constructed with cut stones f284.

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The first evidence of major construction is found in sub-phase 3d . The extant northwest portion of the first revetment wall f41 and its accompanying stone escarpment ^esc1 were built in what we curretly believe to be the Ninevite V period.

The earliest living surface excavated was a sub-phase 3l pebble floor f288 and the first accumulation f282 which covered it. These abut, but do not cover, the outside row of stones that comprise the stone escarpment.

Erosion appears to have removed the majority of the features associated with phase 4J5A, with the exception of some features near the base of the revetment wall. There are no known features dated to Phases 5J5A or 6J5A.

Phase 7J5A is dominated by the brickfall. Toward the end of Phase 7 there are some strata of reuse and finally the end of Phase 7 is when the apron is constructed.

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