Back to top: Phase 7mJ5B within Unit J5
Phase 7m (Stratum 148) is the time in the Middle Mittani period when the sacral architecture associated with religous activity related to the BA temple were shifted northwestward around the perimeter of the EDIII period revetment wall. (This process has been informally called the Western Expansion by us.) The southeast location, including a monumental staircase and large open plaza south of the revetment wall had been severely damaged by brickfall and increasing natural accumulations.
As the western side of the BA temple mound was less affected, the Mittani constructed a new staircase, f21, and revetment wall, f3(not shown), to provide formal access to the temple. Both were built atop the EDIII revetment wall, f41 (not shown). A new plaza was also constructed to the west to provide sacred space for the residents to gather.
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