Unit Book J5 (Version 1a)

J5 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Strata for Unit J5

James L. Walker – September 2011

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The strata in J5 are divided amongst several phases. The majority of the J5 materials excavated so far date to Phase 3, or Phase 7. These phases correspond to the EDIII and Mittani periods respectively. Originally numbered 1 thru 24 during the excavation, they were re-numbered from 00 to 850 to match the phases in the overall JPD sequence.

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phase stratum sub-stratum definition of stratum and sub-stratum
9s 00 Volumetric material (f103)
9p 10 Inter-seasonal accumulations (f201)
9m 20 Topsoil (f1)
9h 40 Accumulations under topsoil (f7)
8r 60 Scattered occupation (f27,a4)
8m 70 Middle Assyrian construction and accumulations (f12,f28)
7v 120 Last Mittani accumulations (f75)
7v 122 Construction of alternate entrance to temple mound (f37)
7v 128 Remodeling of entrance (f45, f192)
7s 130 Use of Western Temple Entrance (f63)
7m 148 Westward expansion of temple mound (f21, f70)
7j 161 Continued erosion of built-up surfaces and attempts to control it (f155, f218, f222)
7f 174 Soil escarpment against early revetment wall (f74).
7f 176 Accumulations atop soil and sherd floors (f244)
7f 178 Stone staircase and associated floor (f205, f246).
7f 180 Mittani structures to contol water erosion against revetment wall
7f 180a     Brick dam and settling basin to control erosion (^wcs2).
7f 180b     Mittani accumulations atop EDIII glacis (f190, f191).
7c 190 Earliest Mittani deposits (f258).
Phase 6 No significant Khabur material recovered
Phase 5 No significant Isin Larsa/UrIII material recovered.
Phase 4 No significant Akkadian material recovered.
3s 620 EDIII accumulations covering and abutting escarpments (f249).
3p 630 Construction of the second (mud) escarpment (f241, f242).
3n 640 First floors and deposits atop first (stone) escarpment.
3n 640a     Deposits atop floors and escarpment stones (f274).
3n 640b     First floor after SE wall constructed (278).
3m 650 EDIII modifications and additions to the revetment wall.
3m 650a     Slanted stones between EDIII wall and NinV escarpment (f293, z2).
3m 650b     Construction of the SE portion of the revetment wall (f189).
3l 660 Floors abutting the stone excarpment.
3l 660a     Accumulations on pebble floor (f282).
3l 660b     Pebble floor that abuts stone escarpment (f288).
3d 720 Ninevite V construction of west part of revetment wall system (f41, ^esc1)
2m 850 Earliest wall LC3? (f284).