Unit Book J5 (Version 1a)

J5 synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 3sJ5B within Unit J5

James L. Walker – October 2012

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Phase 3s (Stratum 620) encompasses the last strata containing Early Dynastic Period ceramics in this part of the BA temple mound. The components include accumulations such as f169 which covers the EDIII baqaya escarpment, ^esc2. Accumulation, f252, is another example from a different part of the unit. In adddition, there are a number of large stones (f270 for example) that were carried down from structures above, presumably by periodic flooding.

Although these accumulations mark a gradual buildup of accumulations, the next datable deposits occur in the Mittani period, almost 1,000 years later. This could be attibuted to the fact that the exclusive function of the visible portions of the wall was that of a border separating sacred and secular activities.

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There were almost no artifacts found in these accumulations to indicate active use bewteen the EDIII and Mitanni periods.

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