Unit Book A14

The lower sacral area - Version 1a


Processed on 2024-10-01



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2001-08-19 jl west of k3, shorter than normal because it was cut off by A12k6 [Input: L819JL.j]
2004-09-11 jw Limit includes N and E baulks. [Input: O911JW1.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2004-06-20 jw cleaning revealed some evidence for a burial in the east baulk of k22. We will explore this tomorrow. [Input: O620JW.j]
2004-06-21 jw began cleaning surface accumulation of loess, consolidated and hardened by winter precipitation, f172. Made several pick runs and still have not reached either an ancient accumulation or architectural element. However, at the end of the day it began to apppear as if softer material was being revealed, and there may be brickwork near and under the N baulk. Cut new sections on all four baulks. A quick read revealed no architecture or man-made surfaces. [Input: O621JW.j]
2004-06-29 jw extended operations in k5 east to the corresponding region of this locus. Surface is a mixture of loess and loose soil remaining after excavations of the AK wing of the palace. [Input: O629JW.j]
2004-07-01 jw gm drew section in preparation for baulk removal on Sunday. Abd el Karim finished tracing the tamped mud floor, f213, which extends E from a large stones, f190, to a previously excavated section to the east. The pickman who excavated the section did not recognize the floor, which appears as a thin horizontal line as one looks west. A number of clay vessels, a piece of bronze, and two grindstones were found resting on the floor and removed to the house for analysis after being relayed. [Input: O701JW1.j]
2004-07-04 jw began to remove N baulk. Encountered what may possibly be a doorway into a late-period room. Will study it tomorrow. [Input: O704JW.j]
2004-07-05 jw in the first part of the morning, cleaned and defined a possible doorway, a18, consisting of several courses of single bricks to the W and a possible pise wall to the E. After photography by jw, v132, proceeded to dig a 150cm wide trench oriented E-W in the S part of the locus. [Input: O705JW.j]
2004-07-06 jw Encountered hard, horizontal surface, f231, which is at the same elevation as the floor, f213, found in the N edge of the N baulk. Tagged accumulation above, f226 for pottery analysis to help determine phase of floor. [Input: O706JW3.j]
2004-07-18 jw Resumed excavating in the north half of this locus after a hiatus of one week. [Input: O718JW2.j]
2004-07-19 jw Continued to excavate the accumulation above the level of the pise floor, f213, found in the north baulk two weeks ago, where a rich deposit of vessels and other objects were found resting upon it. [Input: O719JW.j]
2004-07-20 jw Continued to excavate slowly the living accumulation above what we believe will be the southern extension of the pise floor, f213. A number of large jars are resting on the floor and we anticipate they will be removed tomorrow. [Input: O720JW1.j]
2004-07-21 jw Continued to remove living accumulation, f278, from the entire locus. At the end of the day it became clear that there are a large number of whole and restorable jars resting on floor, f213, immediately below. A guard was posted overnight and we will photograph and remove them tomorrow. [Input: O723JW3.j]
2004-07-22 jw Removed the eleven vessels that constitute aggregate a20. Before doing this we numbered the fragments that had inside surfaces showing, relayed each vessel, photographed each vessel, recorded axial definitions for each vessel (see file O723jw.j), and formed separate q-lots by groups of vessels for fragments that could not be positively associated with one of the designated ones. [Input: O723JW1.j]
2004-07-25 jw Continued to excavate lining accumulation f278, which covered a pise floor, f213, upon which rested a number of jars, a20. [Input: O725JW.j]
2004-07-26 dc Removal of the jars. [Input: O726DC.j]
2004-07-26 jw Continued to excavate living accumulation, f278, covering pise floor, f213. We are still finding a number of sherds from jars that may be partially restorable. We anticipate that it will take several more days to clear f213. [Input: O727JW1.j]
2004-07-28 jw Continued to clear living accumulation from atop surface, f213, and preparing to remove a second group of restorable jars and cups from cache a20. Removing fill, f203, from pit, a15. [Input: O802JW.j]
2004-07-29 jw continued to excavate the east baulk of k4 using a skilled crew with large picks. In the last hour they found a seal impression, with inscription, which was probably a door seal, i239. [Input: O803JW.j]
2004-07-30 jw Continued excavating the east baulk to the level of accumlation, f299, in k3. [Input: O804JW.j]
2004-07-31 jw Finished excavating the final 25 cm of the E baulk. We decided not to bring the level of k4 and k3 to the same elevation. Although there are strong signs that floor, f213, extends east into k3, the likely living accumulation above it in k3, f299, was too thick to excavate this season, even though there were jar fragments appearing in the matrix. [Input: O801JW.j]
Strategy (projected or implemented) 2004-07-01 jw we will remove the north baulk and resume excavation of k4, where, from the sections already visible, we expect to find little until we reach the level of floor f213, stone f190, stones f198, and bricks f199, all of which are at the same approximate elevation. [Input: O701JW1.j]
2004-07-18 jw We anticipate finding more of of the pise floor surface, f231, found in the south half. [Input: O718JW2.j]
2004-07-22 jw on O722 we will excavate the final few centimeters of living accumulation above the pise floor, f213, being alert for residual fragments from vessels excavated today. [Input: O723JW1.j]
2004-07-25 jw We expect to finish excavating in this locus tomorrow, stopping when the entire floor, f213 is exposed. [Input: O725JW.j]
2004-07-29 jw After photographing, relaying, and removing the object, we decided to excavate the remaining 50cm high baulk to the floor level of k3, f299, with small picks, screening the dirt for additional pieces of the sealing. This work by a limited crew may take several more days, but can be conducted in parallel with final cleanup for photographs. [Input: O803JW.j]
2004-07-30 jw We intend to leave a small ledge on the west face of the east baulk of k4 that is 20cm higher than living accumulation, f278 in k4. Although f299 and f278 are undoubted the same accumulation, it would have taken too much time to excavate f299 down to the level of f278, which itself has not been fully removed. Both accumulations will be fully excavated in a subsequent season. [Input: O804JW.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 2003-07-14 jl a7 (burial) [Input: N907JL.j]
2004-09-11 jw a13 (pit), a18 (installation), a20 (installation) [Input: O911JW.j]
2001-07-09 jl f48 (topsoil) [Input: L711JL.j]
2003-09-07 jl f154 (fill) [Input: N907JL.j]
2004-06-21 gm f172 (accumulation D) [Input: O628GM1.j]
2004-06-22 gm f175 (fill) [Input: O628GM1.j]
2004-06-24 gm f184 (cut) [Input: O628GM1.j]
2004-06-28 jw f190 (pavement, type b) [Input: O628GM1.j]
2004-06-29 jw f193 (accumulation D), f197 (accumulation) [Input: O705GM1.j]
2004-06-30 jw f198 (wall), f199 (pavement) [Input: O705GM1.j]
2004-07-01 jw f208 (volumetric material), f209 (topsoil), f210 (accumulation), f211 (wall), f212 (rodent hole), f213 (floorsurface in general) [Input: O705GM1.j]
2004-07-05 jw f222 (wall), f223 (accumulation), f226 (accumulation) [Input: O705GM1.j]
2004-07-06 gm f231 (floor, type b) [Input: O707GM3.j]
2004-07-13 jw f249 (hearth) [Input: O716GM3.j]
2004-07-20 jw f278 (accumulation A) [Input: O909JW1.j]
2004-08-01 jw f314 (layer), f315 (fill), f316 (pit) [Input: O909JW1.j]
2004-08-26 jw f332 (special) [Input: O909JW1.j]
2004-06-30 jw i115 (lithic artifact), i116 (jar) [Input: O702GM1.j]
2004-07-01 gm i118 (bowl), i119 (cup), i120 (metal artifact), i121 (jar), i122 (jar) [Input: O702GM1.j]
2004-07-05 gm i127 (lithic artifact) [Input: O705GM2.j]
2004-07-18 gm i172 (lithic artifact) [Input: O908JW2.j]
2004-07-19 jw i173 (lithic artifact), i174 (clay lump), i177 (lithic artifact), i178 (figurine) [Input: O908JW2.j]
2004-07-20 gm i181 (clay lump), i183 (seal impression) [Input: O908JW2.j]
2004-07-21 dc i185 (jar), i186 (jar), i187 (bowl), i187.1 (jar), i191 (jar), i192 (cup) [Input: O908JW2.j]
2004-07-22 dc i193 (clay artifact), i194 (jar), i195 (jar), i196 (jar), i197 (jar), i198 (jar), i199 (jar), i200 (jar), i201 (jar) [Input: O908JW2.j]
2004-07-26 gm i209 (jar), i212 (bowl), i213 (jar), i214 (jar), i217 (jar), i218 (jar), i219 (cup), i220 (jar), i221 (jar), i222 (jar) [Input: O908JW2.j]
2004-07-27 gm i223 (polishing stone), i224 (grinding stone), i225 (jar), i226 (jar), i227 (grinding stone), i230 (token) [Input: O908JW2.j]
2004-07-29 gm i238 (bowl), i239 (door sealing) [Input: O908JW2.j]
2004-07-31 gm i240 (cup), i241 (cup), i241.1 (soil sample) [Input: O908JW2.j]
2004-08-12 jw i242 (jar) [Input: O908JW2.j]
2001-07-09 jl q145 (pottery) [Input: L713JL.j]
2003-07-13 jl q236 (pottery) [Input: N810RF1.j]
2004-06-21 gm q414 (pottery) [Input: O626GM1.j]
2004-06-22 jw q420 (pottery) [Input: O626GM1.j]
2004-06-22 gm q422 (pottery) [Input: O626GM1.j]
2004-06-23 gm q431 (pottery) [Input: O626GM1.j]
2004-06-29 jw q460 (bones, pottery), q465 (pottery) [Input: O629GM4.j]
2004-06-30 jw q469 (bones, pottery), q474 (pottery) [Input: O702GM2.j]
2004-07-01 gm q486 (pottery) [Input: O702GM2.j]
2004-07-04 jw q494 (pottery), q498 (pottery), q504 (pottery) [Input: O707GM1.j]
2004-07-05 jw q507 (bones, pottery), q511 (bones, pottery), q515 (pottery), q517 (pottery) [Input: O707GM1.j]
2004-07-06 gm q518 (bones, pottery), q523 (bones, pottery) [Input: O707GM1.j]
2004-07-06 jw q529 (pottery), q533 (pottery), q534 (pottery) [Input: O707GM1.j]
2004-07-07 gm q544 (bones, pottery) [Input: O707GM1.j]
2004-07-18 gm q681 (bones, pottery), q687 (pottery), q688 (pottery), q692 (pottery) [Input: O905JW.j]
2004-07-19 jw q694 (bones, pottery), q697 (pottery) [Input: O905JW.j]
2004-07-20 jw q710 (pottery), q712 (bones, pottery) [Input: O905JW.j]
2004-07-21 jw q721 (bones, items, pottery), q729 (pottery) [Input: O905JW.j]
2004-07-22 jw q745 (items), q748 (items), q749 (items) [Input: O905JW.j]
2004-07-25 gm q753 (pottery), q765 (bones, pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
2004-07-26 gm q768 (pottery), q775 (bones, pottery), q776 (items), q777 (pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
2004-07-27 gm q783 (pottery), q786 (pottery), q799 (pottery), q800 (pottery), q801 (pottery), q802 (pottery), q803 (pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
2004-07-28 gm q809 (bones, pottery), q811 (pottery), q817 (bones, pottery), q818 (pottery), q819 (pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
2004-07-29 dc q821 (pottery), q824 (pottery), q825 (pottery), q827 (pottery), q828 (bones, pottery), q831 (pottery), q833 (pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
2004-07-30 dc q834 (items, pottery), q835 (bones, pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
2004-07-31 dc q836 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2004-07-27 jw r875 (41221 34477 - 8185 / Relay location: object NE corner) [Input: O830JW4R.j]
Extension of locus or q-lot 2001-08-19 jl m2588 [Input: L819JL.j]
2004-09-11 jw m3424 [Input: O911JW1.j]
Length of two sides 2001-08-19 jl 350/north [Input: L819JL.j]
2001-08-19 jl 500/east [Input: L819JL.j]
2004-09-11 jw 500E [Input: O911JW1.j]
2004-09-11 jw 500N [Input: O911JW1.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Notes on time sequencing 2004-08-01 jw The east section does not show many of the soil features excavated. There is evidence of a cut and fill of a pit, a13 (also a5 in MZ16). The section gets full exposure to the afternoon sun and it may have dried to the extent that color differences, slight when the excavation was going on, have been washed out. It may have been possible to re-cut the section to get better definition, but we decided it was better to remove the baulk, since the soil features above living accumulation, f278, were well documented in the north section and by the considerable number of measurements made in the process of extracting the jars in the cache, a20. [Input: O801JW1.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus

2001-08-01 jl [Input: L819JL.j]

2003-07-12 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-07-14 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-07-14 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-07-15 jl [Input: N908JL.j]

2003-08-29 jl [Input: N915JL1.j]

2003-08-29 jl [Input: N915JL1.j]

2004-06-22 jw [Input: O702JW.j]

2004-06-30 jw [Input: O702JW.j]

2004-07-01 jw [Input: O702JW.j]

2004-07-01 jw [Input: O702JW.j]

2004-07-01 jw [Input: O702JW.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]
2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]
2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-09-15 jw [Input: O915JW.j]

2008-05-28 cKH [Input: S528CKH.j]

2008-05-28 cKH [Input: S528CKH.j]