Urkesh Ceramic Analysis

Version (1a)

Categorization / Lexicon / Wares / 4th mill.

Introduction to the Late Chalcolithic Wares

Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati – September 2011

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General Description

All wares in this group date to the Late Chalcolithic 3 period but belong to two very different categories of wares: Coarse wares and Fine wares. They are all associated with the revetment wall in J1, J3 and J5.

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When Late Chalcolithic sherds were first found at Mozan they were categorized simply as Late Chalcolithic ware (LC). After enough samples were collected the Late Chalcolithic ware types were identified and this generic categorization was discontinued. The majority of the LC Ware sherds are LCH, however, in some places the LC coding may still be preserved.

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