Urkesh Ceramic Analysis

Version (1a)

Categorization / Lexicon / Wares / 4th mill.

Late Chalcolithic Fine Ware (LCF)
with Chaff, Sand and Mineral Temper

Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati – September 2011
Laerke Recht – May 2016

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General Description

Late Chalcolithic Fine ware is distinguished by the finer chaff and sand temper, separating it from the other coarser LC wares. It generally has a yellow-buff color with some fine chaff or sand visible in section. Vessels are wheelmade.

Back to top: Late Chalcolithic Fine Ware (LCF) with Chaff, Sand and Mineral Temper


Basis for Definition

Terrace associated with revetment wall, both inside terrace and in front of it (and possibly in front of the lowest steps of the staircase).

Identifying Attributes

Yellow-buff color, medium to high fire, wheel made on a fast wheel, fine chaff and sand temper.

Clay Type

Fine but not as well levigated as early third millennium fine wares. Medium jars can have coarse clay.


In small bowls the amount of very fine chaff is not well distributed, fine sand and some small calcite. Medium jars have more chaff and calcite temper.


Medium to high fire.

Firing Cloud



Yellow-buff to greenish-buff.

  • Small bowls and cups.

  • Medium jars.

  • Small vessels with a sharply carinated body.

  • Comments

    A variation of this ware is one made with a reddish-pink firing clay with a yellow-white to green-buff slip. Less chaff and more sand are added to this variety. Shapes range from medium jars (wall thickness 1.5mm) to small bowls (wall thickness less than 1 cm). One possible thick footed base (wall thickness 1.5 cm).

    Back to top: Late Chalcolithic Fine Ware (LCF) with Chaff, Sand and Mineral Temper