Back to top: Dark Brick Red Ware (DBR)
General Description
Dark Brick Red Ware is relatively rare within the corpus. It is characterized by its dark red exterior color. The sherds are tempered with both chaff and mineral temper.
Dark Brick Red Ware is part of the Imitation and Imported Wares Group.
Note: This ware was also abbreviated as DB or BR which may still be found in some places. It also appears to be related to the Dark Burnished Red Ware (DBR), which was very rare and is not described separately.
Back to top: Dark Brick Red Ware (DBR)
Back to top: Dark Brick Red Ware (DBR)
Phase 5 - UrIII/Isin-Larsa
Basis for Definition |
Never numerous, present in Phase 5 features especially A14 Phase 5 features, especially a pit (see f81,95,98,110,112,113). There are some indications that this ware began at the end of Phase 4. Ware is more common in the Khabur and Mittani periods. |
Identifying Attributes |
Thick dark red slip on exterior of jars and bowls and partly over rims of bowls. |
Clay Type |
Heavy clay containing iron oxide. |
Temper |
Fine and thick chaff temper, calcite on surface and some in section, small amounts of sand and mineral temper. Medium jar shapes have more chaff temper. |
Firing |
Low to medium fire; thicker examples and some thinner walled examples have a carbon core. |
Color |
Exterior surface usually dark red but can vary to red-brown and brown. |
Surface Treatment |
Wet smoothed, some examples are coarser with few examples burnished. |
Comments |
A deep bowl with convex base, A15.304 from feature 523 is a good example of this ware with a thick slip covering the exterior. The feature dates to the end of Phase 4 indicating that the ware probably began in use at the end of this phase. |
Back to top: Dark Brick Red Ware (DBR)
Phase 6 - Khabur
Temper |
The chaff temper is both sub-round and linear; Some examples have relatively large amount of lithic temper including calcite and quartz. |
Firing |
higher fired than previously but continues to have a carbon core. |
Surface Treatment |
Strong wheel marks near and on the base. The slip is thick in the Khabur period examples but does not adhere well to the clay body; this is especially the case where there is much lithic temper on the surface. When there is much chaff temper on the surface the thick slip has a better adherence. Few examples are burnished. |
Back to top: Dark Brick Red Ware (DBR)
Phase 7 - Mittani
Temper |
Vessels have less chaff and more fine and medium lithics. |
Color |
Slip tends to be lighter red-brown. |
Surface Treatment |
Slip adheres better to the surface because chaff and lithic temper is less. |
Back to top: Dark Brick Red Ware (DBR)