Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements | 2006-08-27 | sC | We finished to remove the N portion of the E baulk of k84 (f53, q107). [Input: Q827SC.j] |
2006-09-03 | sC | Since from yesterday excavation we realize that we missed the pit f86 while digging in k84, today we started by cleaning the S section of k84 in order to look for the pit in this section, in order to record its top and bottom elevation. However, also in this section the topmost part of the pit is not really visible as well as the bottom; only the central portion of the pit is cleary visible. The bottom of the pit, however, seems to be located on top of a very compact accumulation (which is visible also in the E and N baulk of k84) which seems to be a bricky melted type of accumulation. Being the understanding of the stratigraphy difficult also by looking at this section, we decided to start digging the pit in the E baulk of the square (f86, q196). The idea being to first recover the wolf/dog bones, and then to look for the bottom of the pit in this baulk. After 8cm we start finding the wolf/dog skeleton (i5): Kamiran Hussein toghether with cC and vN started to expose the very carefully the bones (r75, r76, r77). After breakfast hPU came in our unit; he shortly explained how to remove the soil above and between the bones and told us that these bones probably belong to a saluki dog, a particular kind of hunting/racing dog. He will come back to the filed later in the day. If these bones really belong to a saluki dog, this represents a very important recovery. In fact, this dog is known mainly by sealing impressions, and, up to date, only two sheleton have been found in Northern Syria, in later contexts. In k84, instead, we are in Mittani levels (all the pottery found within these accumulations have been checked by mKB, and dated to Mittani period). Therefore, this could represent the oldest speciment of saluki dog recovered in this Northern Syria up to date. hPU told us also that the group of small bones recovered within the saluki dog (at the height of its legs) belong to a frog (i6). Today we started digging also in the S area of k84 (i.e. 120m N and 300m W from m3830). We started by removing the topsoil (f87, q197) and the accumulation below it (f88, q198). However, we stop digging almost immediatly in this portion of k84 since I have been asked for some workmen. I send the team working here (2P, 2S, 1W) to J03. [Input: Q903SC.j] | |
2006-09-04 | sC | Today cC and vN removed f96, the saluki bones (f97=i5, q208). A sample of the soil within these bones has been also collected for further analysis (q208.1). Once they finished, they start digging the fill of the pit in the E and N baulk of the square (f86, q210), helped by Kamiran Hussein, in order to look for the bottom of the pit. At the same time we continued digging in the S area of k84 (i.e. 120m N and 300m W from m3830), removing f88, the natural accumulation we have been digging also in k72, k72, k74 as well as k63 and k64 in the first weeks of the excavation (q206, q212). [Input: Q904SC.j] | |
2006-09-05 | sC | Today cC and vN finished to dig the pit f86 (q219) in the N baulk of k84, reaching its bottom (located at the elevation of m4410 +70 -140). dM took a particular view of the bottom of the pit (v60). I then move the workmen (Kamiran Hussein and his team) to remove f80, the N baulk of k84 (q220, q222, q223, q224, q225). While digging this feature we expose, at the elevation of m4377 +78 -119, a very compact surface. This surface is characterized by the presence of pebbles and it is rich in pottery and lithic artifacts, such as fragments of hammers and of stones; these stones are polished from use, which suggests that they have been used as a tool (q223.1, q223.2, q224.1 and q224.2). From today excavation is still left a small portion of the baulk (100m from m4412). We'll finish to remove tomorrow. [Input: Q905SC.j] | |
2006-09-06 | sC | Today we finished to remove the N baulk in k84, f80 (q226, q227). We finish digging here at the elevation of m4450 +54 -121. Just 15cm N to m4412, close to the bottom of the N baulk in k84, I have noticed a fragment of plastic. This therefore belong to the investigation that mH and aP conducted here in the 2004 archaeological season. The elevation of the plastic is m4410 +57 -121. [Input: Q906SC.j] | |
2006-09-09 | sC | Today we continued digging in the N portion of k84 (i.e. 180m S and 300m E to m4503). We dug f79 (q238, 243). We want to investigate this square, while digging also in the S area of k83, in order to look what happened in this portion of the unit, and understand if here there is or not the Apron. f79 is characterized by a compact soil (which very soft once removed) which presents a crumble a very loose texture; f79 it is dark brown in colour and it is rich in phytolits (which give a platy structure to the accumulation when it is removed with the pick) and in organic materials. Also today several animal bones have been recovered in this portion of the square. At the elevation of q243 the feature is very compact, and very fine in texture; once removed it is very soft and smooth; the soil is wet and this give to the feature a very dark coloration. [Input: Q909SC.j] | |
2006-09-10 | sC | Today we continued digging the natural accumulation f88 (q249) in the S portion of k84 (i.e. 120m N and 400m E to m3830). We then assigned a new feature number to the "false" baulk we left between the S and the N portion of k84 (for safety reason): (f138, q250), since we are planning to remove it. Before starting its removal, we first dug the portion of f86 (the pit) left in the S section of k84 (q252). No bones have been recovered while digging the small portion of f86. While doing so, another team was digging the N are of k84. Yesterday, at the end of the day, we reached also in this portion of the square a very compact surface, fine in texture and dark brown in colour. This is the same of f119 in the S area of k83. We then took a general view of k84 and k83 showing the similar accumulation in both two portions of squares (v63, v63a, v63b, v63c, v63d). We assigned a new feature number to this accumulation, f119, and start digging it in the area 70m N and 360m E to m4409 (q246). Few pottery sherds have been collected, and, among these, some Habur sherds (we decided to show some of them to mKB in order to know the exact periodization). In digging f119 five stones, small in dimensions have been exposed. gB and fAB came in the field after breakfast. We had a brief discussion about the strategy for the work we have to carry out in J4 before the end of the excavation. [Input: Q910SC.j] | |
2006-09-11 | pC | Today we finished digging f80 (q257), the N baulk of k84. f80 is characterized by the presence of stones, pebbles, lot of pottery sherds (among which few painted khabur sherds). It is crumbly and soft in consistence, and very fine in texture, wet and dark brown. f80 it is the same of f118 in k83 and f119 in k84. Once removed f80, some fragments of bricks have been exposed in both the SW portion of k83 (f119) and in the N portion of k84 (f118). These are concentrated in an area located at 250cm S from m4409 at the elevation of m4502 +68 -117, where were visibles approximately 10 brick fragments (not alligned) and several melted ones. In the SW portion of k84, there are alligned briks running NS, boundaring the retaining wall. They are located at the distance of 100cm S from m4203 and they are concentrated in an area which is 63cm S and 25cm E. We decided to clean well all with the trowel in order to allow us to see if there is a connection between the two group of briks. After cleaning it, seemed that there are no bricks in between, so we decided to remove them. [Input: Q911PC.J] | |
Strategy (projected or implemented) | 2006-09-10 | sC | Given the need of workmen in J1, we decided to change a bit the strategy we planned last friday (Q908), in occasion of the weekly meeting with all J4 and Mozan staff in the field. We thus decided not to dig in k80 as well as k61 and k82, and leave the unanswered questions related with these locus open for next year excavation season. We decided that the priority now is to understand whether in k84 we can find the primary Apron, and then understand the bin structure in k73. We thus decided to remove the N baulk of k84, and dig the N area of k84 toghether with the S area of k83 in order to have a larger portion and therefore be more able to identifie possible floor surfaces or changes within the same area. A concern of gB was then given by the possibility that we could undermine the wall f129. We thus decided that we will leave 100m E from m4503, in order to not undermine or loose information useful (the face of the wall or floors abbutting the wall in its E face). At the end of the day we thus start removing the N baulk of k84, f80 (q255, q256). Before removing the baulk, I draw and then I took a general view of the N section (v64, v64a, v64b, v64c, v64d). Tomorrow we'll start digging the N area of k84 toghether with the S area of k83 as if it were a unique square. By having a larger portion to investigate we hope to have a better understanding of this portion of our unit. [Input: Q910SC.j] |
Lack of expected information | 2010-03-18 | sC | Unlucky there are no photos showing k84 before we start digging in this locus at the beginning of the 2006 excavation season. J2t61 shows the mentioned square at the end of the 2004 excavation season, when this area was investigated as part of J02 unit; J2t61 shows the different elevations that characterize this locus. v5a (taken on Q813 by dM), shows -partially- the southern part of k84. [Input: U315SC.j] |
Notes on recovery | 2006-09-02 | vn | We start digging f86 the filling of the pit f85 in the E baulk of k84; at the end of the day we reached the bottom elevation of the pit in this baulk, at m4502 +115 -103. We did not have the top elevation of f86 in this baulk, since this square had been already invest gored in the 2004 season by mitt and aP. However we cleaned the S section of k84 and noticed here the top elevation of the pit new (which is located at m3814 +96 -138. The pit cuts three different layers, which present the following characteristics. The first is gray in color, it is very compact; the second it is sandy and very fine in texture and is dark gray; the third is sandy and the dark brown in color. The first fill while digging the pit was characteristics buy a reddish and very fine soil, thick approximately 10-15cm. In this reddish fill we found the skeleton of a dog, complete. Its position suggest that is has been buried. Close to the back of the dog we found also some frog bones. The dog was sitting on the top of the second fill of the pit. This fill it is characterized by very fine soil, a bit sandy, lights gray in color. His fill was also characterized by several animal boons. The last fill we met, it is characterized by very compact layer, sandy and gray in color. The pottery collected within these three layers has been analyzed by mKB and dated to the Mittani Period (these note have been written by vN and cC while digging f86, the fill of pit f85 located in the E baulk of k84 on Q902). [Input: Q902VN.j] |
2006-09-10 | sC | Since we found some Habur sherds in k84 as well as in k72, we decided to give some q-lots to mKB from today excavation in order to know their periodization. [Input: Q910SC.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Elements within locus | 2006-08-26 | sc | f53 (mix) [Input: Q903PC2.j] |
2006-08-29 | mnh | f69 (accumulation D) [Input: Q903PC3.j] | |
2006-08-29 | sc | f72 (accumulation D) [Input: Q903PC3.j] | |
2006-08-30 | as | f76 (accumulation B) [Input: Q903PC3.j] | |
2006-08-30 | vn | f79 (accumulation B) [Input: Q903PC3.j] | |
2006-09-02 | vn | f80 (mix) [Input: Q903PC3.j] | |
2006-09-03 | cc | f85 (cut) f86 (fill) [Input: Q903PC3.j] |
2006-09-03 | vn | f87 (topsoil) [Input: Q903PC3.j] | |
2006-09-03 | sc | f88 (accumulation D) [Input: Q903PC3.j] | |
2006-09-10 | sc | f118 (accumulation D) [Input: Q922PC.j] | |
2006-09-13 | sc | f138 (mix) [Input: Q922PC.j] | |
2006-08-21 | sc | i5 (animal bones) i6 (animal bones) [Input: Q923CC.j] |
2006-08-30 | mNH | q148 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q904PC4.j] | |
2006-08-30 | cc | q160 (pottery) [Input: Q904PC4.j] | |
2006-08-30 | as | q161 (pottery) [Input: Q904PC4.j] | |
2006-08-30 | cc | q163 (pottery) [Input: Q904PC4.j] | |
2006-08-30 | pc | q164 (pottery) [Input: Q904PC4.j] | |
2006-08-31 | cc | q168 (pottery) [Input: Q904PC4.j] | |
2006-08-31 | vn | q172 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q904PC4.j] | |
2006-09-03 | cC | q196 (pottery) [Input: Q906VN.j] | |
2006-09-03 | sc | q197 (pottery) q198 (pottery) [Input: Q906VN.j] |
2006-09-04 | cc | q206 (pottery) [Input: Q906VN.j] | |
2006-09-04 | pc | q208 (pottery) q210 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q906VN.j] |
2006-09-05 | cc | q219 (pottery) q220 (pottery) [Input: Q906VN.j] |
2006-09-05 | sC | q222 (pottery) q223 (pottery) q224 (bones, pottery) q225 (pottery) [Input: Q910VN.j] |
2006-09-06 | sC | q226 (pottery) [Input: Q910VN.j] | |
2006-09-05 | sC | q227 (pottery) [Input: Q910VN.j] | |
2006-09-09 | pC | q238 (bones, pottery) q240 (pottery) [Input: Q910VN.j] |
2006-09-09 | sC | q243 (pottery) [Input: Q910VN.j] | |
2006-09-09 | pC | q244 (pottery) [Input: Q910VN.j] | |
2006-09-10 | pC | q247 (pottery) [Input: Q910VN.j] | |
2006-09-10 | vN | q249 (pottery) [Input: Q910VN.j] | |
2006-09-10 | sC | q250 (pottery) [Input: Q910VN.j] | |
2006-09-10 | sc | q252 (pottery) q254 (pottery) q255 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q910CC.j] |
2006-09-11 | vn | q256 (pottery) q257 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q910CC.j] |
2006-09-14 | pc | q279 (pottery) [Input: Q910CC.j] |