eLibrary (Version 2)

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Annotated bibliography

Chronological order

March 2025

1988    1990    1991    1994    1995    1996    1997    1998    1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2022    2023    2024    fort

Year Author Title
1988 Buccellati, Giorgio; Muscarella, Oscar W.; Meyers, Peter; Parker, Andrea M. “Appendices”
1988 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn; Bunnens, Guy L.; Roobaert, Arlette “Regional Survey”
1988 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “1. Introduction”
1988 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn 5. Soundings on the High Mound - Introduction,(with a contribution by G.L. Bunnens and A. Roobaert)
1988 Gavin, K.; Mount-Williams, L. “Samples from the Excavations”
1988 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Artifacts from the Excavations”
1988 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The High Mound: Introduction and Surface Collection” (with a contribution by S.M. Hughey)
1988 Thompson-Miragliuolo, Judith “The Outer City: Introduction and Surface Collection”
1990 Buccellati, Giorgio “River Bank,’ ‘High Country’ and ‘Pasture Land’: The Growth of Nomadism on the Middle Euphrates and the Khabur”
1990 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Tell Mozan”
1990 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Tell Mozan”
1990 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “A New Third Millennium Sculpture from Mozan”
1990 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Three Seasons of Excavation at Tell Mozan”
1990 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Trade in Metals in the Third Millennium: Northeastern Syria and Eastern Anatolia”
1991 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “1. Introduction”
1991 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Mozan”
1991 Liverani, Mario “The Archaeological Context”
1991 Milano, Lucio “Philological presentation”
1994 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Mozan”
1994 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Mozan: Tales from a Hurrian (?) Storehouse”
1995 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Identification of Urkesh with Tell Mozan (Syria)”
1995 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Mozan, Tall”
1995-1996 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Royal Storehouse of Urkesh: The Glyptic Evidence from the Southwestern Wing”
1996 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Evidence for a Royal Palace at Tell Mozan/Urkesh”
1996 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Una manciata di secoli”
1996 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Seals of the King of Urkesh: Evidence from the Western Wing of the Royal Storehouse AK”
1996 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Nuzi Viewed from Urkesh, Urkesh Viewed from Nuzi: Stock Elements and Framing Devices in Northern Syro-Mesopotamia”
1996 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Seals in Ancient Mesopotamia and Seals of God in Revelation”
1997 Buccellati, Giorgio “Syria in the Bronze Age”
1997 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Urkesh. The First Hurrian Capital”
1997 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Mozan, Tell”
1997 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Seventh Season of Excavations at Tell Mozan, 1992”
1997 Twair, Pat and Samir “The Kingdom of the Lion”
1998 Buccellati, Federico “3-D Rendering and Animation at Tell Mozan/Urkesh”
1998 Buccellati, Giorgio “Urkesh as Tell Mozan: Profiles of the Ancient City”
1998 Buccellati, Giorgio “Urkesh and the Question of Early Hurrian Urbanism”
1998 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Courtiers of the Queen of Urkesh: Glyptic Evidence from the Western Wing of the Royal Storehouse AK”
1998 Hauser, Rick “The Equids of Urkesh: What the Figurines Say”
1998 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Workshops of Urkesh”
1999 Buccellati, Giorgio “The Royal Storehouse of Urkesh”
1999 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Das archäologische Projekt Tall Mozan/Urkeš”
2000 Buccellati, Giorgio “La figlia di Naram-Sin”
2000 Buccellati, Giorgio “Urkesh: archeologia, conservazione e restauro”
2000 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Royal Palace and the Daughter of Naram-Sin. Report on the 12th Season of Excavations June October 1999”
2000 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Royal Palace of Urkesh. Report on the 12th Season at Tell Mozan/Urkesh: Excavations in Area AA, June-October 1999”
2000 van Ginneken, Paul “De Hurrieten van Tell Mozan”
2001 Bonetti, Sophie Gli Opifici di Urkesh. Papers read at the Round Table in Florence, November 1999
2001 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “City of Myth: In Search of Hurrian Urkesh”
2001 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Royal Palace at Urkesh and the Daughter of Naram-Sin”
2002 Buccellati, Giorgio “Beyond Clay and Beyond Paper”
2002 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Die große Schnittstelle. Bericht über die 14. Kampagne in Tall Mozan/Urkeš: Ausgrabungen im Gebiet AA, Juni-Oktober 2001”
2002 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Tar’am-Agade, Daughter of Naram-Sin, at Urkesh”
2002 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Ein hurritischer Gang in die Unterwelt”
2003 Bonetti, Sophie; Buccellati, Giorgio “Conservation at the Core of Archaeological Strategy: The Case of Ancient Urkesh at Tell Mozan”
2003 Buccellati, Giorgio “A LU E School Tablet from the Service Quarter of the Royal Palace AP at Urkesh”
2003 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Tell Mozan (Ancient Urkesh)”
2003 Canby, Jeanny Voris “A Figurine from Urkesh: A ‘Darling’ from Troy to Mesopotamia”
2004 Buccellati, Giorgio “Review of: ‘Anonymus (ed.) 2000, La civiltà dei Hurriti. La parola del passato. Rivista di studi antichi 55 Napoli: Gaetano Macchiaroli, pp. 424’“
2004 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Der monumentale Palasthof von Tall Mozan/Urkeš und die stratigraphische Geschichte des ābi“
2004 Collins, Billie Jean “A Channel to the Underworld in Syria”
2004 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Andirons at Urkesh: New Evidence for the Hurrian Identity of Early Trans-Caucasian Culture”
2004 Wettstein, Claudia “Disegno archeologico”
2005 Buccellati, Federico; Dell’Unto, Nicolò; Forte, Maurizio “The Tell Mozan/Urkesh Archaeological Project: an Integrated Approach of Spatial Technologies”
2005 Buccellati, Giorgio “The Monumental Urban Complex at Urkesh”
2005 Buccellati, Giorgio “The Perception of Function and the Prehistory of the State in Syro-Mesopotamia”
2005 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Urkesh as a Hurrian Religious Center”
2005 Di Martino, Silvia “Tell Mozan/Urkesh: Archeozoologia della Struttura Sotterranea in A12”
2005 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Introduction to the Archaeo-zoology of the ābi”
2005 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Urkesh and the North: Recent Discoveries”
2006 Buccellati, Giorgio “An Archaeologist on Mars”
2006 Buccellati, Giorgio “A Browser Edition of the Royal Palace of Urkesh: Principles and Presuppositions”
2006 Buccellati, Giorgio “Conservation qua Archaeology at Tell Mozan/Urkesh”
2006 Buccellati, Giorgio “On (e)-tic and -emic”
2006 Buccellati, Giorgio “Presentation and Interpretation of Archaeological Sites: the Case of Tell Mozan, Ancient Urkesh”
2006 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Gilgamesh at Urkesh? Literary Motifs and Iconographic Identification”
2007 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Between Heaven and Hell in Ancient Urkesh”
2007 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Urkesh and the Question of the Hurrian Homeland”
2007 Hauser, Rick Reading Figurines. Animal Representations in Terra Cotta from Royal Building AK
2008 Buccellati, Giorgio “Mozan as Urkesh: Archaeology in the Making”
2008 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Ceramics of Urkesh: Statistics for a Browser Edition”
2008 Frahm, E.; Nikolaidou, N.; Kelly-Buccellati, M.. “Using Image Analysis Software to Correlate Sherd Scans in the Field and X-Ray Element Maps in the Laboratory”
2009 Buccellati, Giorgio “An Architectural ‘Logogram’ at Urkesh?”
2009 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Great Temple terrace at Urkesh and the Lions of Tish-atal”
2010 Buccellati, Federico “The Monumental Temple Terrace at Urkesh and its Setting”
2010 Buccellati, Giorgio “The Semiotics of Ethnicity: The Case of Hurrian Urkesh”
2010 Buccellati, Giorgio “The Urkesh Temple Terrace: Function and Perception”
2010 Buccellati, Giorgio “The Urkesh Temple Terrace: Function and Perception”
2010 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Mozan/Urkesh in the Late Chalcolithic Period”
2010 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Uqnitum and Tar’am-Agade, Patronage and Portraiture at Urkesh”
2011 Maiocchi, Massimo “A Hurrian Administrative Tablet from Third Millennium Urkesh”
2012 Buccellati, Federico “Wie wird ein Palast gebaut und warum?”
2012 Buccellati, Giorgio “Coerenza e storia. La Mesopotamia nell’ottica storiografica di ‘Ordine e Storia’: Istituzioni politiche, trasmissione del pensiero e percezione dell’assoluto”
2012 Buccellati, Giorgio “The Floodwaters of Urkesh and the Structural Coherence of the Urkesh Temple Complex”
2012 Buccellati, Giorgio “Towards a Linguistic Model for Archaeology”
2012 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Apprenticeship and Learning from the Ancestors: The Case of Ancient Urkesh”
2013 Buccellati, Giorgio “When were the Hurrians Hurrian? The persistence of ethnicity in Urkesh”
2013 Frahm, E.; Feinberg, J.M. “Empires and resources: Central Anatolian obsidian at Urkesh (Tell Mozan, Syria) during the Akkadian period”
2013 Frahm, E.; Feinberg, J.M. “Environment and collapse: Eastern Anatolian obsidians at Urkesh (Tell Mozan, Syria) and the third-millennium Mesopotamian urban crisis”
2013 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Landscape and Spatial Organization: An Essay on Early Urban Settlement Patterns in Urkesh”
2014 Buccellati, Federico “Diachronic Developments at the Central Monumental Complex of Ancient Urkesh (Tell Mozan)”
2014 Buccellati, Federico “Understanding Households – A Few Thoughts”
2014 Buccellati, Giorgio “Courage among the Ruins: A Sustainable Conservation Program in Time of War”
2014 Buccellati, Giorgio “Konservierung der archäologischen Stätte Urkesh”
2014 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “… Nor North: The Urkesh Temple Terrace”
2014 Camatta, Patrizia “High Temples in the Northern Mesopotamian Landscape”
2014 Chaves Yates, Caitlin J. “Neighborhoods in the Outer City of Tell Mozan, Ancient Urkesh: A Case Study from Survey Data”
2014 Frahm, Ellery “Buying local or ancient outsourcing? Locating production of prismatic obsidian blades in Bronze-Age Northern Mesopotamia”
2014 Kharobi, Arwa; Buccellati, Giorgio; Courtaud, P.; Duday, H. “Le Feu et la Mort: Des Structures de Combustion Associées à des Sépultures à Tell Mozan (Nord-Est de la Syrie) au Bronze Moyen”
2014 Kharobi, Arwa; Courtaud, Patrice; Duday, Henri “The Place of Children in the Ancient Society of Urkesh (Tell Mozan, Northeastern Syria) in the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1600 BC): An Archeothanatological Approach”
2014 Recht, Laerke “Tell Mozan ceramics: Munsell colours”
2014 Recht, Laerke “Perfume, women and the underworld in Urkesh: exploring female roles through aromatic substances in the Bronze Age Near East”
2015 Buccellati, Giorgio “L’archeologia come presenza morale a Tell Mozan in Siria”
2015 Buccellati, Giorgio “Tensional factors and compositional analysis: Crossovers between linguistics and art criticism”
2015 Hauser, Rick “Reading Figurines from Ancient Urkeš (2450 B.C.E.): A New Way of Measuring Archaeological Artifacts, with Implications for Historical Linguistics”
2015 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Power and Identity Construction in ancient Urkesh”
2015 Recht, Laerke “Identifying sacrifice in Bronze Age Near Eastern iconography”
2016 Buccellati, Giorgio “Urkesh: For a Semiotics of the Hurrian Sacred”
2016 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “26. Tell Mozan/Urkesh (Hassake)”
2016 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Urkesh Ceramics Digital Book”
2016 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Urkesh: The Morphology and Cultural Landscape of the Hurrian Sacred”
2016 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Women’s Power and Work in Ancient Urkesh”
2017 Buccellati, Giorgio “Iconology in the Light of Archaeological Reason”
2017 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Community Archaeology 1984: At the Interface between Practice and Theory”
2017 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Conserviamo il futuro”
2017 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Archaeology for a Young Future: The New Syrian Life of the Ancient City of Urkesh”
2017 Kharobi, Arwa; Buccellati, Giorgio “The Dignity of the Dead. The Case of Ancient Urkesh and Modern Tell Mozan, Syria (2000-1600 BC)”
2018 Buccellati, Giorgio “A Children’s Hermeneutics”
2018 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Celebrating Life in Mesopotamia”
2018 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Urkesh Insights into Kura-Araxes Social Interaction”
2018 Kharobi, Arwa “Les vivants et les morts d’Urkesh (nord de la Syrie) : les différents modes d’inhumation au bronze moyen”
2018 Recht, Laerke “‘Asses were buried with him’: Equids as markers of sacred space in the third and second millennia BC in the Eastern Mediterranean”
2019 Buccellati, Federico “Perception in Palatial Architecture: The Case of the AP Palace at Urkesh”
2019 Buccellati, Giorgio “The First Gilgamesh. Conjectures About the Earliest Epic”
2019 Buccellati, Giorgio “Persistence of Tradition at Urkesh. The Temple Terrace from Protoliterate to Mittani”
2019 Buccellati, Giorgio “From Urkesh to Mozan. The itinerary of a project in wartime”
2019 Chaves Yates, Caitlin J. “Tell Mozan’s Outer City in the Third Millennium BCE”
2019 Hauser, Rick “Learning from Canis 203. Impressions of an Absent Artifact”
2019 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Emulation as a Strategy of Urkesh Potters and its Long Term Consequences”
2019 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Urkesh ceramic evidence for function”
2019 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Images of Work in Urkesh”
2019 Mahmoud, Yasmine “Through the Eyes of the Ancients. The Perception of Beauty in 3rd Millennium Syria”
2019 Recht, Laerke “Animals as Social Actors: Cases of Equid Resistance in the Ancient Near East”
2020 Buccellati, Giorgio “Degrees of Digitality. The Case of Excavation Reports”
2020 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Distancing: One-on-One Heritage Archaeology across Three Continents”
2020 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Archaeological Digital Narratives: The Case of Urkesh Ceramics”
2020 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Continuity and Innovation at Urkesh in the ED III Period”
2020 Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “To Sift or Not to Sift… Research on the Effectiveness of Sifting”
2022 Qassar, Hiba “Engaging young generation in cultural heritage: Urkesh One-on-One Project”
2023 Buccellati, Giorgio; Qassar, Hiba “Urkesh Community Archaeology Project: A Sustainable Model from Syria”
2023 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Density of Types and the Dignity of the Fragment. A website approach to archaeological typology”
2024 Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “Temporal Clustering at Urkesh. A Structural Analysis of Strata, Phases, Horizons”
forth. Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn “The Density of Types and the Dignity of the Fragment. A website approach to archaeological typology”