Topic |
Section |
Title |
10 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A10 |
12th excavation season (1999) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2000 Naram Sin |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2000 Palace |
14C | Abstracts | M.I. Venkatesan, T.W. Linickt, H.E. Suess and G. Buccellati 1982 |
17th excavation season (2004) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Urkesh |
18th ecxcavation season (2005) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2009 Temple |
3-D | Abstracts | Federico Buccellati 1998 |
3D animation | Bibliography | Buccellati F 1998 Rendering |
3D rendering | Bibliography | Buccellati F 1998 Rendering |
6th excavation season | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1991 Introduction |
7th excavation season | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1994 Mozan |
7th excavation season (1992) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1997 Seventh |
9th excavation season (Summer 1996) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Evidence |
A11 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A11 |
A12 | Abstracts | Billie Jean Collins 2004 |
Billie Jean Collins 2004 |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002 |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005 |
Silvia Di Martino 2005 |
A12 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A12 |
A13 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A13 |
A14 | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Evidence |
A14 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A14 |
A15 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A15 |
A16 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A16 |
A17 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A17 |
A18 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A18 |
A1 (building) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1991 Mozan |
A1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A1 |
A2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A2 |
A3 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A3 |
A4 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A4 |
A5 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A5 |
A6 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A6 |
A7 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A7 |
A8 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A8 |
A9 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A9 |
AA (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > AA |
ābi | Abstracts | Billie Jean Collins 2004 |
Billie Jean Collins 2004 |
ābi | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2005 |
ābi | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007 |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002 |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005 |
Silvia Di Martino 2005 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2005 Monumental |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2004 Monumentale |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Urkesh |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2007 Urkesh |
ābi (stratigraphy) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004 |
ābi (= unit A12) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Hurritischer |
Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Introduction |
ābi (= Urkesh unit A12) | Bibliography | Collins 2004 Channel |
Di Martino 2005 Archeozoologia |
Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Evidence |
Recht 2014 Perfume |
Abraham | Abstracts | Patricia Berlyn 2005 |
absolute (perception) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
abstracts | A2 | ABSTRACTS |
A Critique of Archaeological Reason (CAR) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Critique (CAR) |
adaptation | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
administrative tablet (A7.341) | Abstracts | Massimo Maiocchi 2011 |
Aegean | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
AF (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > AF |
AH(labels) | A2 | Index to labels > AH |
Akkadian fortresses | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Akkadian: phonology | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1997 |
AK (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > AK |
A (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > A |
Alaca Höyük: Sphynx Gate | Abstracts | Hatçe Baltacioğlu 2003 |
Alalaḫ = Tell Atchana | Abstracts | Eva von Dassow 2008 |
Alalakh/Tell Atchana (cylinder seals) | Bibliography | Collon 1982 Alalakh |
altanni (vessels) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Amar-sin | Abstracts | François Thureau-Dangin 2012 |
Amorite: phonology | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1997 |
Amorites | Abstracts | Mario Liverani 1968 |
Amorites (Ur III) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1966 |
Amurru | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
Anatolia | Abstracts | Aslı Özyar 2014 |
Jan Gerrit Dercksen (ed.) 2008 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Mozan |
ancestors | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2012 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship |
Ancient Near East: history | Abstracts | Maria Luisa Uberti 2005 |
Mario Liverani 2003 |
ancient Syria | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1988 |
andirons | Abstracts | Anna Smogorzewska 2010 |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004 |
andirons | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2004 Andirons |
andirons | Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Feu |
animal figurines | Bibliography | Hauser 2007 U M S 5 |
Recht 2014 Ceramics |
animals | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2019 |
Bibliography | Recht 2019 Animals |
animals (at Urkesh) | Bibliography | Di Martino 2005 Archeozoologia |
Annari | Abstracts | François Thureau-Dangin 2012 |
antecedents of writing (excursus: writing) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Writing > Antecedents of writing |
anthropomorphic figurines | Abstracts | Maciej Makowski 2013 |
anthropomorphic vessel (A12.108) | Bibliography | Recht 2014 Perfume |
AO 19937 (Louvre lion) | Bibliography | van Ginneken 2000 Hurrieten |
AO 19938 (Louvre tablet) | Bibliography | van Ginneken 2000 Hurrieten |
AO (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > AO |
AP (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > AP |
apprenticeship | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2012 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship |
apron | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007 |
archaeobotany | Abstracts | Simone Riehl 2000 |
archaeological context | Abstracts | Andrea Carandini 2017 |
archaeological data | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2015 Tensional |
archaeological drawing | Bibliography | Wettstein 2004 Disegno |
archaeological process: theory (excursus) | Excursus | Theory of the archaeological process |
archaeological reason | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2017 Iconology |
archaeological typology | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2023 Density |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_forthc_ Density |
Archaeology for a young future | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Young Future |
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and Exhibits | Archaeology for a young future |
archaeology: Mesopotamia | Abstracts | Davide Nadali and Andrea Polcaro (eds.) 2015 |
archaeology (methodology) | Abstracts | Andrea Carandini 2000 |
archaeology: Syria | Abstracts | Anthony Grafton 1997 |
Günter Mansfeld 1970 |
archaeology & war | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2014 Courage |
Buccellati G 2015 Archeologia |
archaeomagnetic dating curve | Abstracts | Michele D. Stillinger, Joshua M. Feinberg, Ellery Frahm 2015 |
archaeometry | Bibliography | Daszkiewicz &al 2000 Water |
archaeo-thanatology | Bibliography | Kharobi 2018 Vivants |
Kharobi &al 2014 Place |
Kharobi & Buccellati G 2017 Dignity |
archaeozoology | Abstracts | Silvia Di Martino 2005 |
archaeozoology | Bibliography | Di Martino 2005 Archeozoologia |
archeological discoveries | Abstracts | Paolo Matthiae 2018 |
archeological stratigraphy | Abstracts | Edward Cecil Harris 1989 |
archeology | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2017 Young |
archeology: publication problems | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1998 |
archeology: Syria | Abstracts | Peter M.M. Akkermans and Glenn M. Schwartz 2003 |
archeology (Syria) | Bibliography | Buccellati G 1997 Syria |
archeothanatology | Abstracts | A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014 |
archeo-zoological remains | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Introduction |
archeozoology | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005 |
architectural ‘logogram’ | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2009 |
architectural modeling | Abstracts | Federico Buccellati 2001 |
architecture | Bibliography | Buccellati F 2021 Architettura |
architecture: constructional analysis ((excursus)) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Constructional analysis of architecture |
architecture: England | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Constructional analysis of architecture > England |
architecture: general | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Constructional analysis of architecture > General considerations |
architecture: Germany | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Constructional analysis of architecture > Germany |
architecture: Italy | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Constructional analysis of architecture > Italy |
architecture (perception: excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Perception > Architecture |
archive | A1 | Current version of the e-Library |
area AA | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2000 Palace |
area AA (Urkesh) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2000 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002 |
Ari-sen | Abstracts | François Thureau-Dangin 2012 |
AR (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > AR |
Arslantepe | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2018 Kura Araxes |
art | Abstracts | Emmanuel Anati 1988 |
Joan Aruz, Kim Benzel and Jean M. Evans 2008 |
art criticism | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2015 |
art history (perception: excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Perception > Art history |
articles (general interest) | OTHER PUBLICATIONS | General interest |
articles (general interest): alphabetical | OTHER PUBLICATIONS | General interest: alphabetical |
articles (general interest): chronological | OTHER PUBLICATIONS | General interest: chronological |
articles (Urkesh and the Hurrians) | OTHER PUBLICATIONS / Articles | ARTICLES ON URKESH AND THE HURRIANS |
articles (Urkesh specific) | OTHER PUBLICATIONS | Urkesh specific |
articles (Urkesh specific): alphabetical | OTHER PUBLICATIONS | Urkesh specific: alphabetical |
articles (Urkesh specific): chronological | OTHER PUBLICATIONS | Urkesh specific: chronological |
articles (Urkesh staff) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS | Articles |
articles (Urkesh staff): alphabetical order | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Articles | ARTICLES – ALPHABETICAL |
articles (Urkesh staff): chronological order | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Articles | ARTICLES – CHRONOLOGICAL |
artifacts | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1988 Artifacts |
arts | Abstracts | Silvia Schroer (ed.) 2006 |
Asia Minor | Abstracts | Ilse Wegner 1937 |
AS (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > AS |
asphalt | Abstracts | M.I. Venkatesan, T.W. Linickt, H.E. Suess and G. Buccellati 1982 |
asses (in burials) | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2018 |
Assyria | Abstracts | Hildegard Lewy 1971 |
Atal-shen | Bibliography | Wegner & Bomhard 2020 Hurrian |
Atal-shen inscription | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 2001 |
Aten | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
author: posture | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > The posture of the author |
authorship | Introduction / General | Authorship |
MZ Introduction / General | Authorship |
authorship: bibliography | Introduction / General / Authorship | Authorship: bibliography |
Authorship: bibliography |
Authorship: bibliography |
Authorship: bibliography |
authorship: concept | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > Three levels of authorship |
authorship (ethics: excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Ethics in archaeological practice > Authorship |
authorship: general | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > General |
authors index (bibliography) | A2 | AUTHORS INDEX |
authors: types | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > Main, contributing and base authors |
B12 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > B12 |
B1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > B1 |
B2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > B2 |
B3 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > B3 |
B4 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > B4 |
B5 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > B5 |
B6 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > B6 |
B7 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > B7 |
B8 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > B8 |
Babati (uncle of Šu-Sin, šagana of Maškan-šarrum, ensi of Awal/Abal) | Abstracts | Robert McCray Whiting 1976 |
Babylon | Abstracts | Cyril John Gadd 1971 |
Backdirt | PRINCIPLES | Digital thought > Backdirt |
BA (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > BA |
beauty | Bibliography | Mahmoud 2019 Through |
Between Syria and the Highlands (SANEM 3 = Fs. Buccellati/Kelly-Buccellati) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Other Studies | SANEM 3 |
BH (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > BH |
bibliographical excursuses | A2 | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES |
bibliographical excursuses: built environment | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | The built environment |
bibliographical excursuses: constructional analysis of architecture | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Constructional analysis of architecture |
bibliographical excursuses: ethics in archaeological practice | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Ethics in archaeological practice |
bibliographical excursuses: experience | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Experience |
bibliographical excursuses: non-linearity | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Non-linearity |
bibliographical excursuses: perception | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Perception |
bibliographical excursuses: reading | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Reading |
bibliographical excursuses: writing | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Writing |
bibliography | A2 | e-LIBRARY |
bibliography: general interest (old version) | OTHER PUBLICATIONS | Bibliography: General interest |
bibliography: major themes | A2 | MAJOR THEMES |
bibliography: major themes (ceramics) | MAJOR THEMES | Ceramics |
bibliography: major themes (conservation) | MAJOR THEMES | Conservation |
bibliography: major themes (digital) | MAJOR THEMES | Digital |
bibliography: major themes (glyptics) | MAJOR THEMES | Seals and sealings (i.e., glyptics) |
bibliography: major themes (heritage) | MAJOR THEMES | Heritage |
bibliography: major themes (site presentation) | MAJOR THEMES | Site Presentation |
Bitumen Use Ceramic Traditio | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2000 Palace |
B (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > B |
blogs | MEDIA COVERAGE | Blogs |
Boğazköy/Boğazkale = Ḫattuša (Hittite capital) | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 1998 |
Book of Revelation | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Seals |
books (publications) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books |
broadcasts | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos |
broadcasts & videos: 2010 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos > 2010 |
broadcasts & videos: 2012 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos > 2012 |
broadcasts & videos: 2013 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos > 2013 |
broadcasts & videos: 2014 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos > 2014 |
broadcasts & videos: 2015 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos > 2015 |
broadcasts & videos: 2016 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos > 2016 |
broadcasts & videos: 2017 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos > 2017 |
broadcasts & videos: 2018 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos > 2018 |
broadcasts & videos: 2019 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos > 2019 |
broken tradition | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2006 Archaeologist |
broken traditions | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2023 Density |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_forthc_ Density |
broken traditions | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship |
Bronze Age | Bibliography | Buccellati G 1997 Syria |
browser edition | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2006 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2006 Browser |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2008 Ceramics |
building AK | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1997 Seventh |
built environment (excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | The built environment |
built environment: function | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | The built environment > Function and perception |
built environment: general | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | The built environment > General considerations |
built environment: perception | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | The built environment > Function and perception |
built environment: typology | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | The built environment > Typology |
burials | Bibliography | Kharobi 2018 Vivants |
Kharobi &al 2014 Place |
Kharobi & Buccellati G 2017 Dignity |
burials | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
burials (Urkesh) | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
C1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > C1 |
C2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > C2 |
cApiru | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1977 |
Carandini | Excursus | Theory of the archaeological process > Carandini |
celebrations | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2018 Celebrating |
central monumental complex | Bibliography | Buccellati F 2014 Diachronic |
Central Monumental Complex (Urkesh): diachronical developments | Abstracts | Federico Buccellati 2014b |
ceramic analyses | Bibliography | Recht 2014 Ceramics |
ceramic analysis | Bibliography | Frahm & Nikolaidou & Kelly- Buccellati 2008 Using |
ceramic decoration | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Emulation |
ceramics | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2008 Ceramics |
ceramics | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2020 Narratives |
ceramics | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Mozan |
Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Ceramics |
Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Emulation |
Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Evidence |
Kelly- Buccellati 2020 Continuity |
Liverani 1991 Context |
Recht 2014 Ceramics |
ceramics (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Ceramics |
ceramic sequences | Abstracts | Valentina Orsi 2010 |
ceramics: function | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2019 |
ceramics: Khabur | Abstracts | Xavier Faivre and Christophe Nicolle 2007 |
ceramics: multimedia | MAJOR THEMES | Ceramics > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA |
ceramics: North-Syria | Abstracts | Christian Falb 2009 |
ceramics: statistics | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008 |
ceramics (Tell Mozan) | Abstracts | Michele D. Stillinger, Joshua M. Feinberg, Ellery Frahm 2015 |
ceremonial ceramics | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Evidence |
ceremonial platform | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Evidence |
Chagar Bazar | Abstracts | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1937 |
Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1947 |
Chagar Bazar: tablets | Abstracts | Cyril John Gadd 1940 |
channel to the Netherworld | Bibliography | Collins 2004 Channel |
children | Abstracts | A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014 |
Giorgio Buccellati 2018 |
children’s burials | Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Place |
Christie, Agatha | Abstracts | Agatha Christie 1977 |
civilization (origins) | Abstracts | Annie Caubet and Patrick Pouyssegeur 1998 |
C (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > C |
Clarke | Excursus | Theory of the archaeological process > Clarke |
clay | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2002 |
clay figurines (see related topical book) | Bibliography | Collins 2004 Channel |
climate change | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
clustering | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_ 2024_ Clustering |
coherence | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
collaboration (in academics) | Abstracts | Guy Oakes and Arthur J. Vidich 1999 |
collaborative archaeology | Abstracts | Stephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002 |
collapse | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
colonialism (ethics: excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Ethics in archaeological practice > Colonialism and not |
commercial role | Bibliography | Frahm & Feinberg 2013 Empires |
communications | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS | Communications |
conceptuality | Abstracts | Emmanuel Anati 1988 |
conservation | Abstracts | Federico Buccellati 2001 |
Giorgio Buccellati 2000 |
Giorgio Buccellati 2006 |
Giorgio Buccellati 2014 |
Giorgio Buccellati 2014 |
Neville Agnew and Janet Bridgland 2006 |
Salvatore Viscuso, Alessandra Zanelli and Marta Barozzi 2018 |
Sophie Bonetti and Giorgio Buccellati 2003 |
UMS 4 |
Bibliography | Bonetti- Buccellati 2003 Conservation |
Buccellati G 2000 Restauro |
Buccellati G 2006 Conservation |
Buccellati G 2014 Konservierung |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2017 Conserviamo |
conservation: adaptive materials | Abstracts | Santina Di Salvo 2018 |
conservation, archaeological site shelters | Abstracts | Neville Agnew 2001 |
conservation (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Conservation |
conservation: criteria | Bibliography | Agnew 2001 Methodology |
conservation: multimedia | MAJOR THEMES | Conservation > 3. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA |
constructional analysis of architecture (excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Constructional analysis of architecture |
cooking pots | Bibliography | Daszkiewicz &al 2000 Water |
cosmopolitan period | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1977 |
courtiers (sealings) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1998 Courtiers |
courtiers (Urkesh) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998 |
covered wagons models | Abstracts | Mattia Raccidi 2014 |
craft production | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Images |
cult | Abstracts | Ilse Wegner 1937 |
cultic places | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2013 Landscape |
cultural heritage | Bibliography | Qassar 2022 Engaging |
cultural memory | Abstracts | Murat Akar and Demet Kara 2020 |
cultural supremacy | Abstracts | Rita Dolce 2002 |
cylinder seals (BM) | Bibliography | Collon 1982 Catalogue |
Cyprus | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
D3 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > D3 |
DABI | Introduction | Historical development |
Dal profondo del tempo | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Dal Profondo |
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and Exhibits | Dal profondo del tempo |
Dal profondo del tempo (Arabic) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and Exhibits | Dal profondo del tempo |
Dal profondo del tempo (Arabic: قدمت لها ميرلين كيللي بوتشيللاتي جورجيو بوتشيللاتي) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Dal profondo (Arabic: قدمت لها ميرلين كيللي بوتشيللاتي جورجيو بوتشيللاتي) |
Darwin: autobiography | Abstracts | Charles Darwin 1958 (1887) |
dating system | | MZS Shortcuts |
dead | Abstracts | Arwa Kharobi, Giorgio Buccellati 2017 |
Renata MacDougal 2014 |
death | Abstracts | A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014 |
Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Feu |
deep soundings, high mound | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1988 Soundings |
deities iconography | Abstracts | Eva Andrea Braun-Holzinger 2013 |
Descent of Inanna | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1982 |
desurbanization | Abstracts | Peter Pfälzner 2012 |
digital (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Digital |
digitality | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2017 Perceptual |
digital narrative | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2020 Narratives |
digital photography | Abstracts | Federico Buccellati 2001 |
digital publication | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2020 Degrees |
Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Ceramics |
digital reading (excursus: reading) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Reading > Digital reading |
digital thought | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2002 Beyond |
Buccellati G 2017 Perceptual |
digital thought: digital text | PRINCIPLES | Digital thought |
dignity | Abstracts | Arwa Kharobi, Giorgio Buccellati 2017 |
diplomacy | Abstracts | Joan Aruz, Kim Benzel and Jean M. Evans 2008 |
discovery of Tell Mozan | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1988 Discovery |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1990 Mozan |
dissertations | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS | Dissertations |
distributional analysis | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2023 Density |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_forthc_ Density |
Diyala (pottery) | Bibliography | Delougaz 1952 Pottery |
D (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > D |
DOG excavations | Abstracts | Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2000 |
Konrad Volk 2004 |
DOG excavations: 14th season | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Schnittstelle |
DOG/IIMAS excavations | Abstracts | Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2001 |
DOI excavations: Urkesh, Upper Town | Abstracts | Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner and Peter Pfälzner 2002 |
DOI/IMAAS excavations | Abstracts | Simone Riehl 2000 |
domestication (equids) | Abstracts | J. Zarins and R. Hauser 2014 |
donkeys | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
dPIRI.GAL (god) = Nergal (god) | Abstracts | André Parrot and Jean Nougayrol 1948 |
dPIRIG.GAL | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 1998 |
Dréhem | Abstracts | François Thureau-Dangin 2012 |
E7 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > E7 |
E8 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > E8 |
Early Dynastic III (ED III period) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2020 Continuity |
Early-Dynastic period (ED): Mesopotamia | Abstracts | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1971 |
Early-Trans Caucasian Culture | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Urkesh |
Early Trans-Caucasian Culture (ETC) | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004 |
Early Trans-Caucasian culture (ETC) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2004 Andirons |
earth pits burials | Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Place |
EBA-MBA passage | Abstracts | Valentina Orsi 2010 |
Ebla: history | Abstracts | Michael C. Astour 2002 |
ED III | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2014 North |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Mozan |
EDIII art | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1990 Third Millennium |
editorial coordination | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > Publication coordination |
editorial work | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > 2. Publication level: the secondary narrative |
ED LU A tablet (Tell Brak) | Abstracts | Piotr Michalowski 2003 |
Egypt | Bibliography | Recht 2019 Animals |
van Ginneken 2000 Hurrieten |
E (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > E |
Elamites: writing | Abstracts | Pierre Amiet 1966 |
eLibrary | A2 | e-LIBRARY |
eLibrary: concept | Introduction | The concept of eLibrary |
eLibrary: content | Introduction | The content of the eLibrary |
eLibrary: history | Introduction | Historical development |
eLibrary: overview | Introduction | Website overview |
Emar | Abstracts | William Wolfgang Hallo 1964 |
emic | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2006 Etic |
empowering young people | Bibliography | Buccellati G Qassar 2023 Community |
emulation | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Emulation |
endan | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 1998 |
endan (= king) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Seals |
epigraphic finds | Abstracts | Mozan 2 |
epigraphy | Bibliography | Milano 1991 Philological |
equid figurines | Bibliography | Recht 2019 Animals |
equids | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2018 |
Laerke Recht 2019 |
Rick Hauser 1998 |
Equids | Bibliography | Hauser 1998 Equids |
Hauser 2015 Reading |
equids | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
equids (domestication) | Abstracts | J. Zarins and R. Hauser 2014 |
Erbil (Arbilu) | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
ETC (= Early Trans-Caucasian) culture | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2013 Landscape |
ethics (excursus): authorship | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Ethics in archaeological practice > Authorship |
ethics (excursus): colonialism | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Ethics in archaeological practice > Colonialism and not |
ethics (excursus): social responsability | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Ethics in archaeological practice > Social responsibility |
ethics (in academics) | Abstracts | Guy Oakes and Arthur J. Vidich 1999 |
ethics in archaeological practice (excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Ethics in archaeological practice |
ethnicity | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2010 |
Siân Jones 1997 |
Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1997 Hurrian |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1999 Archaeologische |
Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Nuzi |
etic | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2006 Etic |
Ewrim-atal | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Taram Agade |
excavations (Urkesh): 12th season | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2000 |
excavations (Urkesh): 13th season | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001 |
excavations (Urkesh): 14th season | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002 |
excavations (Urkesh): 7th season | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997 |
exhibits | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS | Guide Books and Exhibits |
exhibits: 2010-2011 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits > 2010-2011 |
exhibits: 2012 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits > 2012 |
exhibits: 2014 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits > 2014 |
exhibits: 2014-2015 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits > 2014-2015 |
exhibits: 2015 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits > 2015 |
exhibits: 2016 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits > 2016 |
exhibits: 2017 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits > 2017 |
exhibits: 2018 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits > 2018 |
exhibits: 2019 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits > 2019 |
exhibits (Damascus, 2010-2011): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Urkesh Exhibit |
exhibits (Domodossola, 2015): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Urkesh Exhibit |
exhibits: project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits |
exhibits (publications) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Guide Books and Exhibits |
exhibits (Qamishli, 2017): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibits |
exhibits: Rimini | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > 9. Dall’alto |
exhibits: Rimini (conferenze) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > 10. Conferenze |
exhibits: Rimini (effetti speciali | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > 6. Effetti speciali |
exhibits (Rimini Exhibit): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 3): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 4 - Urkesh): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
Rimini Exhibit |
exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 6): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Rooms): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
exhibits: Rimini (guide) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > 8. Le guide |
exhibits: Rimini (ingresso | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > 1. L’ingresso |
exhibits (Rimini Meeting): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Meeting |
exhibits: Rimini (piccoli visitatori | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > 5. I piccoli… |
exhibits: Rimini (Room 2) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > Room 2 |
exhibits: Rimini (Room 3) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > Room 3 |
exhibits: Rimini (Room 4 - Urkesh) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > Room 4 - Urkesh |
exhibits: Rimini (Room 5 - Urkesh) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > Room 5 - Urkesh |
exhibits: Rimini (Room 6) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > Room 6 |
exhibits: Rimini (sostenitori) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > 2. I panelli dei sostenitori |
exhibits: Rimini (visitatori) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > 3. Alcuni dei 25.000 visitatori |
exhibits: Rimini (visitatori speciali) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > 4. Visitatori speciali |
exhibits: Rimini (volontari) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit > 7. I volontari durante l’installazione |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 10): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 11): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 12): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 13): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 14): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 15): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 1): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 2): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 3): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 4): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 5): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 6): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 7): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 8): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 9): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits: Subartu Exhibit (Urkesh) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit > Urkesh Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 10): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 11): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 12): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 13): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 14): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 15): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 16): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 17): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 18): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 19): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 1): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 2): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 3): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 4): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 5): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 6): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 7): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 8): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 9): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
exhibits: Subartu (Qamishli and Amuda, 2014-2015) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibits |
exhibits (UCLA Open House, 2015): project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | UCLA Open House |
experience (excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Experience |
experience (excursus): writing & culture | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Experience > Writing and culture |
experimentation (pottery) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Emulation |
expressionism (iconography) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Images |
F1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > F1 |
family portraits | Abstracts | Davide Nadali 2014 |
faunal remains (at Urkesh) | Bibliography | Di Martino 2005 Archeozoologia |
festivals | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2018 Celebrating |
fight scenes (glyptics) | Bibliography | Abbati 2009 Lotta |
figurine (lead) | Abstracts | Jeanny Vorys Canby 2003 |
Murat Akar and Demet Kara 2022 |
figurines | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Womens |
figurines | Bibliography | Mahmoud 2021_ Ph D |
figurines (animal) | Abstracts | Rick Hauser 2015 |
figurines (equids) | Abstracts | Rick Hauser 1998 |
fire | Abstracts | A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014 |
Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Feu |
fire places | Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Feu |
F (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > F |
floodwaters | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
FN (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > FN |
foundation peg | Abstracts | André Parrot and Jean Nougayrol 1948 |
foundation pegs | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2003 Pegs |
foundation rituals | Abstracts | Murat Akar and Demet Kara 2020 |
fragments | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2023 Density |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_forthc_ Density |
frame | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > The frame |
framing devices | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
friendship | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2000 |
front matter | A1 | Front Matter |
Fs. Buccellati, Kelly-Buccelati | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > SANEM 3 |
FS (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > FS |
funerals | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2018 Celebrating |
funerary practices | Bibliography | Kharobi 2018 Vivants |
Kharobi &al 2014 Place |
Kharobi & Buccellati G 2017 Dignity |
G0 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > G0 |
G2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > G2 |
Gasur = Nuzi | Abstracts | Richard F.S. Starr 1939 |
gender | Abstracts | Julia Asher-Greve and Joan Goodnick Westenholz 2013 |
Manfred Bietak 2018 |
Silvia Schroer (ed.) 2006 |
Georgia, Armenia | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2004 Andirons |
Georgia. Paese d’oro e di fede | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Georgia |
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and Exhibits | Georgia. Paese d'oro e di fede |
Gilgamesh | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2019 |
Stephanie Dalley 2001 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2006 Gilgamesh |
Gilgamesh, Akkadian empire | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2019 Gilgamesh |
Gilgamesh (at Urkesh) | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2006 |
Gilgamesh & Enkidu | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2000 |
Gilgamesh: Hittite evidence | Abstracts | Clelia Mora and Mauro Giorgieri 2016 |
Gilgamesh: iconography | Abstracts | Hans Ulrich Steymans 2010 |
Gilgames (in Ḫatti) | Abstracts | Gary Beckman 2003 |
giparu | Abstracts | Manfred Bietak 2018 |
Girnavaz | Bibliography | Erkanal 1988 Girnavaz |
G (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > G |
glass | Abstracts | Leo Oppenheim, Robert H. Brill, Dan Barag and Axel von Saldern 1970 |
glassmaking | Abstracts | Leo Oppenheim, Robert H. Brill, Dan Barag and Axel von Saldern 1970 |
glyptics | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
Valeria degli Abbati 2011 |
glyptics | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Royal |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1997 Seventh |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1999 Archaeologische |
glyptics | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Nuzi |
glyptics | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Urkesh |
glyptics | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2015 Power |
Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Womens |
Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Images |
Recht 2014 Perfume |
Recht 2015 Identifying |
glyptics: Akkadian and post-Akkadian | Abstracts | Andrew McCarthy 2012 |
glyptics (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Seals and sealings (i.e., glyptics) |
glyptics: mythological background | Abstracts | Tibor Sedláček 2014 |
glyptics: quantitative analysis | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1977 |
glyptics\/ugr/-frame.htm" target="_blank">glyptics | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998 |
goddesses | Abstracts | Julia Asher-Greve and Joan Goodnick Westenholz 2013 |
Google | Abstracts | Nicholas Carr 2008 |
grammar | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2006 Browser |
grammar | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2017 Perceptual |
MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > The Grammar |
grammatology (excursus: writing) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Writing > Grammatology |
graves | Abstracts | A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014 |
Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Feu |
Guatemala | Abstracts | Kristine L. Franklin and Nancy McGirr (eds.) 1995 |
guide books | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS | Guide Books and Exhibits |
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Guide Books and Exhibits |
H0 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > H0 |
H1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > H1 |
Harris | Excursus | Theory of the archaeological process > Harris |
heritage | Bibliography | Qassar 2022 Engaging |
heritage (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Heritage |
heritage: multimedia | MAJOR THEMES | Digital > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA |
Heritage > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA |
hermeneutic | Abstracts | Silvia Schroer (ed.) 2006 |
hermeneutics | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2018 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2017 Perceptual |
High Country | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1990 |
high mound | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2009 Temple |
Kelly- Buccellati 1988 High Mound |
high temples (Northern Mesopotamia) | Bibliography | Camatta 2014 High Temples |
historical geography | Abstracts | Barthel Hrouda 1958 |
history | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
Bibliography | Frahm & Feinberg 2013 Environment |
Hittite rituals | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Hittites | Bibliography | van Ginneken 2000 Hurrieten |
Hittites: ethnicity | Abstracts | Spencer M. Robinson 2006 |
H (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > H |
horizons | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_ 2024_ Clustering |
horses | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
household | Bibliography | Chaves Yates 2014 Neighborhoods |
households | Abstracts | Federico Buccellati 2014a |
human-equid relationship | Bibliography | Recht 2019 Animals |
human figurines | Bibliography | Recht 2014 Ceramics |
human remains | Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Place |
Kharobi & Buccellati G 2017 Dignity |
human sacrifice | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2019 |
Hurrian | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 2001 |
John David Hawkins 2007 |
Bibliography | Maiocchi 2011 Hurrian |
van Ginneken 2000 Hurrieten |
Hurrian: art | Abstracts | Machteld J. Mellink 1972-1975 |
Hurrian civilization | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2004 |
Hurrian elements (Hittite culture) | Abstracts | Hans Gustav Güterbock 1954-1955 |
Hans Gustav Güterbock 1954-1955 |
Hurrian ethnicity | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2013 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2010 Semiotics |
Buccellati G 2013 Hurrians |
Hurrian homeland | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007 |
Hurrian language | Abstracts | Ilse Wegner 2000 |
Hurrian (language) | Abstracts | Mauro Giorgieri 2000 |
Hurrian language | Bibliography | Wegner & Bomhard 2020 Hurrian |
Hurrian mythology | Abstracts | Hans Gustav Güterbock 1951-1952 |
Hans Gustav Güterbock 1951-1952 |
Hurrian onomastics | Abstracts | Mauro Giorgieri 2000 |
Hurrian pantheon | Abstracts | Alfonso Archi 2013 |
Hurrian religion | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Hurrian rituals | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Hurritischer |
Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Hurrians | Abstracts | Andrew Lawler 2008 |
Dietz Otto Edzard and Annelies Kammenhuber 1972-1975 |
Gernot Wilhelm 2008 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001 |
Ignace Jay Gelb 1944 |
Marie-Thérèse Barrelet 1978 |
Mirjo Salvini 2000 |
Mirjo Salvini 2000 |
Paul van Ginneken 2000 |
UMS 3 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2004 Review |
Buccellati G 2016 Semiotics |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1994 Storehouse |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1997 Hurrian |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1999 Archaeologische |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2001 Myth |
Twair 1997 Kingdom |
van Ginneken 2000 Hurrieten |
Hurrians: arts | Abstracts | Paolo Emilio Pecorella 2000 |
Hurrians (ethnicity) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Nuzi |
Hurrians: history & culture | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 1982 |
Hurrians: religion | Abstracts | Tibor Sedláček 2017 |
Hurrians (religion) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Urkesh |
Hurrians: rituals | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002 |
Hurrians: scribal culture | Abstracts | Mauro Giorgieri 2013 |
Hurrian storehouse | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994 |
Hurrians & Urkesh | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005 |
Hurrian tablet (A7.341) | Bibliography | Maiocchi 2011 Hurrian |
Hurrian urbanism | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1999 |
Hurro-Hittite rituals | Bibliography | Collins 2004 Channel |
iconography | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2015 |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2006 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2006 Gilgamesh |
Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Womens |
Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Images |
Recht 2019 Animals |
iconology | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2017 Iconology |
Idamaraṣ Mari = Tell Hariri | Abstracts | Markus Wäfler 2001 |
identification of Tell Mozan = Urkesh | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1995 Identification |
identity | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2015 |
Image Analysis Software | Abstracts | Ellery Frahm, Marianna Nikolaidou and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008 |
images | Abstracts | Ilse Wegner 1937 |
Silvia Schroer (ed.) 2006 |
I millenni per l’oggi | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > I millenni per l’oggi |
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and Exhibits | I millenni per l'oggi |
I millenni per l’oggi (Arabic: جورجيو بوتشيالتي ستيفانيا إرميدورو ياسمين محمود) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > I millenni per l’oggi (Arabic:جورجيو بوتشيالتي ستيفانيا إرميدورو ياسمين محمود) |
I millenni per l’oggi (Arabic: األلفية منأجل اليوم علم اآلثار يف مواجهة الحرب: أوركيش األمس يف سوريا اليوم) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and Exhibits | I millenni per l'oggi |
index: authors (bibliography) | A2 | AUTHORS INDEX |
index: labels | A2 | Index to labels |
Topical index |
inheritance | Bibliography | Buccellati G Qassar 2023 Community |
inscribed objects (Tell Mozan) | Abstracts | Konrad Volk 2004 |
internet | Abstracts | Nicholas Carr 2008 |
interpretation | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2006 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2006 Archaeologist |
Buccellati G 2006 Presentation |
Buccellati G 2014 Konservierung |
Invitation to Mozan | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Invitation to Mozan |
Invitation to Tell Mozan | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and Exhibits | Invitation to Tell Mozan |
Iraq: languages (ancient & modern) | Abstracts | John Nicholas Postgate (ed.) 2007 |
Ishar-beli | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Taram Agade |
Ištar-Šawuška (goddess) | Abstracts | Ilse Wegner 1937 |
iwan | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2000 Palace |
J1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > J1 |
J2 | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2009 Temple |
J5 | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2009 Temple |
jar burials | Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Place |
Jazirah | Abstracts | Andrew McCarthy 2012 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002 |
Jan Gerrit Dercksen (ed.) 2008 |
Peter Pfälzner 2012 |
Valentina Orsi 2010 |
Xavier Faivre and Christophe Nicolle 2007 |
Jebel Bishri | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1967 |
J (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > J |
JP | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2009 Temple |
K1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > K |
K1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > K1 |
K2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > K2 |
K3 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > K3 |
Kanesh = Kültepe | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 2008 |
KASKAL.KUR | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2005 Monumental |
Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Hurritischer |
Kazane Höyük | Abstracts | Andrew Theodore Creekmore (III) 2008 |
keywords | A2 | KEYWORDS |
Khabur | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1990 |
Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Lauren Ristvet and Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Lauren Ristvet and Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1937 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 1990 River |
Khabur pottery | Bibliography | Bianchi 2012 Diachronic |
Khabur (river and region) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
Khabur: texts | Abstracts | Jean Nougayrol 1960 |
Khabur Ware period (ca. 2000-1600 BC) | Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Place |
Khana | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1988 |
Khuta | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1982 |
Kingdom of Urkesh and Nagar | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Kirkuk (Nuzu) | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Kumarbi | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1999 Archaeologische |
Kelly- Buccellati 2013 Landscape |
Kelly- Buccellati 2018 Kura Araxes |
Kumarbi Cycle | Abstracts | Carlo Corti and Franca Pecchioli–Daddi 2012 |
Kumarbi cycle | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2001 Myth |
Kura-Araxes | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2018 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Kelly- Buccellati 2018 Kura Araxes |
KW (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > KW |
labels index | A2 | Index to labels |
Topical index |
Laetoli | Abstracts | Neville Agnew and Martha Demas 2004 |
landscape | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2013 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2013 Landscape |
Late Chalcolithic | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Mozan |
Late Chalcolithic pottery | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Mozan |
lead figurine | Abstracts | Murat Akar and Demet Kara 2022 |
lead figurine (Urkesh: A9.86) | Bibliography | Canby 2003 Figurine |
learning | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship |
lectures: project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Lectures |
Levant | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
lexicon | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2023 Density |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_forthc_ Density |
life | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2018 |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2018 |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2018 |
lightweight protective structures | Abstracts | Salvatore Viscuso, Alessandra Zanelli and Marta Barozzi 2018 |
linear and tensional elements (in poetry) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2000 |
linguistic data | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2015 Tensional |
linguistic model | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2012 Towards |
linguistic model (archaeology) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
linguistics | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2015 |
links to useful website: other | OTHER PUBLICATIONS / Links | Other useful links |
links to useful website: other (evaluation | OTHER PUBLICATIONS / Links | Other useful links; evaluation |
lion-shape bronze peg (Urkesh > Louvre, AO 19937) | Abstracts | André Parrot and Jean Nougayrol 1948 |
lion-shape statuettes | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2009 |
literature | Abstracts | Giovanni Rinaldi 1968 |
logogram | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2009 Logogram |
Louvre (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > Louvre |
Louvre: materials | Abstracts | André Parrot 1954 |
LU E School Tablet | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2003 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2003 A L U E |
M1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > M1 |
M2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > M2 |
magico-ritual objects | Abstracts | Murat Akar and Demet Kara 2022 |
major themes (bibliography) | A2 | MAJOR THEMES |
major themes: ceramics (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Ceramics |
major themes: conservation (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Conservation |
major themes: digital (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Digital |
major themes: glyptics (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Seals and sealings (i.e., glyptics) |
major themes: heritage (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Heritage |
major themes: site presentation (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Site Presentation |
Mallowan, Max: memoirs | Abstracts | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1977 |
Mardin pass | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2004 Andirons |
Mari | Bibliography | Durand 1987 Organisation |
Mari, Ur, Nippur | Bibliography | Recht 2019 Animals |
markers of sacred spaces | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2018 |
Mars | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2006 |
media coverage | A2 | MEDIA COVERAGE |
media coverage: blogs | MEDIA COVERAGE | Blogs |
media coverage: broadcasts and videos | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos |
media coverage: on the fringes | MEDIA COVERAGE | On the fringes |
media coverage: press | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press |
medicine | Bibliography | Recht 2014 Perfume |
Mesopotamia | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2018 Celebrating |
Recht 2018 Asses |
Mesopotamia: Akkad & Ur III periods | Abstracts | Walther Sallaberger and Aage Westenholz 1999 |
Mesopotamia: archaeology | Abstracts | Davide Nadali and Andrea Polcaro (eds.) 2015 |
Mesopotamian bureaucracy | Abstracts | Leo Oppenheim 1958 |
Mesopotamian religion | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Mesopotamian seals (Early-Dynastic [ED] and Akkad periods) | Abstracts | Karin Rohn 2011 |
MET | Abstracts | Vaughn Emerson Crawford, Prudence Oliver Harper, Oscar White Muscarella & Beatrice Elizabeth Bodenstein 1966 |
metallurgy | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2003 Pegs |
metal ores | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Mozan |
metals (trade) | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1990 Trade |
methodology | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1973 |
Metropolitan Museum of Art (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > MMA/MET & MZ |
Middle Euphrates | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1990 |
Minoan Crete | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
mission at Tell Mozan | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1990 Mozan |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1990 Tell Mozan |
Mittani | Abstracts | Eva von Dassow 2008 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2019 Persistence |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2014 North |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Mozan |
de Martino 2000 Mittani |
Harrak 1997 Mitanni |
van Ginneken 2000 Hurrieten |
Mittani: arts | Abstracts | Paolo Emilio Pecorella 2000 |
Mittani horizon (Urkesh: ceramics) | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2020 |
M (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > M |
monumental courtyard | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2004 Monumentale |
moral presence | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2015 |
Mosul (Ninua) | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
motifs: ‘Woman with Child’ | Abstracts | Davide Nadali 2014 |
Mozan 1 | Abstracts | Mozan 1 |
Mozan 1 | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Mozan 1 |
Mozan 2 | Abstracts | Mozan 2 |
Mozan 2 | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Mozan 2 |
multimedia | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS | Multimedia |
multimedia: ceramics | MAJOR THEMES | Ceramics > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA |
multimedia: conservation | MAJOR THEMES | Conservation > 3. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA |
multimedia: heritage | MAJOR THEMES | Digital > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA |
Heritage > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA |
multimedia: site presentation | MAJOR THEMES | Site Presentation > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA |
multi-planarity | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2023 Density |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_forthc_ Density |
Munnabtūtu | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1977 |
Munsell | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2014 |
Munsell Soil Color Charts | Bibliography | Recht 2014 Ceramics |
Mycenaean Greece | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
Myth of Silver | Bibliography | Buccellati G 1998 Urkesh |
mythology | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001 |
Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1999 Archaeologische |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2001 Myth |
MZA frame | | MZS Shortcuts |
MZ (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > MZ |
Index to labels > MZ |
N0 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > N0 |
Nagar | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
naipti (Hurrian = ‘grazing’, ‘pasture’) | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 2001 |
Naram-Sin | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2000 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002 |
Michael Zick 2008 |
Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2000 Naram Sin |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2000 Palace |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2001 Taram Agade |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Taram Agade |
narrative | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2017 Perceptual |
nations | Abstracts | Gianbattista Vico 1744 |
Nawar | Abstracts | François Thureau-Dangin 2012 |
Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Nawar & Nagar (etymology) | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 2001 |
necromantic pit | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2005 Monumental |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2007 Between |
Collins 2004 Channel |
Di Martino 2005 Archeozoologia |
Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Hurritischer |
Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Introduction |
Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Evidence |
Recht 2014 Perfume |
Nergal (god) | Abstracts | André Parrot and Jean Nougayrol 1948 |
François Thureau-Dangin 2012 |
Netherworld | Bibliography | Collins 2004 Channel |
Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Hurritischer |
neurological considerations (excursus: writing) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Writing > Neurological considerations |
news | The project | News |
NGO | Abstracts | Aysar Akrawi 2006 |
N (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > N |
nomadism | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1990 |
non-linearity (excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Non-linearity |
non-linearity (excursus): non-linear time | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Non-linearity > Non-linear time |
non-linear time: non-linearity (excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Non-linearity > Non-linear time |
Northern Early Transcaucasian culture | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2007 Urkesh |
Nuzi | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Nuzi |
Nuzi = Gasur | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
Richard F.S. Starr 1939 |
Nuzi: glyptics | Abstracts | Diana L. Stein 2001 |
OA4 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OA4 |
OA6 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OA6 |
OA (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OA |
OB1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OB1 |
OB (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OB |
obsidian | Abstracts | Ellery Frahm and Joshua M. Feinberg 2013 |
Ellery Frahm and Joshua M. Feinberg 2013 |
Bibliography | Frahm 2014 Buying Local |
obsidian blade | Bibliography | Frahm & Feinberg 2013 Empires |
obsidian (trade) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1990 Trade |
OD2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OD2 |
OD (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OD |
OE1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OE1 |
OE2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OE2 |
OE (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OE |
OH1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OH1 |
OH2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OH2 |
OH (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OH |
ointments | Bibliography | Recht 2014 Perfume |
O (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > O |
Old Assyrian Period | Abstracts | Jan Gerrit Dercksen (ed.) 2008 |
Old Assyrian period | Abstracts | Klaas Veenhof and Jesper Eidem 2008 |
Old Babylonian period | Abstracts | Lauren Ristvet and Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Lauren Ristvet and Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Old Babylonian trade | Abstracts | Albrecht Goetze 1953 |
Old Testament | Abstracts | Eva Andrea Braun-Holzinger 2013 |
ON1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > ON1 |
One-on-One Project | Bibliography | Qassar 2022 Engaging |
One-on-One (school project) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2020 Distancing |
ON (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > ON |
on the fringes (media) | MEDIA COVERAGE | On the fringes |
OS10 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS10 |
OS11 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS11 |
OS12 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS12 |
OS13 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS13 |
OS14 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS14 |
OS15 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS15 |
OS2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS2 |
OS3 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS3 |
OS4 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS4 |
OS5 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS5 |
OS6 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS6 |
OS7 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS7 |
OS8 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS8 |
OS9 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS9 |
OS (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OS |
osteological remains | Bibliography | Collins 2004 Channel |
osteological remains (at Urkesh) | Bibliography | Di Martino 2005 Archeozoologia |
other publications | A2 | OTHER PUBLICATIONS |
other studies (publications) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS | Other Studies |
Outer City | Bibliography | Thompson Miragliuolo 1988 Outer City |
outer city (Urkesh) | Bibliography | Chaves Yates 2019 Tell Mozan |
Oval Temple: Tell Mozan | Abstracts | Peter Pfälzner 2008 |
OZ1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OZ1 |
OZ (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > OZ |
P1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > P1 |
painted pottery | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Emulation |
palace | Bibliography | Buccellati F 2021 Architettura |
Durand 1987 Organisation |
Palace AP | Bibliography | Buccellati F 2012 Palast |
Buccellati F 2019 Perception |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Evidence |
Palace Cortyard (Urkesh) = unit A16 | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004 |
palaeobotanical samples | Bibliography | Gavin Mount- Williams 1988 Samples |
palatial architecture | Abstracts | Federico Buccellati 2019 |
Palmyra | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1967 |
paper | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2002 |
Pasture LAnd | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1990 |
patronage | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2010 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Uqnitum |
patterns of urban organization | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2013 Landscape |
pegs | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2009 Temple |
perception | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2010 T T |
Buccellati G 2017 Perceptual |
Mahmoud 2019 Through |
perception: built environment | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | The built environment > Function and perception |
perception (excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Perception |
perception (excursus): architecture | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Perception > Architecture |
perception (excursus): art history | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Perception > Art history |
perception (excursus): virtual reality | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Perception > Virtual reality |
perception of function | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1981 |
Giorgio Buccellati 2005 |
perfume | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2014 |
Bibliography | Recht 2014 Perfume |
personal identities | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2015 Power |
personal names | Abstracts | Amalia Catagnoti 1998 |
Petra | Abstracts | Aysar Akrawi 2006 |
ph2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > ph2 |
ph3 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > ph3 |
ph4 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > ph4 |
ph5 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > ph5 |
ph6 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > ph6 |
Phaethon | Abstracts | Peter James and Anthony Marinus van der Sluijs 2012 |
phases | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_ 2024_ Clustering |
Philistine iconography | Abstracts | David Ben-Shlomo 2010 |
phonology (Akkadian & Amorite) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1997 |
P (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > P |
Plain of Anthioc | Bibliography | Braidwood- Braidwood 1960 Excavations |
plaque: ‘Queen of the Night’ | Abstracts | Pauline Albenda 2005 |
Plato | Abstracts | Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairnes (eds.) 1961 |
Plaza | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007 |
Plaza (= JP) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Plaza (= JP), revetment wall (= J3) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Mozan |
poetry | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2000 |
political institutions | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
political supremacy | Abstracts | Rita Dolce 2002 |
population: Ancient Near East | Abstracts | Ephraim Avigdor Speiser 1930 |
portraiture | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2010 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Uqnitum |
posters: 2007 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Posters > 2007 |
posters: 2010 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Posters > 2010 |
posters: 2012 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Posters > 2012 |
posters: 2017 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Posters > 2017 |
posters: forthcoming | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Posters > Forthcoming |
posters: project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Posters |
potters | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Emulation |
pottery | Bibliography | Chaves Yates 2014 Neighborhoods |
pottery (Khabur) | Bibliography | Bianchi 2012 Diachronic |
pottery (Syria, Jezirah - Bronze Age) | Bibliography | al- Maqdissi 2007 Ceramique |
power | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2015 |
power-dynamics | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2015 Power |
preface | A1 | Preface |
prehistory | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2005 Perception |
Buccellati G 2017 Perceptual |
prehistory of state | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1981 |
Giorgio Buccellati 2005 |
presentation | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2006 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2006 Presentation |
Buccellati G 2014 Konservierung |
presentations: project | A2 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS |
preservation | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2006 Presentation |
press | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press |
press: 1995 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 1995 |
press: 1997 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 1997 |
press: 1999 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 1999 |
press: 2003 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 2003 |
press: 2006 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 2006 |
press: 2011 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 2011 |
press: 2012 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 2012 |
press: 2014 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 2014 |
press: 2015 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 2015 |
press: 2016 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 2016 |
press: 2017 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 2017 |
press: 2018 | MEDIA COVERAGE | Press > 2018 |
primary narrative | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > 1. Documentary level: the primary narrative |
primary observations | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > Primary observations |
primary observations: reflections | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > Reflections on primary observations |
primary observations: review | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > Review of primary observations |
prismatic obsidian blades | Abstracts | Ellery Frahm 2014 |
problems of the electronic culture (excursus: reading) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Reading > Problems of the electronic culture |
programs | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > The programs |
project: exhibits | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Exhibits |
project: exhibits (Damascus, 2010-2011) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Urkesh Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Domodossola, 2015) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Urkesh Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Qamishli, 2017) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibits |
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 3) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 4 - Urkesh) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 5 - Urkesh) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 6) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Rooms) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Rimini Meeting) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Rimini Meeting |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 1) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 10) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 11) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 12) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 13) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 14) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 15) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 2) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 3) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 4) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 5) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 6) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 7) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 8) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 9) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 1) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 10) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 11) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 12) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 13) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 14) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 15) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 16) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 17) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 18) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 19) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 2) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 3) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 4) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 5) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 6) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 7) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 8) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 9) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
project: exhibits (UCLA Open House, 2015) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | UCLA Open House |
project: lectures | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Lectures |
project: posters | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Posters |
project: presentations | A2 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS |
project: publications | A2 | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS |
project: reports | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Reports |
Proust, Marcel | Abstracts | Maryanne Wolf 2007 |
publications: abstracts | A2 | ABSTRACTS |
publications: books | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books |
publications: keywords | A2 | KEYWORDS |
publications: other | A2 | OTHER PUBLICATIONS |
publications: other studies | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS | Other Studies |
publications: project | A2 | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS |
public outreach | Bibliography | Qassar 2022 Engaging |
Pū-DUMUZI (DUB.SAR = ‘scribe’) | Abstracts | Konrad Volk 2004 |
purli | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 1998 |
Puššam | Abstracts | Konrad Volk 2004 |
Q1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > Q1 |
Q (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > Q |
q-lot (quantity lot) numbers | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2020 Sift |
quantitative analysis (pottery) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Evidence |
quantitative information | Abstracts | Edward Rolf Tufte 1983 |
Quseir (Egypt) | Abstracts | Stephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002 |
R0 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > R0 |
reading brain | Abstracts | Maryanne Wolf 2007 |
reading (excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Reading |
reading (excursus): digital reading | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Reading > Digital reading |
reading (excursus): problems of the electronic culture | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Reading > Problems of the electronic culture |
realism (iconography) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Images |
reburial | Abstracts | Neville Agnew and Martha Demas 2004 |
recording sistems | Abstracts | Denise Schmandt-Besserat 1977 |
Denise Schmandt-Besserat 1992 |
regional survey: Urkesh | Bibliography | Buccellati Getal 1988 Regional Survey |
reports: 2014 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Reports > 2014 |
reports: 2015 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Reports > 2015 |
reports: 2017 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Reports > 2017 |
reports: 2019 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Reports > 2019 |
reports: 2021 | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Reports > 2021 |
reports (DOG) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2004 Monumentale |
reports: project | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS | Reports |
reputation (in academics) | Abstracts | Guy Oakes and Arthur J. Vidich 1999 |
restoration | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2000 |
UMS 4 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2000 Restauro |
reurbanization | Abstracts | Peter Pfälzner 2012 |
revetment wall | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2009 Temple |
revetment wall | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Rimuš LUGAL = endan (king, at Urkesh) | Abstracts | Konrad Volk 2004 |
ritual | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
ritual adoption | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
ritual interpretation (in archaeology) | Abstracts | David Macaulay 1979 |
rituals | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007 |
River Bank | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1990 |
R (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > R |
roster | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2023 Density |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_forthc_ Density |
royal inscriptions (Ur) | Abstracts | Hans Gustav Güterbock 1965 |
William Wolfgang Hallo 1962 |
Royal Palace | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007 |
royal palace | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Manciata |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Urkesh |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2007 Urkesh |
Royal Palace (Urkesh) | Abstracts | Federico Buccellati 2012 |
Federico Buccellati 2019 |
Giorgio Buccellati 2006 |
Royal Palace (Urkesh) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2000 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001 |
Royal Storehouse | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998 |
royal storehouse | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Evidence |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Royal |
Royal Storehouse (Urkesh) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
S1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > S1 |
S2 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > S2 |
sacred | Abstracts | Nicola Laneri (ed.) 2015 |
sacred spaces | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2018 |
Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
sacrifice | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2015 |
Bibliography | Recht 2015 Identifying |
Sadarmat | Abstracts | François Thureau-Dangin 2012 |
Konrad Volk 2004 |
Samarra: tablets | Abstracts | François Thureau-Dangin 2012 |
SANEM 3 | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > SANEM 3 |
Sargon | Abstracts | Michael Zick 2008 |
school project | Bibliography | Qassar 2022 Engaging |
school tablet | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship |
scribal culture | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship |
scribes | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship |
sculpture | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990 |
seal carvers | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship |
seal impressions | Abstracts | Konrad Volk 2004 |
sealings | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1994 Storehouse |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Seals |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1998 Courtiers |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2000 Palace |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2001 Taram Agade |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Taram Agade |
sealings | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Images |
Twair 1997 Kingdom |
seals | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Seals |
seals: Mesopotamia (Early-Dynastic [ED] and Akkad periods) | Abstracts | Karin Rohn 2011 |
seals: Revelation | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
seasons’ list | | MZS Shortcuts |
secondary narrative | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > 2. Publication level: the secondary narrative |
self-consciousness | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2012 Coerenza |
semantic web | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2017 Perceptual |
semiotics | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2010 |
semiotics of ethnicity | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2010 |
seven season | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1991 Mozan |
SH (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > SH |
shock resistance | Bibliography | Daszkiewicz &al 2000 Water |
shortcuts | | MZS Shortcuts |
MZS Shortcuts > Shortcuts to selected items from the UGR |
sifting | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2020 Sift |
Silver (god) | Abstracts | Peter James and Anthony Marinus van der Sluijs 2012 |
Simanum” | Abstracts | Robert McCray Whiting 1976 |
Simurrum | Abstracts | William Wolfgang Hallo 1978 |
site management | Abstracts | Aysar Akrawi 2006 |
site presentation | Bibliography | Qassar 2022 Engaging |
site presentation (bibliography) | MAJOR THEMES | Site Presentation |
site presentation: multimedia | MAJOR THEMES | Site Presentation > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA |
sixth season (Tell Mozan) | Bibliography | Liverani 1991 Context |
Milano 1991 Philological |
S (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > S |
social responsability (ethics: excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Ethics in archaeological practice > Social responsibility |
society | Abstracts | Eva von Dassow 2008 |
Jack Goody 1986 |
sociology | Abstracts | Hand H. Gerth and Charles Wright Mills 1958 |
Song of Ullikummi | Abstracts | Hans Gustav Güterbock 1951-1952 |
Hans Gustav Güterbock 1951-1952 |
soundings | Abstracts | Mozan 1 |
spacial technologies | Abstracts | Federico Buccellati, Nicoló Dell'Unto, Maurizio Forte 2005 |
spatial technologies | Bibliography | Buccellati F &al 2005 Urkesh |
species (origins) | Abstracts | Charles Darwin 1872 |
sr10 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > sr10 |
sr14 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > sr14 |
sr15 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > sr15 |
sr17 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > sr17 |
sr8 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > sr8 |
staff initials | | MZS Shortcuts |
state | Abstracts | Eva von Dassow 2008 |
stateless | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1977 |
statistics | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2008 Ceramics |
stele | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1990 Third Millennium |
stock elements | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996 |
storehouse | Bibliography | Buccellati G 1999 Urkesh |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1994 Storehouse |
storehouse AK | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1998 Courtiers |
Storm-god (iconography) | Abstracts | Daniel Schwemer 2001 |
strata | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_ 2024_ Clustering |
strata sequences | | MZS Shortcuts |
strategy: implementation | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > Implementation of strategy |
stratigraphy | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_ 2024_ Clustering |
structural coherence | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
stylistic analysis | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1981 |
Subarians | Abstracts | Ignace Jay Gelb 1944 |
Subartu (exhibits, Qamishli and Amuda, 2014-2015) | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibits |
Šubat-Enlil | Abstracts | Barthel Hrouda 1958 |
Šubat-enlil/Šeḫnā | Abstracts | Markus Wäfler 2001 |
suids | Abstracts | Dominique Parayre 1912 |
survey | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1967 |
Susa | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
swine | Abstracts | Dominique Parayre 1912 |
Syria | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1988 |
Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
Syria: archaeology | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2003-2004 |
Günter Mansfeld 1970 |
Syria (archaeology) | Bibliography | Buccellati G 1997 Syria |
Syrian archaeology | Abstracts | Anthony Grafton 1997 |
Giorgio Buccellati 2003-2004 |
Syrian archeology | Abstracts | Peter M.M. Akkermans and Glenn M. Schwartz 2003 |
Syrian identity | Bibliography | Buccellati G Qassar 2023 Community |
Syria (Ur III) | Abstracts | Jean Bottéro |
system: design | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > 3. System level: overall design and programs |
SZ (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > SZ |
tablet A1j1 | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2003 A L U E |
tablet houses | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship |
tablets | Bibliography | Liverani 1991 Context |
tales | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994 |
tannurs | Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Feu |
Tar’am-Agade | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2000 |
Tar’am-Agade | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002 |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2010 |
Michael Zick 2008 |
Tar’am-Agade | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2000 Figlia |
Tar’am-Agade | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2000 Naram Sin |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2000 Palace |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2001 Taram Agade |
Tar’am-Agade | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Uqnitum |
Tar’am-Agade (daughter of Naram-Sin) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Taram Agade |
Weierhaeuser 2008 Frauen |
teamwork | MZ Introduction / General | Authorship > Significance of teamwork |
Tell al-Ḥamīdīya | Abstracts | Markus Wäfler 2001 |
Tell Arbid | Abstracts | Anna Smogorzewska 2010 |
Tell Arbid | Abstracts | Maciej Makowski 2013 |
Tell Asmar = Eshunna | Abstracts | Robert McCray Whiting 1976 |
Tell Barri | Abstracts | Valentina Orsi 2010 |
Tell Barri/Kahat | Bibliography | Biscione 1989 Ceramica |
Biscione 1998 Sequenza |
Tell Beydar | Bibliography | Bretschneider- Cunningham 2007 Elite |
Bretschneider- Jans 1997 Keramik |
Tell Beydar (texts) | Abstracts | Lucio Milano, Walther Sallaberger, Philippe Talon & Karen Van Lerberghe 2004 |
Tell Brak | Abstracts | David Oates, Joan Oates and Helen McDonald 1997 |
Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1947 |
Tell Brak = Nagar/Nawar (?) | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Tell Brak: tablets | Abstracts | Cyril John Gadd 1940 |
Tell es-Sweyhat | Abstracts | Thomas A. Holland 2006 |
Tell Leilan | Abstracts | Andrew McCarthy 2012 |
Bibliography | Brustolon- Rova 2007 Leilan |
Brustolon- Rova 2008 Leilan |
Tell Leilan = Shekhna = Apum | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Tell Mozan | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1991 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997 |
Valentina Orsi 2010 |
Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2017 Community |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2017 Young |
Tell Mozan: archaeological project | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1999 |
Tell Mozan: ceramics (Munsell colors) | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2014 |
Tell Mozan: excavations | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990 |
Tell Mozan (first survey) | Abstracts | Agatha Christie 1977 |
Tell Mozan (general introduction) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1995 Rl A |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1997 Mozan |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1999 Archaeologische |
Tell mozan: inscribed objects | Abstracts | Konrad Volk 2004 |
Tell Mozan: Outer City | Abstracts | Caitlin J. Chaves Yates 2014 |
Tell Mozan: Upper Town | Abstracts | Katkleen Deckers, Monika Doll, Peter Pfälzner and Simone Riehl 2010 |
Tell Mozan: urbanization | Abstracts | Michael Zick 2008 |
Tell Mozan = Urkesh | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2008 Mozan |
Tell Mozan = Urkesh (identification) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995 |
Tell She’ir | PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / Exhibits | Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Subartu Exhibit |
Temple BA | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007 |
Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1991 Mozan |
Temple BA | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2007 Between |
Temple BA | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1990 Third Millennium |
Kelly- Buccellati 1990 Three |
Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Mozan |
Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Temple Complex (Urkesh) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
Temple Terrace | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2009 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2014 |
Temple Terrace | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2010 Temple |
Buccellati G 2012 Floodwaters |
temple terrace | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2016 Semiotics |
Temple Terrace | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2019 Persistence |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Urkesh |
Temple Terrace | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Morphology |
Temple Terrace at Urkesh | Bibliography | Buccellati F 2010 Monumental |
Temple Terrace (= BT) | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2010 T T |
Temple Terrace (= BT) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2020 Continuity |
Temple Terrace (Urkesh) | Abstracts | Federico Buccellati 2010 |
Giorgio Buccellati 2010 |
tensional factors | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2015 |
Terah | Abstracts | Patricia Berlyn 2005 |
termination rituals | Abstracts | Murat Akar and Demet Kara 2020 |
Terqa | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1977 |
M.I. Venkatesan, T.W. Linickt, H.E. Suess and G. Buccellati 1982 |
terracotta | Bibliography | Hauser 2019 Learning |
textiles | Abstracts | Salvatore Viscuso, Alessandra Zanelli and Marta Barozzi 2018 |
The Millennia for Today | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > Millennia for Today |
The millennia for today | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and Exhibits | The millennia for today |
thinking | Abstracts | Malcolm Gladwell 2005 |
thought (transmission) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2012 |
time | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2014 |
Tiš-atal | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 1998 |
Tiš-atal inscription (AO 19938) | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 1998 |
Tiš-atal (of Niniveh) | Abstracts | Robert McCray Whiting 1976 |
Tish-atal | Abstracts | André Parrot and Jean Nougayrol 1948 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2009 |
Bibliography | Buccellati Getal 1988 Appendices |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Seals |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2003 Pegs |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2009 Temple |
Tish-atal | Bibliography | van Ginneken 2000 Hurrieten |
Tish-atal | Bibliography | Wegner & Bomhard 2020 Hurrian |
Tišri (early, mistaken reading for Tiš-atal) | Abstracts | Gernot Wilhelm 1998 |
tokenism | Abstracts | Piotr Michalowski 1951 |
tokens | Abstracts | Denise Schmandt-Besserat 1977 |
Denise Schmandt-Besserat 1992 |
topography | Bibliography | Buccellati G 1998 Profiles |
toponyms | Abstracts | Dietz Otto Edzard and Gertrud Farber 1974 |
Dietz Otto Edzard, Gertrud Farber and Edmond Sollberger 1977 |
Toprakhisar Höyük | Abstracts | Murat Akar and Demet Kara 2020 |
Murat Akar and Demet Kara 2022 |
trade | Abstracts | Joan Aruz, Kim Benzel and Jean M. Evans 2008 |
transmission of knowledge/consciousness | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship |
Troy | Abstracts | Jeanny Vorys Canby 2003 |
Bibliography | Canby 2003 Figurine |
Tupkish | Abstracts | Michael Zick 2008 |
Tupkish | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1996 Seals |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1998 Courtiers |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2007 Urkesh |
Tupkish | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Womens |
Turkey | Abstracts | Michael Zick 2008 |
Ullikummi | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2018 Kura Araxes |
UMS 3 | Abstracts | UMS 3 |
UMS 4 | Abstracts | UMS 4 |
Unap-[…] | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2002 Taram Agade |
underworld | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2014 |
Bibliography | Recht 2014 Perfume |
Upper Mesopotamia | Abstracts | Louis Dilleman 1962 |
Upper Town (Tell Mozan) | Abstracts | Simone Riehl 2000 |
Uqnitum | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2010 |
Uqnitum | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1998 Courtiers |
Uqnitum | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2010 Uqnitum |
Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Womens |
Uqnitum (Urkesh queen) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998 |
urbanization | Bibliography | Buccellati G 1998 Urkesh |
urban patterns | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2013 |
urban revolution | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2005 Perception |
urban space | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2016 Semiotics |
Ur III | Abstracts | Mario Liverani 1968 |
Bibliography | Weierhaeuser 2008 Frauen |
Ur-Kasdim | Abstracts | Patricia Berlyn 2005 |
Urkesh | Abstracts | Barthel Hrouda 1958 |
Giorgio Buccellati 1999 |
Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2014 North |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Mozan |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2017 Conserviamo |
Frahm & Feinberg 2013 Empires |
Frahm & Feinberg 2013 Environment |
Frahm & Nikolaidou & Kelly- Buccellati 2008 Using |
Gavin Mount- Williams 1988 Samples |
Hauser 1998 Equids |
Hauser 2015 Reading |
Hauser 2019 Learning |
van Ginneken 2000 Hurrieten |
Urkesh: 1984-1986 excavations | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1990 Three |
Urkesh & Abraham | Abstracts | Patricia Berlyn 2005 |
Urkesh Archaeological Project | Bibliography | Buccellati F &al 2005 Urkesh |
Urkesh Archaeological Project | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_ 2024_ Clustering |
Urkesh: archaeology | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2000 |
Urkesh as Hurrian capital | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 1997 Hurrian |
Urkesh: Central-Upper City | Abstracts | Alice Bianchi, Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner, Eva Geith, Peter Pfälzner and Anne Wissing 2012 |
Urkesh: contacts with North | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005 |
Urkesh (general introduction) | Abstracts | Tibor Sedláček 2012 |
Urkesh Global Record | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2002 Beyond |
Urkesh Global Record | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2006 Browser |
Urkesh Global Record (UGR) | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_ 2024_ Clustering |
Urkesh households | Bibliography | Buccellati F 2014 Understanding |
Urkesh (Hurrian capital) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997 |
Urkesh: Hurrian religious center | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005 |
Urkesh (Late Chalcolithic) | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2010 |
Urkesh: Monumental Urban Complex | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2005 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 1 | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / UMS | MOZAN 1 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 2 | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / UMS | MOZAN 2 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 3 | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / UMS | UMS 3 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 3 (UMS 3) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > UMS 3 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 4 | Bibliography | Bonetti 2001 U M S 4 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 4 (UMS 4) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > UMS 4 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 5 | Bibliography | Hauser 2007 U M S 5 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 5 (UMS 5) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > UMS 5 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 6 | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / UMS | UMS 6 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 6 (UMS 6) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > UMS 6 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 7 (UMS 7) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > UMS 7 |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies (UMS) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Books | All books > UMS – Urkesh/Mozan Studies |
Urkesh/Mozan Studies (UMS) | PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / UMS | UMS – Urkesh/Mozan Studies |
Urkesh & Nawar | Abstracts | François Thureau-Dangin 2012 |
Urkesh: Phase 4 | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Emulation |
Urkesh: regional surbey | Bibliography | Buccellati Getal 1988 Regional Survey |
Urkesh: soundings | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1988 Artifacts |
Urkesh: soundings (first seasons) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1988 High Mound |
Urkesh specific websites: links | OTHER PUBLICATIONS / Links | Links to Urkesh specific websites |
Urkesh/Tell Mozan | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 1998 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002 |
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2003 |
Bibliography | Kharobi &al 2014 Feu |
Urkesh/Tell Mozan (wartime) | Abstracts | Giorgio Buccellati 2019 |
Urkesh: workshops | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1998 Workshops |
Ur-Nammu | Bibliography | Recht 2018 Asses |
Ur: royal inscriptions | Abstracts | Hans Gustav Güterbock 1965 |
William Wolfgang Hallo 1962 |
versions | A1 | Current version of the e-Library |
Vico, Giambattista | Abstracts | Gianbattista Vico 1744 |
videos (media) | MEDIA COVERAGE | Broadcasts and videos |
virtual reality (perception: excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Perception > Virtual reality |
visual display | Abstracts | Edward Rolf Tufte 1983 |
V (views) | A2 | Index to labels > V (views) |
war, archaeology | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2018 Children |
wartime | Bibliography | Buccellati G 2019 Urkesh |
Waššukanni | Abstracts | Barthel Hrouda 1958 |
water permeability | Bibliography | Daszkiewicz &al 2000 Water |
W (drawings) | A2 | Index to labels > W (drawings) |
Weber, Max | Abstracts | Hand H. Gerth and Charles Wright Mills 1958 |
website approach | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2023 Density |
Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati_forthc_ Density |
weddings | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2018 Celebrating |
white-stone tablet (Urkesh > Louvre 19937) | Abstracts | André Parrot and Jean Nougayrol 1948 |
women | Abstracts | Laerke Recht 2014 |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2016 |
Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Womens |
Recht 2014 Perfume |
women (royal) | Bibliography | Weierhaeuser 2008 Frauen |
women, Tell Beydar | Abstracts | Walther Sallaberger 2004 |
work | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Images |
work: iconography | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2019 |
workshop | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Images |
workshops | Abstracts | Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998 |
workshops (glyptics) | Bibliography | Kelly- Buccellati 1998 Workshops |
writing | Abstracts | Jack Goody 1986 |
Bibliography | Buccellati G 2012 Coerenza |
writing & art | Abstracts | Denise Schmandt-Besserat 2007 |
writing & culture (excursus: writing) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Writing > Writing and culture |
writing & culture: experience (excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Experience > Writing and culture |
writing: Elamite | Abstracts | Pierre Amiet 1966 |
writing (excursus) | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Writing |
writing (excursus): antecedents of writing | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Writing > Antecedents of writing |
writing (excursus): grammatology | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Writing > Grammatology |
writing (excursus): neurological considerations | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Writing > Neurological considerations |
writing (excursus): writing & culture | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES | Writing > Writing and culture |
writing: invention | Abstracts | Pierre Amiet 1966 |
writing: origins | Abstracts | Denise Schmandt-Besserat 1977 |
Denise Schmandt-Besserat 1992 |
X-Ray Element Maps | Abstracts | Ellery Frahm, Marianna Nikolaidou and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008 |
X (vector drawings) | A2 | Index to labels > X (vector drawings) |
Yorgan Tepe | Abstracts | Richard F.S. Starr 1939 |
Younger Dryas | Abstracts | Harvey Weiss 2001 |
young generation | Bibliography | Buccellati & Kelly- Buccellati 2017 Young |
Z1 (labels) | A2 | Index to labels > Z1 |
Ziggurat | Abstracts | Peter Pfälzner 2008 |
Zimri-Lim (king of Mari: letters) | Abstracts | Jean-Robert Kupper 1998 |