
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-27



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2008-09-08 cVP The drawing shows the Eastern section of both loci k86 and k87 as they were left at the end of the 2008 season. The secction is complete; vertically, from topsoil to the end of the season bottom line; horizontally, 12 meters of baulk, taking also the area of the North baulks of both loci. From top to bottom, after the topsoil f104, we have a deep accumulation of soft brown, quite sterile and clean (f117), that stops at an uneven line, broken by numerous rodent holes, that separates f117 from the big brickfall f124. Just between meters 9 and 11 that line is very flat, as if it was flatened on purpose for some reason (pit bottom?). Under this the brick fall is quite identifiable in k86 but not so much in k87, where we have a line of pebbles and sherds in the middle of this layer, that brach off in two, with no definite end. In k87 the accumulation above this pebble lines is called f131, and f143 the one below. In k87 now we have a layer of laid down mud bricks, falling on line, that were of a different consistence than the others, more flacky and dark brown. This line of bricks becomes a fine layer of light grey soil in the southern half of the k87 section. Below, in k87 we have a more reddish brown compact layer that sits in the lower greyish layer. This last layer, at the bottom of both loci, is specially full of dark ashes lenses North of k86 and South of k87. In the middle, we have just a light grey layer. [Input: S906CVP2.J]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features 2008-09-08 cVP f117 (mud)
f124 (brickfall)
f131 (accumulation C)
f136 (brickfall)
f139 (layer)
f143 (brickfall) [Input: S906CVP2.J]
View/drawing of locus 2008-09-08 cVP k86
k87 [Input: S906CVP2.J]
View/drawing orientation 2008-09-08 cVP e [Input: S906CVP2.J]
Photo of view

2008-09-15 cvp [Input: J06S9MW.J]