
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Typology / Built Environment

Installations in Unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – September 2011

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hollow pitpit3v150
hollow pitpit2v90
The bina7v232

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In J6 there are 3 pits of unclear function. pit3 is a hollow of about 6 m in diameter and of about 1 m in depth. It could be that was dug to obtain soil: the pit cuts and removes portions of glacis3 and glacis8: these glacis consist of a compact reddish earth. It was filled in a second moment with ash and trash.

Another hollow pit, smaller in dimensions, is pit2, 4 m in diameter and about 0.80 m in depth cutting a red compact accumulation. It was filled in a second moment with ashy soil. The two pit fills are dated to different moments (pit3 to the late Third Millennium, pit2 to the Mittani Period).

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The bin

The bin is a half moon structure with mudbrick walls 0.60 m wide on top of stone base. It is 6.80 m long in east-west direction and about 4 m wide in north-south direction. The mudbrick walls are preserved only on the eastern side and are less than 20 cm high. The western part consists of large stones. The interior had a pebble pavement. On the northern wall there is a mudbrick bench. Unclear remains the function of the bin, but it is probable that was used for storage.

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