
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for Unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – August 2010, December 2024

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A discussion and explanation of how stratigraphy works within the Urkesh Global Record can be found in the grammar. In this section main features are described as they were found, avoiding interpretations of function, typology and chronology, which are discussed under deposition and typology. Emplacement is the static aspect of stratigraphy, it explains how things are in the ground at the moment of they are exposed. It aims to observe, document and describe all elements we find during excavation. The defining criterion is the orientation of the components, the way the elements appear to us when seen in place. On this basis we can distinguish different elements: surfaces, build-up, amorphous amassment and ordered aggregation.

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Amorphous amassment

to be whritten.. fill dump brickfall

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Ordered aggregation

to be whritten… walls glacis escarpment pit bin

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