
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\^\glacis4.HTM
Processed on 09-12-2010
The home for this page is J06

Label includes another 2009-7-17pC f260 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Category 2009-7-17!! unknown [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Definition 2009-7-17pC ~escarpment [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Best image

Description 2009-7-17pC A hard and compact reddish earth laied east of ^wal l12 (probably also south: is the same as ^glaci s8?). When wasfirstly exposed the upper part was crumbly and friable. It starts directly against the lower courses of ^wal l12 and slopes to the east and to the south [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]