Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Components (within element) |
2009-09-04 |
mKB |
coarse dark gray clay with many small inclusions [Input: TX05MKB.J] |
Ware or Material, species |
2009-09-04 |
mKB |
cl [Input: TX05MKB.J] |
Shape, form |
2009-09-04 |
mKB |
container sealing flat on the bottom. one cord impression, peg impression [Input: TX05MKB.J] |
Color |
2009-09-04 |
mKB |
grayish brown [Input: TX05MKB.J] |
Color number (Munsell) |
2009-09-04 |
mKB |
10YR 5/2 [Input: TX05MKB.J] |
Iconographic description, specific |
2009-09-04 |
mKB |
parts of three rollings parallel to each other and rolled in the classic fashion from bottom to top. Only central rolling clear: figure facing right holding? the leg of a reversed lion, figure facing left holding? leg of the same lion, so that the composition in this part of the seal shows a central reversed lion held by two flanking human figures [Input: TX05MKB.J] |
Style |
2009-09-04 |
mKB |
drill holes evident in heads and bodies of human figures, many small drill holes indicating the mane of the lion. Outstretched hand of one of the figures shown with three fingers [Input: TX05MKB.J] |