
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\^\ash1.HTM
Processed on 09-12-2010
The home for this page is J06

Label includes another 2008-9-1pC f90 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
2008-9-1pC f97 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
2008-9-1pC f139 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
2008-9-1pC f149 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Category 2008-9-1!! build-up [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Definition 2008-9-1pC ~ly [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Best image 2008-9-1 pC


Description 2008-9-1pC a layer of ashy soil, which is located directly under b f2 and overlays glaci s1. It is thicker in k75 and slopes then towars South-West in k85 and k86, following the slope of the glacis underneath. It marks an event consisting on burning just before the brickfall. this ash was found in J7 at the same elevation [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]