
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\^\wall7.HTM
Processed on 09-12-2010
The home for this page is J06

Label includes another 2008-9-1pC f166 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Category 2008-9-1!! installations [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Definition 2008-9-1pC ~w [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Best image 2008-9-1 pC


Description 2008-9-1pC Line of bricks, running more or less N-S, near the East baulk of k74, disappearing under it. The wall is just being spotted, not really excavated, that is why we have not all the detail of its constituents. We just know that is made of bricks, but they are so highly compacted one with the other, almost melt together, that in that stage it is difficult to isolated them. At its both ends it is partially covered by glacis f107, and it's abutted by ashy accumulation f167. At the bottom of (what has been uncovered till today of the wall), a hard clayish glacis, f187, is also abutting it. There seems to be a greyish line on the northern half of the wall that could suggest the presence of a corner, but in fact the brick continue northwards. This could mean another section of the wall, but at this stage we still have not the evidence to decide. It could just be a rodent hole, for example. [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]

Volumetric localization
Locus 2008-9-1pC k74 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]