
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\F\0046.HTM
Processed on 09-12-2010
The home for this page is J06

Label is included in another 2008-9-1pC ^bf1 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
2008-9-1pC ^floor 1 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Category 2009-2-5!! build-up [Input file: SZ31PC.J / SZ31PC.-J]
Definition 2009-2-5pC layer [Input file: SZ31PC.J / SZ31PC.-J]
Best image 2010-8-4 pC

~A40 2009-2-5pC fb [Input file: SZ31PC.J / SZ31PC.-J]

~B11 2008-7-28pC f46 is a highly compacted floor surface in k84: it has some sherds laying flat (a khabur painted sherd was just above it) and is dark brown in color. It is the same surface found in J4 k84 North J4 f119 and J4 f79 [Input file: S728PC.J / S728PC.-J]

Recovery/Assignment and the Record
~C03 2009-2-5pC During the excavation f46 was recognised as floor surface. It is a very compact surface and therefore was possible to give such definition. After looking carefully in the section ( w200), this feature is located in the same elevation as the brickmelt f70 in k85 and it seems is going under it. I think f46 is more the brickmelt, which is also very compact. In v27 are clerly visible melted bricks. Also f46 is located on top of the brickfall f53 as the brickmelt f70 [Input file: SZ31PC.J / SZ31PC.-J]

Volumetric localization
~D01 2008-7-23pC k84 [Input file: S723EA.J / S723EA.-J]
~D03 2008-7-23hQ 43 (38880 51727 - 9037 / Relay location: k84) [Input file: S726CJCR.J / S726CJCR.-J]
2008-7-23hQ 44 (38685 51674 - 9057 / Relay location: k84) [Input file: S726CJCR.J / S726CJCR.-J]
2008-7-23hQ 45 (39164 51490 - 9052 / Relay location: k84) [Input file: S726CJCR.J / S726CJCR.-J]
~D06 2008-7-23pC 9067 @top [Input file: S723EA.J / S723EA.-J]
2008-8-11pC 9023@bottom [Input file: S811PC.J / S811PC.-J]

Contact association
Type of contact: Latest events 2008-7-28pC f38 (accumulation C) covers f46 [Input file: S728PC.J / S728PC.-J]
2008-7-23pC f45 (lense C) covers f46 [Input file: S723PC.J / S723PC.-J]
Type of contact: Contemporary events/Movable items 2008-7-4-pC q79 sits in f46 [Input file: S727CJC.J / S727CJC.-J]
Type of contact: Earliest events 2008-7-28pC f46 covers f52 (layer) [Input file: S728PC.J / S728PC.-J]
Inclusions 09-12-2010 !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time sequencing
~I01 2010-7-29pC s16aJ6A [Input file: U815PC.J / U815PC.-J]
~I03 2010-7-29pC h7eJ6A [Input file: U815PC.J / U815PC.-J]
~I10 2008-9-21pC upper part of brickfall [Input file: S921PC.J / S921PC.-J]
~I99 2008-7-23pC this feature is a very compacted floor: gB told us to look for a layer which seals the layer underneath from the layer above: f46 is very compacted and could be a transitional feature. f46 was found also in k84 when was excavated as J4, which was J4 f79 [Input file: S723PC.J / S723PC.-J]

~K03 2008-7-23pC clay [Input file: S723EA.J / S723EA.-J]

Analogical record
Photo of view




Photo of view

~O08 2008-9-6pC p0016 [Input file: SX22PC.J / SX22PC.-J]