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Unit J6 is located outside of the Temple Terrace, even if there are structures related to it, as the Revetment Wall and the Staircase flank wall. Differently from other areas of the Temple Terrace and Plaza, the eastern outer side of the Temple Terrace is a ‘service area’ where several activities were done, probably related to the temple service area, which during the Third Millennium was located next to the Temple and east of J6. In the deposition of J6 there are dumping activities and fills of pits.
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The two hollow pits ^pit2 and ^pit3 are filled with charcoal, ashy earth and pottery.
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There are two main dumps in J6. The first in chronological order dated to the Early EDIII is ^dump2. It consists mostly of sherds and kiln waster from a nearby kiln (not excavated yet). This was thrown on top of wall f227, covering the upper row of the wall.
^dump1 occurs during the Mittani period, after the area was abandoned. To the east and south there were houses (Unit C2), where this material could come from. The dump covered all the southern part of J6 and consisted of trash (sherds, bones, stones, etc.).
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