Mozan Sitewide (Version 2, Beta release)

The Urkesh Global Record

Giorgio Buccellati – March 2001

The Urkesh Global Record (UGR) provides the entire documentation from given areas in given years. It is fully structured, and is distributed electronically in two formats.

The first version presents the data of the analytical part in plain ASCII format: this is best suited for any further elaboration. It is found in the directory O (for Output).

The second version is obtained from the preceding one through the program PA, and is stored in the directory D (for Display). The program is contained in the root directory. This second version is in HTML format and is readable through a web browser. It is the one you are using at the moment.

The column on the left gives table of contents for the major categories of data: an introduction to each provides a first orientation, from which one can branch out following the hyperlinks.

The column on the right gives an index to the data sorted sequentially by element number. The hyperlinks also feed into the central portiont of the page.

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