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Eliana Iorfida

Marco De Pietri – August 2023

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Eliana Iorfida (eI)

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Staff profile

Processed on February 26, 2008

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Curriculum vitae

May 25, 1982Born, Chiaravalle C.le (CZ), Italy
2001High school diploma at the Liceo Scientifico “L. Einaudi” of Serra S. Bruno (VV)
2004First-year in Archaeology (2nd Level Degree) at the University of Florence
2005Degree in History and Conservation of Archaeological Heritage at the University of Florence

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Archaeological field work

2002Participation to the excavation and survey at the site of ancient Caulonia, Monasterace (RC), Italy. Organized jointly by the Archaeological Superintendence of Calabria and the University of Reggio Calabria
2003Participation to the excavation survey at the Nuragico site of Monte S. Vittoria, Esterzili (NU), Italy. Organized by the Archaeological Superintendence of Sassari and Nuoro
2005Participation to the excavation and survey at the Phoenician site of Tell Dor, organized jointly by the University of California and Jewish University of Jerusalem, supervised by Dr. I. Sharon and Dr. Ayelet Gilboa
2005Participation to the excavation and survey at the site of Bakchias (Fayyum, Egypt), organized as Winter School by the University of Bologna, supervised by Dr. S. Pernigotti
2006-Participation to the excavation and survey at Tell Mozan (Syria)

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Academic Writings

2005“Tell el-Amarna, retrospettiva archeologica e nuove interpretazioni” (Tell el-Amarna, archaeological retrospective and new interpretations). Dissertation.

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Tasks at Mozan

2006Assistant Archaeologist J3. In lab work focused on templates, plotting, object descriptions, object drawings, final Harris’ matrix (for J3-East).
2007Data entry and review

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