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Valentina Costa

Marco De Pietri – August 2023

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Valentina Costa (vC)

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Staff profile

Processed on May 18, 2013

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Curriculum vitae

April 17, 1985Born, Ivrea (TO), Italy
2004-2007University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology, Major in Islamic Finance
2007-2009University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Master's Degree in Anthropology and Ethnology, Major in Islamic Finance
2009-2010University of Rome "Tor Vergata", II Level Master's Degree in Development Economics and International Co-operation - MESCI- (in English), Major in Islamic Microfinance and Gender Promotion
2011University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Summer School Islamic Finance in Europe (in English), Islamic Finance Diploma

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Anthropological field work

2010-2011Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), Research Fellow
2010-2011United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) of Cairo (Egypt), Internship at the Poverty Reduction Unit
2011Centre for Economics and International Studies (CEIS) at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Administrative Manager at the Summer School Islamic Finance in Europe
2011-2012Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Graduate Research Assistant in Economics
2012Tell Mozan Study Season at Beola, Italy

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2010“Women's Empowerment through Islamic Microfinance in Egypt",
2010“Islamic microfinance”,

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