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Giorgio Buccellati – October 2007

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Definition – [from Grammar 8. The Reassembled Construct, 8.3.3 Documentary visualization]

One advantage of digital photography is that the details illustrated in photographs and drawings can be highlighted, explained and hyperlinked. This procedure can and should be applied systematically, and it allows one to read and study the visual documentation in ways that are hardly conceivable in a non-digital environment. The way in which this is implemented in the Global Record is through the use of “templates,” wherein a photo is accompanied by its own matching copy provided with by a vector based overlay. This may be considered a prodrome to what can be done more thoroughly within a GIS system - a prodrome, however, that is within immediate reach for everyone. There has been little or not attempt to do this in traditional publishing, where one finds only very occasionally isolated remarks overlaid on a photgraph, or, at best, a long caption that describes the content of a photograph.

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Conventions – [from Manual 5. Procedures]

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6.2: Templates

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6.2.1: Representation of constituents

Use the Bezigon tool, pencil tool, and geometric shapes to delineate features as a volume. The lines should always be closed except for merging boundaries, see below. No shading or colors are allowed.

Use a solid thin line (1 pt) is used for to identify features. If needed, a thick line (2 pt) may be used to represent a standardized delineation. An example of this would be a thin line following the eroded, actual face of a wall, and a thick line for the standardized face of a wall.

Use a dotted line to represent merging boundaries.

Use a dashed line to represent projected boundaries, arbitrary closures, projected features. Examples: a reconstructed outline of a collapsed wall, or a floor seen in section which continues into the adjacent baulks but is not visible in the picture.

Whenever possible, type the constituent number (e.g., f34 or m4567) within the constituent itself, in the font Arial, 18pt or 14 pt, in either black or white. Do not use bold, italic or underline.

If the constituent number does not fit, then type it where appropriate, and use a line (not an arrow) that will touch or reach within the constituent.

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6.2.2: Representation of subviews

A template is required only for a view. It may be produced for a subview as needed. Subviews are indicated within a view by means of arrows.

The direction of the arrow in any given template indicates the angle from which another photo was taken and the approximate area that it frames. Generally, arrows are used only in a main view to show where the subviews are taken from. This matches the view web that is given in the form of thumbnails with every single view or subview.

Arrows are all thick solid lines.

The approximate area framed by a subview is indicated by arrows with the following characteristics: - a straight solid line represents a regular subview; - a double solid line represents a wide shot; - a short solid line represents a tight shot; - a 90° angle represents a direct overhead; - a 45° angle represents an oblique overhead.

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6.2.3: Footnotes

A footnote (represented by an asterisk followed by a digit) may be used to point out a visually significant element of a feature, and included at the bottom of the page. However, the main text description of the template should be included in the view description in the journal.

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6.2.4: Files names

Template file names consist of four fields, separated by a space:
J03t001 V18d3043 P905 gM.jpg

Each field is defined as follows:

J03t001sequential number of the template, where the sequential number is identical to that of the corresponding view
V18d3043the label of the photo that serves as the basis for the template
P905the date when the template has been drawn
gMthe initials of the person who has drawn the template

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6.2.5: Triple filing

Templates are produced in Freehand, and saved in three ways: 1. as a Freehand file within the book’s G/T folder with the photo linked; 1. as a Freehand file within the book’s G/T/EMBED folder with the photo embedded; 1. within the book’s G/T/LoRes folder as a JPG file at 300 DPI resolution (this is the file used in the Browser Edition). When exporting the file to JPG, make sure that the Freehand options are set to 300 DPI and to 100% Image Quality.

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