
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-27


Roster Date Author Record
Included in other label 2008-09-01 pC ^bf2 (bf) [Input: U717PC2.J]
Category !! !! fill, dumping, collapse
Best definition 2008-07-24 cJC brickfall [Input: S727CJC.J]
Best image 2010-08-04 pC
v29 [Input: U804PC.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2008-07-28 pc It is the brickfall in k84 and is the same of f53: f55 is much more full of bricks and some with mortar in between. [Input: S728PC.J]
2008-07-28 pc f55 is the brickfall in k84: it is full of red and grey unbaked bricks but they have different directions, it is crumbly and is hard when picked. It has not much pottery and is circa 50 cm thick. Is the same as f67, which is located in the western baulk. It covers and abuts wall f127. [Input: S728PC.J]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2008-07-24 cJC k84 [Input: S727CJC.J]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2008-07-24 cJC r59 (38897 51718 - 8991 / Relay location: k84) [Input: S726CJCR.J]
2008-07-24 cJC r60 (38705 51672 - 8995 / Relay location: k84) [Input: S726CJCR.J]
2008-07-24 cJC r61 (38797 51461 - 8997 / Relay location: k84) [Input: S726CJCR.J]
2008-07-24 cJC r62 (38980 51493 - 8998 / Relay location: k84) [Input: S726CJCR.J]
Elevation 2008-09-02 pC 8974@bottom [Input: S902PC.J]
M#/elev @top 2008-07-24 cJC 8997 [Input: S727CJC.J]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2008-09-02 pC f56 (isolated stone) rests on f55 (brickfall) [Input: S902PC.J]
2008-07-28 pc f53 (brickfall) covers f55 (brickfall) [Input: S728PC.J]
2008-09-02 pC f56 (isolated stone) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S902PC.J]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2008-07-26 !! q88.1 (shell artifact) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88.2 (animal bone) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 eA q88 (bones, pottery) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-28 eA q93 (bones, pottery) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p1 (cup) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p2 (base: rounded) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p3 (base: flat) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p4 (jar) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p5 (base: rounded) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p6 (base: rounded) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p7 (bowl) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p8 (rim: double strand (lower one pointed)) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p9 (base: disk base, type unspecified) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p10 (rim: flat) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p11 (rim: rounded) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-26 !! q88-p12 (base: flat, slightly concave or slight depression in center) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S727CJC.J]
2008-07-28 !! q93-p1 (cup) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q93-p2 (rim: flat) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q93-p3 (bowl) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q93-p4 (jar) sits in f55 (brickfall) [Input: S728HQ.J]
Type of contact: earliest events 2008-07-28 pc f55 (brickfall) covers f63 (glacis) [Input: S728PC.J]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2010-07-29 pC s160J6A [Input: U815PC.J]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2010-07-29 !! h7eJ6A [Input: U815PC.J]
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment 2008-09-21 pC brickfall located above the ^glacis1. It is the same as J2f208, located in front of the apron, when it was almost compleatly visible, therefore this event of collapse dates to the middle of mittani [Input: S921PC.J]
Typological reasons for assignment 2008-09-21 pC dated to Mittani for the pottery [Input: S921PC.J]
Notes on time sequencing 2008-07-24 mKB Mittani [Input: S815MKB.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2008-07-24 cJC cl [Input: S727CJC.J]
Color 2008-07-29 pc reddish yellow [Input: S729PC.J]
Color number (Munsell) 2008-07-29 pc 7.5YR 7/6 [Input: S729PC.J]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2008-07-28 hQ [Input: S809CJC.J]
2008-07-28 hQ [Input: S809CJC.J]

2008-07-29 hQ [Input: S809CJC.J]
2008-07-31 hQ [Input: S906CVP2.J]

2008-08-18 cJC [Input: S818PC.J]

2008-08-18 pC [Input: S818PC.J]

2008-08-18 pC [Input: S818PC.J]

2008-08-18 pC [Input: S818PC.J]

2008-09-06 pC [Input: SX22PC.J]
2008-09-11 pc [Input: S906CVP2.J]
2008-09-11 pc [Input: S906CVP2.J]
2008-09-11 pc [Input: U726PC.J]
2008-09-11 pc [Input: U726PC.J]


Roster Date Author Record
Removed (feature), discarded/missing (item) 2008-09-02 pC removed S726 [Input: S902PC.J]