
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-27


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2008-07-29 eA lens type d [Input: S728HQ.J]
Best image 2010-08-04 pC
v42 [Input: U804PC.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Notes on labeling 2008-09-02 pC f59 is an accumulation while abuts f64 if f64 is a wall. We are still not sure whether f64 is a wall or is the brickfall [Input: S902PC.J]


Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2008-07-28 cJC accumulation C [Input: S728HQ.J]
Description (summary) 2008-07-28 pc f59 is an accumulation that covers the whole k74 and covers the brickmelt f64 and f65; f59 is soft but with patches of harder soil and characterized by the presence of a lot of pottery and big sherds. [Input: S728PC.J]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2008-07-29 eA k74 [Input: S728HQ.J]
M#/elev @top 2008-07-29 eA 9105 [Input: S728HQ.J]
M#/elev @bottom 2008-07-29 eA 9095 [Input: S728HQ.J]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2008-07-30 pc f43 (accumulation C) covers f59 (lens type d) [Input: S730PC.J]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2008-07-28 !! q102.1 (unknown) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103.1 (bone artifact) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103.2 (unknown) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 cJC q102 (bones, pottery) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 cJC q103 (pottery) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q102-p1 (rim: interior groove or ledge) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q102-p2 (jar) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q102-p3 (bowl) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q102-p4 (jar) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q102-p5 (rim: rounded) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q102-p6 (rim: rounded) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q102-p7 (base: disk base, type unspecified) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q102-p8 (jar) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q102-p9 (base: ring) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p1 (base: flat) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p2 (bowl) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p3 (base: hollow) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p4 (rim: rounded) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p5 (base: disk base, slightly concave) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p6 (jar) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p7 (bowl) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p8 (rim: rounded) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p9 (cup) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p10 (bowl) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p11 (base: flat, slightly convex) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p12 (bowl) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p13 (base: disk base, type unspecified) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p14 (pot) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p15 (base: flat, slightly convex) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p16 (jar) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p17 (tablet) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p18 (jar) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p19 (base: ring) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p20 (bowl) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p21 (cup) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
2008-07-28 !! q103-p22 (handle: semi-circular, exterior) sits in f59 (lens type d) [Input: S728HQ.J]
Type of contact: earliest events 2008-07-29 pc f59 (lens type d) covers f64 (layer) [Input: S729PC.J]
2008-07-29 pc f59 (lens type d) overlays f65 (accumulation) [Input: S729PC.J]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2010-07-29 pC s157J6A [Input: U815PC.J]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2010-07-29 !! h7eJ6A [Input: U815PC.J]
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment 2008-09-21 pC similar to f37: is the upper part of the dump [Input: S921PC.J]
Typological reasons for assignment 2008-09-21 pC dated to Mittani for the pottery [Input: S921PC.J]
Notes on time sequencing 2008-07-24 mKB Mittani [Input: S815MKB.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2008-07-29 eA cl [Input: S728HQ.J]
Color 2008-09-02 pC pinkish grey [Input: S902PC.J]
Color number (Munsell) 2008-09-02 pC 5YR 6/2 [Input: S902PC.J]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features
2008-07-31 hQ [Input: S906CVP2.J]

2008-08-02 hQ [Input: S809CJC.J]

2008-08-02 hQ [Input: S809CJC.J]
2008-09-08 cVP [Input: S906CVP2.J]


Roster Date Author Record
Removed (feature), discarded/missing (item) 2008-07-29 eA removed S728 [Input: S728HQ.J]