Unit Book J3

The Terrace Edge, Center (Version 1a)


Processed on 2024-12-10

Date Author Record
2005-08-02 jW Introduced archaeology team to workmen. Began pick run to remove topsoil, f1, of k12, leveling surface of locus. Inspected pottery and counted sherd types, then discarded. Began to excavate accumulation, f2, under topsoil. Established sampling locus, k100, along the south baulk of k13. Finished day by cleaning, including leveling of baulks to promote safe operation of wheelbarrows. [Input: P802JW.j]
2005-08-03 jW Continued to excavate accumulation, f2, in k12. In first pick run, except for the SW corner, began to see changes in soil texture from fine and powdery to thick chunks with decayed rootlets, typical of soil moistened by entrapped water. Changed features. Encountered several large stones and a lens of compacted granular material toward the northeast. Paused work for a consultation with gB, mkB, and faB. There is a good possibily that we see the top of the west end of the apron that capped the wall that was exposed in J2 to the east. Also exposed a tannur midway along the west baulk of k12. Cleaned and prepared to photograph on P804. Removed the north baulk of k11 down to the extant level of k12 so that we may excavate down to the mound's projected perimeter wall top. [Input: P803JW.j]
2005-08-08 jW Removed a number of large floating stones after relaying them and marking for possible use in reconstruction. [Input: P808JW.j]
2005-08-08 jW Removed one large floating stone from the SW corner of k101. Spent the last hour cleaning in preparation for a major photograph at the start of work tomorrow. [Input: P809JW.j]
2005-08-10 jW Diadin took a series of photographs illustrating the evidence for numerous occupational phases in the excavated portions of k12 and k101 (View 9). At the lowest elevation there is the wall, the apron, a crescent of stones above the wall, and, at very high elevations a tannur and a working surface above the apron. Finally, there is the topsoil of modern occupation. In k101 we marked off a 50cm-wide collar around the E, N, and W baulks and, after removal of one large floating stone and the crescent of smaller stones, began excavating a new accumulation f30, to clear and positively identify the S face of the wall. In k12 we removed two large floating stones and the tannur, then continued to excavate the accumulation, f2, to expose the top of the wall in the W portion and the apron in the E portion. [Input: P810JW2.j]
2005-08-11 jW Continued to explore for the south face of the temple wall, f11, in k101. On the east side, encountered a face of small stones, perhaps used as stabilizers between two larger stones, above and below. On the west side, access to the wall face is partially blocked by a very large, apparently fallen stone from above to the north. In k12, we are leveling the locus, having excavated more in the SE corner to expose the wall apron, f10. Accumulation beginning to change from powdery tan to darker, denser brown. This is more characteristic of containment, particularly from below and may signal that we are nearing the wall top. [Input: P811JW.j]
2005-08-11 jW In k101, we cleared the accumulation,f between the large stone in the middle of the locus and the reduced west baulk. As in the eastern half, there is evidence for, but no absolute proof of, the south face of wall, f11. In k12, we removed large, floating stones, f20, f23, and cleared the entire locus down to an elevation of 9137, close to, but still above the expected elevation of the wall top. We saw many areas of laminations, without any clear pattern and scattered brick chunks and ashy pockets throughout. We then designated a single feature for all of the accumulation/lamination in the locus, f34, and made one pick run before the end of the day, having been just able to complete the dirt removal, but not the cleaning and inspection before the end of the day. [Input: P813JW.j]
2005-08-14 jW In a final pick run to explore for the outside wall face, a small, pristine section was exposed in the NW corner of the locus. It is vertical, with medium-sized cut stones showing, probably filling gaps between larger stones which we see in other units. There is a huge stone and several large companions jutting out past the wall face to the south in the middle of the locus. We do not yet know whether this is a late buttress or a displaced stones from higher on the wall to the N. We have not reached the face in the NE corner. As time permits in the next few days we will explore for the face here. [Input: P814JW.j]
2005-08-15 jW Removed large floating stone, f26. Cleaned the wall, f11, and apron, f10, to prepare for major photograph, v11, including showing the path of large floating stones which were carried from NE to SW down the face of the wall by erosion. Began to excavate the typological column, k102. All excavated soil was screened, and separate pottery lots were taken from the screen and the column. One additional pick run was taken through the entire locus k12, excavating a new feature, f38, which consists of laminations with bricky inclusions. A line of stones along the W baulk emerged connecting stone, f35, to the N to additional stones to the S, which we are exposing with a small probe. [Input: P815JW.j]
2005-08-16 jW Continued to excavate the topological column, k102. All dirt is being sifted. Encountered and removed four large, floating stones, f41, f44, f45, f46. Explored for the south face of wall, f11, in the middle and east sides of k101. We excavated the accumulation, f47, under the large stone, f40, which was moved to the SW corner of the locus. The purpose was to try and determine when the stone may have been deposited in its present position, which, because it was laying on its side, seemed to indicate that it happened after the wall was built/rebuilt. A soil sample was taken and a base of a small cup, i4, was retrieved alongside some slag, perhaps from metal-working. The cup is apparently from the Mitanni period. The aggregate was photographed, v14. A preliminary stratigraphic analysis of the construction of the apron wall, f10, which sits above and to the north of the massive temple mound wall, f11, was performed. There are three distinct layers which underlay the stones. The top is brown, the middle is filled with brick chunks, and the bottom, f42, is reddish, with few inclusions. This seems to indicate that the apron may have been rebuilt several times. The mini-section was photographed, v13, for use in a more detailed analysis which will follow shortly. [Input: P816JW.j]
2005-08-20 jW Entire Mozan staff visited unit for a report on the progress of the excavations during the past week. Continued to follow surface of third millennium terrace south from k102 into k12. Living accumulation, f38, covering the terrace, f50, yielded sherds mixed between ubiquitous and EDIII. This pottery lot q78 tagged for rapid analysis. Excavated accumulations, f51, above third millennium wall stones and accumulations, f42 surrounding second millennium wall stones. Removed floating stone, f26, after relaying and marking it. [Input: P820JW.j]
2005-08-22 jW Continued to excavate with one skilled pickman in k12 to trace the temple terrace (bakhia), f50, from k102 down to the monumental wall, f11. At the end of the day, the interface was found in the SW corner of k12. Began to excavate k103, the probe to find the plaza on the south side of the monumental wall. [Input: P822JW.j]
2005-08-22 jW Began to excavate this new locus using two pickmen. In the last pickrun, encountered several large stones in an E-W line beginning at the east baulk. These will be cleaned and examined tomorrow. [Input: P822JW.j]
2005-08-23 jW Exploring for the interface of the temple terrace, f50, and the monumental wall, f11, surrounding it in k12. In doing so we had to remove one large stone, f55, originally thought to have been floating, but now, based on the stratigraphy of its foundation, almost certainly a part of the W end of the second millennium wall apron, f10. Encountered medium sized cut stones along what should be the N face of f11, but we are still uncertain as to whether this is the third millennium face or part of a second millennium mocification. The terrace intersects these stones, but we do not yet know whether the terrace continues on underneath them. In k103 we continued to excavate the first accumumlation, f53, under the topsoil, f52. Two large stones in an E-W line, f54, along with some smaller ones, are sitting in f53. At present the function is unclear. At home in the afternoon, the suite of programs to produce the Urkesh Global Record was fully run with all data files to date. Only the photography files failed to integrate. gB is investigating this. Finished preparations for the Stratigraphic and Unit Progress Review scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, P824. [Input: P823JW.j]
2005-09-02 jW jW and rE entered and processed data during the morning. jW demonstrated the activities involved in compiling and entering data to the visiting members of the Tell Barri excavation team. [Input: P902JW.j]
2006-08-12 vVE Today we started to clean both loci k1 and k2. In k2 only some backfill was removed, while k1 was also excavated and there several feature numbers were assigned. [Input: Q812VE2.j]
2006-08-13 vVE In J3 East we continued today to excavate k1 and k2. In k1 we excavated f500 to make the surface more level; all features were relayed by eI and mO and we removed f501. [Input: Q813VE.j]
2006-08-14 vVE The deposit f517, on which f501 was laying, was removed today in k1 and the western half of this locus has been excavated. f513 and f516 in k2 were excavated to the level of the German trench B6 in area BA and then closed. Then f518, the top soil of the southern part of k2, was excavated. [Input: Q814VE.j]
2006-08-15 vVE In k1 several new large stones (f525-530) were discovered when we excavated f500. A (partial) natural hard surface (f534) was found at the bottom of f500. In k2 we started to excavate the natural accumulation f522 under top soil f518 and then natural accumulation f533 under accumultion f522. [Input: Q815VE.j]
2006-08-16 vVE Excavation continued in k2 and a new square was started to the East of k1: k106. The stones of features f503, f504, f505, f506 and f507 in k1, that were planned to be removed in the morning, were left in place because gB changed our strategy. Following gB's suggestion, we will try to create a clear picture of how the temple terrace looked like at the end of phase 6b and the Middle Assyrian period. Several baulks will have to be removed to give a clear view on the scattered stones, the second apron, the revetment wall and the glacis in J3. [Input: Q816VE.j]
2006-08-17 vVE The new locus k107 was opened to the north of k106 and to the east of k2. We removed the top soil f539 in the southern part of k107. The northern part of k107 had already been excavated by the German team from Tuebingen as B6. Feature f540 was the natural accumulation under the top soil. At the bottom of this deposit we found the naturally compacted floor f547 with on top of it the half circle of stones f544 and the small area of grey deposit f546. In k2 we excavated the natural deposit f557 (by accident recorded as f535) south of f532. Feature f543 is a large boulder in k2 that must have been dislocated from f532. In k106 we continued to excavate the natural accumulation f537. Feature f537 was closed and replaced by f540. Feature f540 was in turn closed when we noted that the southern half of f540 had become harder (f541) and the northern half softer (f542). [Input: Q817VE.j]
2006-08-19 vVE Today we continued to excavate in k2, k106 and k107. In k1, mO and eI made a drawing of the Northern section. In k2 we excavated f557 (by accident recorded as f535) and thus exposed f532. f532 turned out to be missing the steps that define the second apron in J2. At the bottom of f557 we found a somewhat harder surface f566 that covered some of the stones. In k107 we removed the stone circle f544, the associated sherds in the greyish deposit f546 and the compacted surface f547 where these features were lying on top of. Then we excavated the natural accumulation f548 that lies under f547. In the German trench B6 (f545) in the northern half of k107 we compared the current position of the stones of f532 and their position as visible in a picture made by the German team just after the excavation. This comparison showed which stones had fallen out of place f549 and which had remained in situ. In k106 we excavated deposit f541 until we reached its bottom. It turned out that the harder deposit of f542 continues under f541. [Input: Q819VE1.j]
2006-08-20 rE Today we resumed working on f137 which is a natural grey and hard accumulation. Mohammad and Ebrahim were excavating on f137, using the small pick and following f148. We found at the bottom of it ten limestones in different level, then we found under it the material of f148 which is an installation consisting of many sherds of pottery and pebbles with a grey color. We found it in two different layers. We gave every layer different feature; the elev for f148 is 9048, the elev for f163 is 9078. We assumed that those features belonged to different phases and we can possibly date the features from the pottery. [Input: Q820RE.j]
2006-08-20 vVE Work continued in k107 and k106. In k107 we started to excavate f550 which we changed into f553. Several more steps of the second apron became visible. The part of the second apron in k106 is stepped, in contrast to its continuation in k2. Therefore we now have assigned feature number f556 to the second apron in k107 while the part in k2 remains f532. In k106 we excavated f542 to make the locus level again. Then we continued excavating the entire locus as f552. The stones in k106 were relayed and assigned feature numbers: f554 and f555. [Input: Q820VE.j]
2006-08-21 vVE k2 and k107 were photographed today. The N-section of k106 was drawn by mO and eI. The north baulk of k1 was removed. f523 is the top soil of this baulk and f558 the deposit under the top soil that had already been excavated in previous years when k1 was part of J2. After having removed f558 we came upon f500 once more and this deposit was also excavated. The general outline of the steps of f556 were relayed. All the loci were cleaned because last night a storm had blown dirt everywhere. [Input: Q821VE.j]
2006-08-22 vVE A small remainder of f535 (bottom of the trench B6, f545) was excavated. Today we could finally set the East baulk of k107 back to its correct positions because bP has provided the eastern markers to define the locus. dM photographed the West and South sections of k106, the East and South section of k1 and the West, South and East sections of k107. (See photographs v523, v524, v526, v527, v529, v528 and v530 respectively. See also the very informative section of the East side of the East baulk of k107: v531) We started to excavate the North baulk of k106. [Input: Q822VE.j]
2006-08-23 vVE We continued excavating the north baulk of k106 and straightened the Northeast corner of k107. [Input: Q823VE.j]
2006-08-24 vVE Today the section drawings made by eI, mO, aA and iI were checked and corrected. dM photographed the combined West section of k1 and k2 and the combined West section of k106 and k107. The East section of k107 was removed and the second apron f556 in k107 has now been connected to the second apron that had already been exposed in J2. [Input: Q824VE.j]
2006-08-26 vVE Since yesterday morning dM took the overview pictures of J3 so that we could now remove some of the stones in k1 that must have eroded out of place from the second apron or the temple terrace. f503, f504, f505, f506, f507, f508 and f511 were removed. In k1, but extending into k2, the natural accumulation f565 was excavated until the natural floor surface f566 was reached. In k107 the natural deposit f550/f553 was excavated and another step of the second apron f556 was uncovered. [Input: Q826VE.j]
2006-08-27 vVE In k1 the series of naturally compacted floors f566 was removed. More large boulders appeared underneath it and it is not quite clear yet whether these belong to the second apron f532 or to the top of the revetment wall f569. The underlying layer of compacted floors f534 was then excavated in the Northern half of k1. In k107 the floating large boulders of f561 and f562 were removed and the soil which had supported them (f548) too. Then we started the excavation of the new deposit f568 which covered the lowest steps of the second apron f556. [Input: Q827VE.j]
2006-08-28 vVE In k1 the deposits in front of the top of the revetment wall were excavated as f571. bP measured many points of f532. In k107 we opened f570 which is the natural deposit that lies between the second apron and the revetment wall and which underlies the second apron f532. Under f570 appeared baqaya and possibly the edges of two pits that were cut into the baqaya glacis. [Input: Q828VE1.j]
2006-08-29 vVE While cleaning for pictures of k106 and k107 the bronze item i501 was found. In k106 we continued to excavate f552 where appeared the top of the revetment wall. In k1 we excavated the natural accumulation f571 which changed into f572. Here, too, we started to see the top of the revetment wall f569. [Input: Q829VE3.j]
2006-08-30 vVE We continued to excavate the Northern half of k1 in front of the revetment wall f569. The boulder f575 and the small boulder 579 next to it were uncovered. Under the natural deposit of f572 there appeared a softer black ashy deposit f576. After having removed these ashes we found again a reddish brown deposit f578. We have removed the pebbles of f521 and the large boulder f519. In k107 we excavated the little deposits f570 that remained on top of the baqaya. After we noticed remains of mud bricks at the Eastern edge of the q-lot we decided to extend the feature further to the East and clean the surface there and remove only a thin layer. In k106 we continued to go down in the northern half until we had cleared the face of the revetment wall. Then we started to excavate also the Southern half of k106. [Input: Q830VE1.j]
2006-08-31 vVE Work was continued in the southern half of k106 to reach the same level as had been reached yesterday in the northern half of k106 and to further reveal the boulders that had been exposed there. The boulder f580 was removed and the small column of underlying deposits was excavated. The faces of the top stones of the revetment wall f569 in k106 were cleaned and some of the stones are clearly not in direct contact with the underlying stones of the revetment wall f569. This would then prove the hypothesis that the top of the revetment wall was added in younger times. In k1 excavation in the Northern half of k1 was continued after the stones f575 and f579 had been removed here. More stones appeared however and they seem to lie in line in front of the revetment wall. To make more sense of these new stones we started to excavate the southern half of k1 as well. The large boulder of f530 leaves a 20 cm space between its eastern edge and the East section. When this space was excavated we discovered baqaya and possibly mud bricks lying under the second apron. [Input: Q831VE.j]
2006-09-13 jW We removed a stray baulk from J1 that bordered the west side of k109, assigning features and q-lots from our book. It was drawn and photographed before removal. [Input: Q913JW.j]
2006-09-18 jW eDB corrected and plotted relays as well as assisting J4. eI entered all logs from the east part and began to process them into the Global Record. bL processed objects except for a three hour period when she worked on a project to conserve the palace walls. jW assisted J1 and J4, checked recent sketches and updated recent journal entries. [Input: Q918JW2.j]
2006-09-19 jW Entered aggregate, feature and Q-lot logs for the entire season. Entered object descriptions. Prepared Harris matrix for k23 to prepare for strata assignments and justification. Searched bWP's office for marker data sheets containing point data for J1. It isn't there so we will phone her to send the missing data by e-mail. [Input: Q919JW.j]
2006-09-21 jW jW supervised data entry and worked on stratigraphic analysis. bL drew templates for J3 West and worked on stratigraphic analysis. eDB finished entering the logs for J3 and then assited J4 in setting up the programs to process their Global Record, afterwhich he processed their relays. eI drew the Uruk seal impressions and drew templates for J3 East. eI and jW visited the field to plan the work needed to draw the rest of the stones that had been covered by the long east baulk of k11, k12, and k101, which include those of the apron, f10, and the memory stones atop the revetment wall, f11. [Input: Q921JW.j]
2006-09-22 jW jW continued work on stratigraphic analysis, but also worked on processing A14 data for gB. For two hours he led members of the Tell Hamukar excavation team on a tour of the site. bL assisted jW in stratigraphic analysis and drew templates, but also spent considerable time on the palace conservation project. eI drew templates and was detailed to mKB to draw pottery associated with the research of kD, visiting Environmental Archaeologist, who departs tomorrow. eDP assisted J4 in preparing plots. [Input: Q922JW.j]
2006-10-10 eDB bL and eDB are almost finished preparing templates for photographs and section drawings. bL and eI are now available for J3 work full time after being detailed to conservation and drawing for considerable portions of the last week. eI and mO, who returned from Aleppo University for the last two days of work, are preparing stratigraphic assignments and analyses for the East portion of J3. Previously the entire staff, including rE, finished the stratigraphic analysis for the West portion. jW re-constituted the feature descriptions that had been lost when the Feature Data sheets were misplaced. There are some discrepances among the feature descriptions, the types of contact, and the strata assignments which will be resolved by jW in Los Angeles. [Input: QX10JW1.j]
2007-07-15 jW The time alloted for the feature stage was extended for two days. There were a number of features in the east section that were missing data entries on types of contact, relays, and strata assignments. (The extent of this was readily tabulated by the program that produces the depositional analysis portion of the UGR.) All missing relays were re-entered. Best photos were assigned to all of the east features and about two-thirds of the west features. Some which are not main views with templates will have to be re-assigned. No summaries have been written for features in either section. The elevations presented for a few features were not the same across the entries for relays, feature logs, and section drawings. These will have to be reconciled in the general work period in August. [Input: R716JW.j]
2007-07-19 jW J3 east added two aggregates for a total of 3, while J3 west deleted two and added five for a total of 18, each of which were defined, sumarized and had best photos selected. All incidentals were reviewed for sufficiency, but must be edited to correct minor errors in grammar. The loci were checked for proper format. Using Freehand, eI and mO prepared an example of a graphic display of the locations of loci within the unit. gB postponed a decision on whether to adopt this approach or to use another display method such as AutoCAD. Summaries for all loci need to be written. [Input: R722JW.j]
2007-07-21 jW All J3 items and q-items were reviewed for form and substance. The major issue is missing photos. Over 200 objects do not have photos in the current V18 and V19 files. mO and eI consulted with wO, who will look for the photos in files developed at the last season after he departed and before the excavtion closed. We did not examine the issue of drawings. [Input: R722JW.j]
2007-07-26 jW The fourth stage of our work focused on plots and the underlying relays. This part of the work for the west part of J3 was done by jW over the winter, but for all practical purposes, work on the relays and plots for the east part was suspended after vVE departed before the excavations in MZ19 were concluded. Approximately 70 out of about 650 relays recorded had problems. These ranged from relays assigned numbers but not taken, to relays that did not compute, to relays that computed but plotted askew. With the concurrence of gB, we will devote our attention to plots of important features and fix relays needed for these, otherwise we will annotate reasons for relays that could not be used. [Input: R729JW.j]
2007-07-28 jW The J3 drawings, excepting objects, have been completed, totalling 10 from season MZ18 and 38 from season MZ19. Many have small errors and must be reviewed. A drawing log has been entered for the west part, while one for the east must be written. [Input: R729JW.j]
2007-08-19 jW jW and eI worked on verifying the disposition of objects and preparing templates and view descriptions. [Input: R819JW.j]
2007-08-24 jW Located missing objects and processed them. Updated local photo file from master on server. [Input: R824JW3.j]
2010-09-13 jW We began by thoroughly cleaning the eastern half of k13, a portion of which will be excavated as k110, including the N and E baulks. Because we expected to find cultural material from the LC3 period below f109 as we removed it we wanted to avoid contamination with cultural material from other, later periods. [Input: U914JW.j]
2010-09-14 jW Most of the day was spent cleaning the entire surface of the unit. We did so to prepare for a major photograph looking west which will show the relationship of the pavement, f348, to the three glacis and the three pits which penetrated them. Another reason for cleaning was to prevent contamination of the excavated material and to assure that the features are kept separate. At the end of the day we removed more of f346 from the northern third of locus k110. [Input: U914JW2.j]
2010-09-15 jW finished excavating f346 in k110. Cleaned for an overall photograph, v172. Excavated the fill, f349 of pit a19, then began to remove fill, f346, from the western three-quarters of k13. One small region of f346, near the surface of f348, yielded four stone tools and an impression of a stamp seal, i27. Began to remove f50 from the sloping surface of k12 by scraping with trowels. [Input: U915JW.j]
2010-09-16 jW Cleaned the brick and mortar glacis, f351 in k12. Found a seal impression, i28. Cut and cleaned new sections for pits a5 and a17. Removed two largely intact clay vessels, i29 and i30 from the matrix of f351. Detected four courses of red mudbricks laid using gray mortar in the east section of a17. As it was in line with an apparent notch in the west face of wall f358, we designated the accumulation northe of the north section of a17 as f352 and began to remove it with the small pick. [Input: U917JW.j]
2010-09-18 jW Removed all of accumulation, f352, between the west face of wall, f348, and the west baulk of k13 (q452). Determined that layer, f353, consisted of the interlinked burrows of small, social animals. Re-excavated the fill from pit, a17 (q423). While cleaning the bottom of f352, noticed a gray mudbrick floor suface, designated f355 north of the cut of pit a17 and west of the west face of wall, f348. Upon removing it we encountered a large jar smashed flat, but resting upright. Found the apparent floor accumulation, designated f356, and the floor surface, f357, upon which i31 rests. Took an important series of photographs, v180, showing the relationship of all important features escavated so far as well as the jar, i31. [Input: U918JW.j]
2010-09-19 jW Began to remove the sherds of crushed jar, i31. Photographed it often from several perspectives; informal progress shots, formal layer-by-layer view quality photos, and videos of key operations. Identified the contents of jar i31 as the remains of an infant, i32, in soil, i33. Called in aK who began to excavate it as part of burial a20. aK and jW excavated after breakfast and in the afternoon without the assistance of workmen. When they were not on scene, a20 was continuously guarded. [Input: U921JW.j]
2010-09-20 jW aK, with the assistance of jW continued to excavate the infant's skeleton, i32. At one point to insure that the bones could be extracted in one piece, they were consolidated with commercial glue. Also a part of the burial, a20, were an animal bone, i34, and a pottery sherd, i35. Just before lunch, aK finished the excavation of i32. In the afternoon work period, jW removed the rest of the burial vessel, which was a large jar, probably broken in half. The jar was placed upside-down and probably broken in half. After the infant was placed in the jar, the bottom was placed over the top to protect it. i33 was screened to look for missed bones and grave goods items (none found). aK and jW completed the burial forms originated by lR to document for the global record. [Input: U921JW1.j]
2010-09-21 jW Took final photograph of the impression of rim of jar, i31, in floor, f357. Removed the south wall of pit, a19 and continued south into glacis, f351. Found a large brick structure, f361, in the NW corner of k12. It had be penetrated by a pit, a21, with fill, f359 sitting in cut, f360. Removed the fill and photographed f361 before and after. Carefully excavated in the NW corner of k13 to try to ascertain whether mudbrick pavement, f355 continued in that area. It does, in a strip about 75cm wide along the west face of f348 and the north baulk. To the southwest there is an area of reddish brown accumulation, f362. [Input: U921JW2.j]
2010-09-25 jW Final day of excavation. Trimmed the western baulk of k13 to straighten, expose, score, photograph, and then draw it to assist in probable excavation of k23 in season MZ24. Excavated the remaining portion of burial a22. Thoroughly cleaned the unit in preparation for final photographs in the next few days. [Input: U925JW.j]
2010-09-24 jW Continued to excavate burial a22. Su'ar carefully excavated the portion of pavement, f355, which abutted the west face of wall, f355. dM shot a video of the process, including the exposure of plaster which adhered to the wall bricks. gB narrated the video. [Input: U925JW1.j]