Unit Book J6

The Northeastern End of the Temple Terrace and the Betili (Version 1a)

Synoptic table

Processed on 2025-01-15
Note. In the case of multiple entries for the same category (e.g., where a feature is first defined as accumulation A, and then as accumulation D), only the latest entry (accumulation D) is retained.
Total number of elements: 58.

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
i1 seal k84 f45 h7eJ6A s16J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 16-88
i1.2 - - - - - - -
i2 seal impression k84 f66 h8rJ6A s4J6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-008
i3 jar k85 f98 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A Red Orange Calcite Temper Ware cons lab
i4 animal bone
k84 f108 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - bone room
i5 sample
k85 f98 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 29-36
i5.1 - k85 f98 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
i6 slag k75 f119 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A copper-alloy Cons Room
i7 pin k84 f63 h7dJ6A s18aJ6A copper alloy cons lab
i8 seal impression k74 f123 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - mKB
i9 seal impression
k74 f123 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - mKB
i10 tool k86 f124 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A copper-alloy Cons Room
i11 jar k84 f142 h7dJ6A s18dJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 4-10
i12 slag k84 f142 h7dJ6A s18dJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 011-023
i13 ceramic vessel k86 f146 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A Fc Storage: ZSB 4-10
i14 tool - - - - Copper-alloy Cons Room
i15 bead k84 f151 h7aJ6A s19J6A frit cons room
i16 figurine k84 f164 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-022; to be drawn and photograph
i17 seal - f101 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A hard white stone with some small gray and tan striations, probably limestone Deir Museum
i18 seal k74 f167 h7aJ6A s19J6A black stone Deir Museum
i19 pin k84 f170 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A copper-alloy Cons Room
i20 tool k84 f174 h4mJ6A s50J6A copper-alloy teken for Analysis S903 kF
i21 weapon
k84 f170 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A copper-alloy Cons Room
i22 bone k104 f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
i23 arrowhead k71 f223 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - -
i24 figurine k82 f243 h7iJ6A s14J6A - -
i25 clay lump k82 f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
i26 seal impression k82 f272 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A light gray with some inclusions -
i27 spatula k82 f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
i28 seal impression - - - Phase 5a - coarse dark gray clay with many small inclusions -
i29 seal impression - - - - many calcite inclusions -
i30 pin k104 f317 h3fJ6A s68J6A - -
i304.4 - - - - - - -
i304.7 - - - - - - -
i307.1 - - - - - - -
i312.1 - - - - - - -
i314.3 - - - - - - -
i315.6 - - - - - - -
i318.1 - - - - - - -
i323.1 - - - - - - -
i327.1 - - - - - - -
i330.1 - - - - - - -
i333.1 - - - - - - -
i340.4 - - - - - - -
i342.2 - - - - - - -
i342.3 - - - - - - -
i342.4 - - - - - - -
i342.6 - - - - - - -
i344.1 - - - - - - -
i346.6 - - - - - - -
i349.1 - - - - - - -
i349.3 - - - - - - -
i351.1 - - - - - - -
i354.1 - - - - - - -
i357.2 - - - - - - -
i364.1 - - - - - - -
i396.5 - - - - - - -
i3141 - - - - - - -