Unit Book J6

The Northeastern End of the Temple Terrace and the Betili (Version 1a)

Synoptic table

Processed on 2025-01-15
Note. In the case of multiple entries for the same category (e.g., where a feature is first defined as accumulation A, and then as accumulation D), only the latest entry (accumulation D) is retained.
Total number of elements: 634.

Element number Definition Best image Locus Feature Phase Stratum Ware/material Disposition
q1.2 - - f1 h8rJ6A s4J6A - -
q3.1 blade - f3 h9cJ6A s3J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-090
q3.3 - - - f3 h9cJ6A s3J6A - Storage: ZSB 010-023
q7.1 blade - - f7 h9cJ6A s3J6A obsidian Storage: ZSB 016-088
q8.1 grinding stone - f7 h9cJ6A s3J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q9.49 - - f6 h8mJ6A s6J6A - -
q10.1 unknown - f6 h8mJ6A s6J6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-071
q11.1 figurine - f7 h9cJ6A s3J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-021
q12.1 pestle - f8 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q12.2 figurine - f8 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 011-023
q13.3 - - f9 h8mJ6A s6J6A - -
q15.1 - - - f11 h9mJ6A s2J6A - Storage: ZSB 002-022
q17.1 figurine - f14 h9cJ6A s3J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-020
q17.2 pipe - f14 h9cJ6A s3J6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-074
q17.3 grinding stone - f14 h9cJ6A s3J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-030
q17.4 kiln waste - f14 h9cJ6A s3J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-023
q17.5 figurine - f14 h9cJ6A s3J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-020
q17.6 door soket - f14 h9cJ6A s3J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-030
q17.7 pestle - f14 h9cJ6A s3J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q22.1 kiln waste - - f9 h8mJ6A s6J6A - Storage: ZSB 010-023
q22.2 figurine - f9 h8mJ6A s6J6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q23.1 unknown - f15 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl -
q24.1 lithic specimen - f16 h9cJ6A s3J6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q25.1 kiln waste - - f17 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - -
q29.1 unknown - f1 h8rJ6A s4J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-024
q31.1 seal impression - f20 h9mJ6A s2J6A - Storage: ZSB 011-023
q31.2 seal impression - f20 h9mJ6A s2J6A - mKB
q32.1 kiln waste - f18 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-023
q34.1 seal impression - f26 h9pJ6A s1J6A - mKB
q35.1 unknown - f16 h9cJ6A s3J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-048
q35.2 blade - f16 h9cJ6A s3J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-088
q35.3 unknown - f16 h9cJ6A s3J6A cl Storage: ZSB 006-020
q35.4 - - f16 h9cJ6A s3J6A - -
q36.1 loom weight - f22 h7iJ6A s14J6A cl -
q37.1 - - - - - - -
q39.1 bead - f26 h9pJ6A s1J6A cl Storage: ZSB 18-4
q39.2 figurine - f26 h9pJ6A s1J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-021
q39.3 clay lump - f26 h9pJ6A s1J6A - Storage: ZSB 011-023
q39.4 seal impression - f26 h9pJ6A s1J6A few visible inclusions -
q39.5 seal impression - f26 h9pJ6A s1J6A very poor reddish clay with many large chaff pieces -
q40.1 figurine - f19 h9cJ6A s3J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-020
q42.1 unknown - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-035
q42.2 unknown - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-030
q42.3 figurine - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-021
q44.1 bead - f26 h9pJ6A s1J6A - Storage: ZSB 012-020
q44.2 slag - f26 h9pJ6A s1J6A cl Storage: ZSB 011-023
q44.3 seal impression - f26 h9pJ6A s1J6A - mKB
q45.1 clay artifact - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-048
q45.2 kiln waste - - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-023
q45.3 unknown - - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016.3-102
q47.1 grinding stone - f19 h9cJ6A s3J6A - Storage: ZSB 105-030
q49.1 sample - f33 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 101-9
q50.1 grinding stone - f34 h9cJ6A s3J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-030
q51.1 unknown - f33 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-088
q52.1 kiln waste - f31 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A metal Storage: ZSB 010-023
q57.1 figurine - f34 h9cJ6A s3J6A cl -
q59.1 grinding stone - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-036
q61.1 sample - f22 h7iJ6A s14J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-29
q63.1 unknown - f22 h7iJ6A s14J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 020-019
q64.1 sample - f39 h9mJ6A s2J6A cl Storage: ZSB 101-9
q66.1 sample - f41 h7iJ6A s14J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-030
q69.1 brick - f38 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 101-9
q69.2 wheel - f38 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-048
q69.3 door soket - - f38 h7eJ6A s16J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-040
q71.1 blade - - f44 h9cJ6A s3J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-087
q74.1 unknown - - f45 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-073
q79.1 sh - f46 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-013
q79.2 unknown - f46 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-088
q79.3 kiln waste - f46 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 10-23
q79.4 unknown - f46 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-074
q79.5 figurine - f46 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-020
q80.1 blade - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 012-020
q80.2 figurine - - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A - -
q80.3 - - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A - -
q82.1 brick - f53 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 101-9
q82.2 figurine - - f53 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-020
q83.1 grinding stone - f54 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-030
q84.1 figurine - f51 h9cJ6A s3J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-020
q86.1 kiln waste - f53 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q87.1 blade - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A obsidian Storage: ZSB 012-020
q88.1 sh - f55 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A shell Storage: ZSB 014-019
q88.2 bone - - f55 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - It is not a q-item but a bone. now it is in the bag q88 f55.
q89.1 kiln waste - f57 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-023
q90.1 sample - f37 h7eJ6A s16J6A cement Storage: ZSB 029-036
q92.1 wheel - f37 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl -
q92.2 kiln waste - f37 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-023
q94.1 figurine - f29 h9pJ6A s1J6A - Storage: ZSB 002-021
q102.1 unknown - f59 h7eJ6A s16J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-032
q103.1 baf - f59 h7eJ6A s16J6A bone Storage: ZSB 021-009
q103.2 unknown - - f59 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-073
q105.1 sample - f37 h7eJ6A s16J6A cement Storage: ZSB 029-036
q105.2 grinding stone - f37 h7eJ6A s16J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-032
q113.1 kiln waster - f66 h8rJ6A s4J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-023
q113.2 ax(head) - f66 h8rJ6A s4J6A - Storage: ZSB 105-030
q113.3 dish (small platter) - f66 h8rJ6A s4J6A cl Storage: ZSB 18-4
q116.1 kiln waste - f66 h8rJ6A s4J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-023
q119.1 door socket - f65 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-030
q119.2 figurine - f65 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-020
q119.3 figurine - f65 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-020
q120.1 figurine - f67 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-021
q121.1 kiln waste - - - - cl Storage: ZSB 010-023
q121.2 figurine - - - - cl Storage: ZSB 002-020
q121.3 strainer - - - - cl Storage: stored S811 eA
q124.1 kiln waste - f65 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-024
q124.2 ta-o - f65 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-071
q128.1 figurine - f70 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-021
q128.2 seal impression - f70 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A FC with inclusions of fine chaff, sand, mica Storage: ZSB 012-020
q128.3 figurine - f70 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-023
q128.4 bead - f70 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl -
q129.1 unknown - f72 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 020-019
q131.1 sealing - f72 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-048
q131.2 seal - f72 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-069
q132.1 pestle - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-093
q132.2 kiln waste - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 16-93
q133.1 kiln waste - f75 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 016-094
q133.2 unknown - f75 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
q133.3 pestle - f75 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-090
q133.4 grinding stone - f75 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-34
q133.5 pestle - f75 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-030
q133.6 kiln waste - f75 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 007-071
q133.7 unknown - f75 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 105-036
q133.8 brick - f75 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl -
q136.1 grinding stone - f71 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-090
q137.1 unknown - f80 h7eJ6A s16J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016.3-102
q145.1 - - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
q147.1 blade - f78 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A obsidian Storage: ZSB 016-090
q149.1 grinding stone - f82 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-032
q151.2 - - f88 h8rJ6A s4J6A - -
q153.1 sample - - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 029-034
q153.2 door socket - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-033
q153.3 grinding stone - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-036
q154.1 kiln waste - f88 h8rJ6A s4J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q154.2 kiln waste - f88 h8rJ6A s4J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-024
q154.3 bone artifact - f88 h8rJ6A s4J6A bone Storage: ZSB 021-009
q154.4 figurine - f88 h8rJ6A s4J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-020
q154.5 sh - f88 h8rJ6A s4J6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-013
q154.41 - - f88 h8rJ6A s4J6A - -
q155.1 unknown - f87 h7eJ6A s16J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 029-036
q155.2 grinding stone - f87 h7eJ6A s16J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-032
q155.3 sealing - f87 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 11-23
q157.1 figurine - f94 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-021
q158.1 bead - f82 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A bone Storage: ZSB 012-020
q158.2 bead - - f82 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
q160.1 wheel - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q160.2 unknown - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-094
q160.3 ta - - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-073
q161.1 kiln waster - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q161.2 unknown - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095
q161.3 chariot model - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 004-009
q161.4 door socket - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 105-032
q161.5 ta-o - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 105-33
q161.6 flake - f64 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-094
q163.1 unknown - f95 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-094
q163.7 - - f95 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
q164.1 bead - f97 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 012-020
q164.2 sample - - f97 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A cs Storage: ZSB 029-035
q164.3 sample - - f97 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A - Storage: ZSB 029-035
q164.4 flake - f97 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-094
q164.5 unknown - f97 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095
q166.1 unknown - - f95 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016.3-102
q167.1 kiln waste - f95 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-024
q169.1 spout - f98 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q170.1 kiln waste - f103 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 10-25
q170.2 sh - f103 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-013
q170.3 kiln waste - - f103 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-024
q172.1 kiln waste - f93 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q172.2 blade - f93 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A obsidian Storage: ZSB 105-034
q172.3 mortar - f93 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
q172.4 kiln waste - f93 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 16-95
q172.6 - - - f93 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-095
q173.1 kiln waste - f98 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010-024
q174.1 unknown - f105 h9cJ6A s3J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-33
q175.1 grinding stone - - f98 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
q176.1 door socket - f97 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-033
q177.1 kiln waste - - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 010-024
q178.1 figurine - f97 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-021
q178.2 whistle - f97 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q179.1 unknown - f103 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-032
q179.2 slag - f103 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 011-023
q181.1 sample - - f90 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A cs Storage: ZSB 029-035
q181.2 kiln waste - - f90 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A - Storage: ZSB 010-024
q182.1 door socket - f107 h7dJ6A s18aJ6A - Storage: stored S811eA
q182.2 kiln waste - - f107 h7dJ6A s18aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 007-071
q182.3 blade - - f107 h7dJ6A s18aJ6A - -
q182.4 unknown - - f107 h7dJ6A s18aJ6A - -
q184.1 pestle - f108 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 105-032
q184.2 unknown - f108 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-095
q184.3 brick - f108 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 004-009
q187.1 unknown - f114 h7eJ6A s16J6A - Storage: ZSB 4-10
q188.1 unknown - f108 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-095
q189.3 - - f108 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
q191.1 blade - f106 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-095
q192.1 bead - f111 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 004-009
q192.2 seal impression - - f111 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A Chaff Tempered ware -
q193.1 kiln waste - - f117 h7eJ6A s16J6A - Storage: ZSB 010-024
q193.2 loom weight - f117 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl -
q194.1 pestle - f117 h7eJ6A s16J6A - Storage: ZSB 016-095
q194.2 grinding stone - f117 h7eJ6A s16J6A - Storage: ZSB 105-032
q194.3 bottle - f117 h7eJ6A s16J6A - Storage: ZSB 004-009
q195.1 unknown - f900 - - - Storage: ZSB 004-009
q195.2 bowl - f900 - - cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q196.1 figurine - f111 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 001-004
q196.2 dish (small platter) - f111 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q197.1 blade - f119 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A obsidian Storage: ZSB 016-094
q200.1 blade - f112 h9cJ6A s3J6A - Storage: ZSB 016-094
q200.2 lithic artifact - - f112 h9cJ6A s3J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016.3-102
q201.1 sh - f123 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-013
q201.2 slag - f123 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 11-23
q201.3 bead - f123 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 012-020
q201.4 blade - f123 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-094
q201.5 unknown - f123 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 029-036
q201.6 sample - - f123 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cs Storage: ZSB 029-035
q201.7 figurine - f123 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q203.1 uncertain - f124 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095
q205.1 kiln waste - f110 h7dJ6A s18bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q207.1 wheel - f124 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q207.2 uncertain - f124 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-033
q207.3 unknown - - f124 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 007-073
q208.1 blade - f107 h7dJ6A s18aJ6A obsidian Storage: ZSB 016-095
q210.1 figurine - f126 h7dJ6A s18bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 001-004
q212.1 kiln waste - f116 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q213.1 slag - f124 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 011-023
q214.1 unknown - f63 h7dJ6A s18aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q214.2 dish (small platter) - f63 h7dJ6A s18aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q216.6 - - - f131 h7eJ6A s16J6A - Storage: ZSB 105-033
q218.1 unknown - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 016-094
q218.2 pendant - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: deir Museum
q218.3 door socket - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-033
q218.4 door socket - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-033
q218.5 grinding stone - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-033
q218.6 grinding stone - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-33
q218.7 kiln waster - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 105-32
q218.8 pestle - f86 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095
q220.1 kiln waste - f131 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q222.1 blade - f131 h7eJ6A s16J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095
q223.1 blade - f132 h7dJ6A s18bJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095
q223.2 pestle - f132 h7dJ6A s18bJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095
q223.3 wheel - f132 h7dJ6A s18bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q224.1 unknown - f136 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 029-036
q226.1 unknown - f131 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q227.1 grinding stone - f131 h7eJ6A s16J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-032
q227.2 grinding stone - f131 h7eJ6A s16J6A - Storage: ZSB 105-032
q227.3 grinding stone - f131 h7eJ6A s16J6A - Storage: ZSB 105-032
q227.4 kiln waste - f131 h7eJ6A s16J6A cl Storage: ZSB 10-25
q227.5 grinding stone - f131 h7eJ6A s16J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-032
q227.6 - - - f131 h7eJ6A s16J6A - Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q230.1 grinding stone - f143 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-033
q231.1 blade - f142 h7dJ6A s18dJ6A obsidian Storage: ZSB 016-094
q231.2 seal impression - f142 h7dJ6A s18dJ6A - -
q232.3 sample - - f139 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A cs Storage: ZSB 029-035
q232.4 unknown - f139 h7eJ6A s16bJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095
q233.1 sample - - f141 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cs Storage: ZSB 029-035
q234.1 kiln waste - f145 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q234.2 bead - f145 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q235.1 lithic specimen - - f136 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic -
q235.5 - - f136 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 029-036
q236.1 grinding stone - f143 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
q237.1 figurine - f140 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-021
q237.2 slag - f140 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 011-023
q237.3 blade - f140 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095
q238.1 blade - f140 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A obsidian Storage: ZSB 016-094
q238.2 bead - f140 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 012-020
q242.2 sample - - f144 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A carbon Storage: ZSB 024-032
q243.1 clay artifact - - f135 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q243.3 unknown - - f135 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-073
q245.1 kiln waste - f143 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q245.2 unknown - f143 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-094
q251 p b - - - - - - -
q251.1 figurine - - h7aJ6A s19J6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q251.2 door socket - - h7aJ6A s19J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 105-039
q252 p b - - - - - - -
q252.1 unknown - - h7dJ6A s18dJ6A cl -
q254 pot - - - - - - -
q254.1 sh - - h7aJ6A s19J6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-013
q254.2 blade - - h7aJ6A s19J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-094
q254.3 bead - - h7aJ6A s19J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 012-020
q255 p b - - - - - - -
q255.1 sample - - - h7dJ6A s18dJ6A - -
q255.2 sample - - - h7dJ6A s18dJ6A - -
q258 pot - - - - - - -
q258.1 sample - - - h7aJ6A s19J6A - Storage: ZSB 029-035
q258.2 bead - - h7aJ6A s19J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 012-020
q259 pot - - - - - - -
q260 p b - - - - - - -
q260.1 bead - - h7aJ6A s19J6A frit Storage: ZSB 012-020
q260.2 seal - - h7aJ6A s19J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 011-023
q260.3 kiln waste - - h7aJ6A s19J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q260.4 kiln waste - - h7aJ6A s19J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q260.5 bead - - h7aJ6A s19J6A frit Storage: ZSB 012-020
q261 pot - - - - - - -
q261.1 figurine - - h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-021
q261.2 bone - - h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 021-009
q261.3 blade - - h4mJ6A s50J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-094
q262 p b - - f154 h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q262.1 kiln waste - f154 h4mJ6A s50J6A kw Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q262.2 weapon - f154 h4mJ6A s50J6A copper-alloy Cons Room
q264.1 bead - f155 h7aJ6A s19J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 12-20
q266.1 clay lump - - f156 h7dJ6A s18bJ6A - -
q266.2 blade - f156 h7dJ6A s18bJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-094; to be drawn and photograph
q272.1 mace - f164 h4mJ6A s50J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-094
q272.4 - - f164 h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q275.1 dish (small platter) - - h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009; to be photograph
q275.2 kiln waste - - h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-025
q276.1 lithic specimen - - h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q276.2 lithic specimen - - - h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q276.3 lithic specimen - - h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q277.1 blade - - h7dJ6A s18bJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095; to be photograph
q277.2 sh - - h7dJ6A s18bJ6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-013
q277.3 grinding stone - - - h7dJ6A s18bJ6A lithic -
q278 pot - - - - - - -
q278.1 blade - - h7dJ6A s18cJ6A obsidian Storage: ZSB 016-094
q278.2 sh - - h7dJ6A s18cJ6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-013
q279 pot - - - - - - -
q280 pot - - - - - - -
q284.1 figurine - - - - cl Storage: ZSB 002-021; to be photograph
q284.2 figurine - - - - cl Storage: ZSB 002-021
q284.3 figurine - - - - cl Storage: ZSB 2-21; to drawn and photograph
q284.4 figurine - - - - cl Storage: ZSB 002-022
q284.5 unknown - - - - copper-alloy Cons Room
q285 pot - - - - - - -
q286 pot - - - - - - -
q286.1 unknown - - - h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q286.3 - - - - h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 002-021
q288.1 copper lump - - h7aJ6A s19J6A copper lumps all item took for Ch. Analysis S903 (kF)
q289 pot - - - - - - -
q290 pot - - - - - - -
q291 pot - - - - - - -
q292 pot - - - - - - -
q292.1 bead - - h4mJ6A s50J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 012-020
q292.2 sealing - - h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 011-023
q292.3 blade - - h4mJ6A s50J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-095
q293 pot - - - - - - -
q293.1 wheel - - h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 004-009
q294 pot - - - - - - -
q294.1 unknown - - h7dJ6A s18aJ6A copper-alloy Cons Room
q295 pot - - - - - - -
q295.1 - - - h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q296 pot - - - - - - -
q297 p b - - - - - - -
q298 pot - - - - - - -
q298.1 blade - - h4mJ6A s50J6A obsidian Storage: ZSB 016-094
q299.2 unknown - - - - cl -
q302.1 kiln waste - f196 h9pJ6A s1J6A - Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q304.1 sample - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-033
q304.2 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 010.2-026
q304.3 kiln waste - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q304.4 unknown - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 105-039
q304.5 grinding stone - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 105-039
q304.6 sample - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-033
q304.7 figurine - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 002-023
q305.1 sample - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q306.1 ta - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 103-001
q306.2 - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q307.1 pestle - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-100
q307.2 grinding stone - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 105-039
q307.3 kiln waste - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q307.4 ta - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 103-001
q308.1 sample - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q310.1 clay lump - - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 103-001
q310.2 sample - - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-033
q310.3 clay lump - - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl -
q310.4 unknown - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - Storage: ZSB 011-024
q311.1 kiln waste - - f202 h9pJ6A s1J6A - Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q311.2 door socket - f202 h9pJ6A s1J6A - Storage: ZSB 105-040
q312.1 flake - f203 h7dJ6A s17aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-100
q312.2 kiln waste - f203 h7dJ6A s17aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 010.2-026
q314.1 kiln waste - f204 h7dJ6A s18aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-026
q314.3 - - f204 h7dJ6A s18aJ6A - -
q315.1 brick - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 103-001
q315.2 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q315.3 kiln waste - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q315.4 kiln waste - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q315.5 kiln waste - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q315.6 unknown - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-100
q315.7 rf - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 009-005
q315.8 ta - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 019-001
q316.1 kiln waste - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 010.2-026
q317.1 kiln waste - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 016-100
q317.2 ta - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 103-001
q317.3 sample - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q318.1 ceramic vessel - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - -
q318.2 sample - - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - -
q318.3 ta - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - Storage: ZSB 103-001
q318.4 seal impression - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A Chaff Tempered ware with a thick slip and scraped interior -
q319.1 ta - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 103-001
q319.2 - - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - -
q321.1 unknown - f205 h9pJ6A s1J6A cl -
q323.1 unknown - f208 h9pJ6A s1J6A metal -
q324.1 brick - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 122-001
q324.2 ta - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 103-001
q327.1 figurine - f188 h9pJ6A s1J6A - Storage: ZSB 002-024
q329.1 door socket - - f190 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 105-039
q329.2 - - f190 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
q330.1 clay lump - - - - - Storage: ZSB 016-100
q331.1 lithic artifact - - - - - - -
q331.2 sealing - - - - - - -
q331.3 kiln waste - - - - - - -
q332.1 loom weight - - - - - Storage: ZSB 016-099
q333.1 bead - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A vitreous Storage: ZSB 012-021
q339.1 cb - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cb Storage: ZSB 024-033
q339.2 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q339.3 ta - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 019-001
q340.1 clay lump - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q340.2 kiln waste - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 007-073
q340.3 sample - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q340.4 lithic specimen - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 020-019
q340.7 - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q341.1 ta - - f220 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 103-001
q342.1 blade - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-100
q342.2 clay lump - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl -
q342.3 sample - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-033
q342.4 figurine - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - Storage: ZSB 002-023
q342.5 bead - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - -
q342.6 lithic specimen - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - Storage: ZSB 020-019
q344.1 bead - f223 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 012-021
q344.2 blade - f223 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-099
q346.1 bead - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A vitreous Storage: ZSB 012-021
q346.2 cb - - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cb Storage: ZSB 024-033
q346.3 ta - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 019-001
q346.4 cb - - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cb Storage: ZSB 024-032
q346.5 blade - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-100
q346.6 sh - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-015
q349.1 wheel - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl -
q349.2 animal bone - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 021-009
q349.3 sealing - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q350.1 clay lump - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q350.2 sample - - f226 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q351.1 grinding stone - f223 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 105-039
q351.2 wheel - f223 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl -
q351.3 clay lump - f223 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q351.4 blade - f223 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-100
q352.1 weight - f230 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-100
q352.2 figurine - f230 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 002-023
q352.3 clay lump - - f230 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl -
q352.4 clay lump - f238 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q353.1 sample - - f231 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-033
q353.2 figurine - f231 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 002-023
q353.3 clay lump - - f231 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl -
q353.4 clay lump - f231 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q354.1 unknown - f235 h4mJ6A s51J6A - Storage: ZSB 020-019
q357.1 clay lump - f238 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q357.2 door socket - - f238 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - -
q358.1 clay lump - f238 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q360.1 sh - f240 h7dJ6A s18J6A - Storage: ZSB 026-015
q360.2 carbon sample - - f240 h7dJ6A s18J6A - Storage: ZSB 024-033
q361.1 clay lump - f241 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q363.1 lithic artifact - f241 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 020-019
q364.1 grinding stone - f246 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-100
q367.1 figurine - f250 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl -
q370.1 wt - f250 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 016-100
q372.1 figurine - f253 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 002-023
q373.1 wt - f243 h7iJ6A s14J6A - Storage: ZSB 105-039
q373.2 wt - f243 h7iJ6A s14J6A - Storage: ZSB 016-099
q373.3 grinding stone - f243 h7iJ6A s14J6A - Storage: ZSB 016-099
q373.4 wt - f243 h7iJ6A s14J6A - Storage: ZSB 016-100
q373.5 - - - f243 h7iJ6A s14J6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q376.1 sh - f243 h7iJ6A s14J6A - Storage: ZSB 026-014
q376.2 wt - f243 h7iJ6A s14J6A - Storage: ZSB 016-100
q378.1 carbon sample - - f259 h7dJ6A s18J6A - Storage: ZSB 024-033
q378.2 sample - - f259 h7dJ6A s18J6A - -
q378.3 unknown - f259 h7dJ6A s18J6A quartz Storage: ZSB 020-019
q379.1 sh - f258 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 026-014
q379.2 clay lump - f258 h7eJ6A s16aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q380.1 sealing - f261 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-073
q382.1 blade - f243 h7iJ6A s14J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-100
q383.1 figurine - f264 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-023
q384.1 clay lump - f365 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q386.1 sealing - f266 h4mJ6A s50aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 011-024
q386.2 unknown - f266 h4mJ6A s50aJ6A - -
q387.1 clay lump - f261 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q387.2 clay lump - f261 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q387.3 clay lump - - f261 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q388.1 clay lump - f267 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q388.2 loom weight - f267 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-023
q388.5 - - f267 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q389.1 sh - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q389.2 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 007-073
q389.3 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q389.4 unknown - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q389.5 kiln waste - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 010.2-026
q389.6 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q389.7 ta - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 019-001
q389.8 ta - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 019-001
q389.9 grinding stone - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 105-039
q389.10 shell artifact - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A shell Storage: ZSB 014-019
q389.11 carbon sample - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q389.12 bone - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A bone -
q390.1 lithic specimen - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 020-019
q390.2 kiln waste - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q390.3 bead - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 029-037
q390.4 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q390.5 ceramic vessel - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 006-022
q390.6 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q390.7 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q390.8 sling ball - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 017-001
q390.9 sherd - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q390.10 sherd - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl -
q391.1 sample - - f266 h4mJ6A s50aJ6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q392.1 clay lump - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q392.2 clay lump - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q392.3 blade - - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016.1-102
q392.4 clay lump - - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q392.5 lithic specimen - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 020-019
q392.6 sample - - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A carbon Storage: ZSB 024-032
q392.7 clay lump - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q392.8 kiln waste - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q394.1 sample - - f271 h4mJ6A s50J6A carbon Storage: ZSB 024-032
q394.2 sample - - f271 h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q394.3 figurine - f271 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 002-023
q394.4 sample - - f271 h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q394.5 ceramic vessel - - f271 h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q396.5 - - - f272 h7mJ6A s12aJ6A - -
q399.1 clay lump - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q399.2 clay lump - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q399.3 clay lump - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q399.4 kiln waste - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q399.5 clay lump - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q399.6 clay lump - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q399.7 clay lump - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q399.8 grinding stone - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-099
q399.9 clay lump - f278 h4mJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q399.10 clay lump - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q399.11 clay lump - - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q399.12 lithic specimen - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A gypsum Storage: ZSB 020-019
q399.13 clay artifact - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q402.1 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q402.2 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q402.3 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q403.1 sample - - f278 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q403.2 sample - - f278 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q403.3 - - f278 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q404.1 clay lump - f279 h4mJ6A s51aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q405.1 sling ball - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 017-002
q405.2 brick - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q405.3 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q405.4 ta - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 019-001
q405.5 rf - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 009-005
q405.6 clay lump - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl -
q407.1 wheel - f277 h4mJ6A s50aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 005-018
q408.1 clay lump - f282 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q408.2 clay lump - f282 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q408.3 rf - - f282 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 009-005
q408.4 ta - f282 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 103-001
q412.1 sealing - f302 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q412.2 clay lump - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - -
q412.3 ta - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A - Storage: ZSB 019-001
q412.4 clay lump - - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl -
q412.5 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q412.6 clay lump - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q413.1 blade - f276 h4mJ6A s50J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-100
q414.1 kiln waste - f277 h4mJ6A s50aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q415.1 grinding stone - f284 h3fJ6A s68J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-099
q415.2 unknown - f284 h3fJ6A s68J6A - Storage: ZSB 020-019
q415.3 clay lump - - f284 h3fJ6A s68J6A cl -
q415.4 sample - f284 h3fJ6A s68J6A gypsum Storage: ZSB 029-037
q415.5 sample - - f284 h3fJ6A s68J6A carbon Storage: ZSB 024-032
q416.1 shell artifact - f286 h4mJ6A s50aJ6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-014
q421.1 rf - f288 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 009-005
q421.2 sample - - f288 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A carbon Storage: ZSB 024-032
q422.1 sealing - f192 h7dJ6A s18cJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-073
q424.1 sample - - f290 h3fJ6A s68J6A - -
q424.2 carbon sample - - f290 h3fJ6A s68J6A - -
q424.3 clay lump - f290 h3fJ6A s68J6A cl Storage: ZSB 012-021
q428.1 kiln waster - f293 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.1-003
q430.1 sample - - f292 h4mJ6A s51aJ6A - -
q430.2 unknown - - f292 h4mJ6A s51aJ6A - -
q430.3 rf - f292 h4mJ6A s51aJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 009-005
q432.2 shell artifact - f293 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-015
q433.2 rf - - f293 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A - -
q434.2 clay lump - - f293 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl -
q436.1 sample - - f292 h4mJ6A s51aJ6A - -
q436.2 bone - f292 h4mJ6A s51aJ6A bone Storage: ZSB 021-009
q437.1 sample - - - h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q438.1 sample - - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A carbon Storage: ZSB 024-033
q439.1 sample - - f295 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 027-025
q439.2 bone - - f295 h4mJ6A s50J6A bone -
q440.1 kiln waste - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-026
q443.1 kiln waste - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.1-003
q443.2 lithic specimen - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A lithic Storage: ZSB 020-019
q445.1 clay lump - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl -
q449.1 shell artifact - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-015
q450.1 clay lump - f200 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q452.1 sealing - - f302 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 011-024
q452.2 sample - - f302 h4mJ6A s50J6A carbon Storage: ZSB 024-032
q455.1 clay lump - - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q455.2 rf - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 009-005
q455.3 clay lump - - f265 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q456.1 kiln waste - - f303 h3pJ6A s63J6A cl Storage: ZSB 010.2-027
q456.2 sample - - f303 h3pJ6A s63J6A - -
q457.1 ceramic vessel - f306 h4mJ6A s51bJ6A cl Storage: ZSB 006-022
q461.1 rf - - f309 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q461.2 sample - - f309 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q461.3 rf - f309 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 009-005
q461.4 clay lump - - f309 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q461.5 brick - f309 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 122-001
q461.6 ceramic vessel - f309 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 009-005
q461.7 sample - - f309 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q462.1 seal impression - f310 h4mJ6A s50J6A medium gray clay with many calcite inclusions -
q462.2 clay lump - - f310 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q462.3 seal impression - f310 h4mJ6A s50J6A Chaff Tempered -
q465.1 clay lump - - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q466.1 bead - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 004-010
q466.2 rf - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 009-005
q466.3 shell artifact - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 026-015
q466.4 shell artifact - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-015
q466.5 clay lump - - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q466.6 lithic specimen - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A gypsum Storage: ZSB 029-037
q466.7 sample - - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q467.1 shell artifact - - f316 h3fJ6A s68J6A - -
q470.1 blade - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A lithic Storage: ZSB 016-100
q470.2 sample - - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q470.3 rf - - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q470.4 clay lump - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q470.5 shell artifact - f315 h4mJ6A s50J6A shell Storage: ZSB 026-015
q471.1 clay lump - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 008-051
q471.2 tool - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 016-101
q473.1 clay lump - - f320 h3fJ6A s68J6A cl -
q474.1 clay lump - - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q474.2 clay lump - - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q474.3 clay lump - - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q474.4 unknown - - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q474.5 clay lump - - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A - -
q474.6 carbon sample - - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A - Storage: ZSB 024-032
q474.7 clay lump - - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q474.8 brick - f314 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl Storage: ZSB 008-051
q477.1 figurine - f322 h4mJ6A s50J6A cl -
q479.1 sample - - f324 h3lJ6A s66J6A carbon Storage: ZSB 024-033
q479.2 sample - - f324 h3lJ6A s66J6A - -
q480.1 kiln waste - f328 h3pJ6A s63J6A cl Storage: ZSB 007-073
q480.2 sample - - f328 h3pJ6A s63J6A carbon Storage: ZSB 024-033
q480.3 lithic specimen - f328 h3pJ6A s63J6A quartz Storage: ZSB 016-088
q557.1 - - - - - - -
q656.1 - - - - - - -
q777.2 - - - - - - -