Entries authored by sc

Processed on 10-08-2006

F0003B10Q812ts [Q813PC.J]
F0003D01Q812k73 [Q813PC.J]
F0003D06Q8129323 @bottom [Q813PC.J]
F0003D06Q8129323 @top [Q813PC.J]
F0003K03Q812soil [Q813PC.J]
F0003K07Q812soft [Q813PC.J]
F0003K08Q812loose [Q813PC.J]
F0003P02Q812Q812 [Q813PC.J]
F0007B10Q812ad [Q813PC.J]
F0007D01Q812k71 [Q813PC.J]
F0007D06Q8129227 @bottom [Q813PC.J]
F0007D06Q8129383 @top [Q813PC.J]
F0007K05Q812light yellowish brown [Q813PC.J]
F0007K06Q81210YR 6/4 [Q813PC.J]
F0007K07Q812soft [Q813PC.J]
F0007K08Q812loose [Q813PC.J]
F0007P02Q812Q813 [Q813PC.J]
F0008B10Q812ad [Q813PC.J]
F0008D01Q812k72 [Q813PC.J]
F0008D06Q8129302 @top [Q813PC.J]
F0008D06Q8129314 @bottom [Q813PC.J]
F0008K05Q812light yellowish brown [Q813PC.J]
F0008K06Q81210YR 6/4 [Q813PC.J]
F0008K07Q812soft [Q813PC.J]
F0008K08Q812loose [Q813PC.J]
F0008P02Q812Q813 [Q813PC.J]
F0009B10Q812ad [Q813PC.J]
F0009D01Q812k73 [Q813PC.J]
F0009D06Q8129336 @top [Q813PC.J]
F0009D06Q8129348 @bottom [Q813PC.J]
F0009K05Q812light yellowish brown [Q813PC.J]
F0009K06Q81210YR 6/4 [Q813PC.J]
F0009K07Q812soft [Q813PC.J]
F0009K08Q812loose [Q813PC.J]
F0009P02Q812Q818 [Q813PC.J]
F0010B10Q812st [Q813PC.J]
F0010D01Q812k71 [Q813PC.J]
F0010D06Q8129402 @top [Q813PC.J]
F0010K03Q812st [Q813PC.J]
F0010K05Q812white [Q813PC.J]
F0011B10Q812st [Q813PC.J]
F0011D01Q812k71 [Q813PC.J]
F0011D06Q8129265 @bottom [Q813PC.J]
F0011D06Q8129300 @top [Q813PC.J]
F0011K03Q812st [Q813PC.J]
F0011K05Q812white [Q813PC.J]
F0012B10Q812st [Q813PC.J]
F0012D01Q812k71 [Q813PC.J]
F0012D06Q8129248 @bottom [Q813PC.J]
F0012D06Q8129277 @top [Q813PC.J]
F0012K03Q812st [Q813PC.J]
F0012K05Q812white [Q813PC.J]
F0016B10Q814st [Q815MNH.J]
F0016D01Q814k71 [Q815MNH.J]
F0016D06Q8149243 @bottom [Q815MNH.J]
F0016D06Q8149263 @top [Q815MNH.J]
F0016K03Q814st [Q815MNH.J]
F0016K05Q814white [Q815MNH.J]
F0017B10Q814ly [Q815MNH.J]
F0017D01Q814k81 [Q815MNH.J]
F0017D06Q8149382 @top [Q815MNH.J]
F0017K03Q814soil [Q815MNH.J]
F0017K05Q814light brown [Q815MNH.J]
F0017K06Q8147.5YR 6/4 [Q815MNH.J]
F0018B10Q814ad [Q815MNH.J]
F0018D01Q814k81 [Q815MNH.J]
F0018D06Q8149453 @top [Q815MNH.J]
F0018K05Q814reddish brown [Q815MNH.J]
F0018K06Q8145YR 5/4 [Q815MNH.J]
F0018K08Q814soft and compact [Q815MNH.J]
F0019B10Q814st [Q815MNH.J]
F0019D01Q814k72 [Q815MNH.J]
F0019D06Q8149301 @top [Q815MNH.J]
F0019K03Q814stone [Q815MNH.J]
F0019K05Q814white [Q815MNH.J]
F0020B10Q814st [Q815MNH.J]
F0020D01Q814k72 [Q815MNH.J]
F0020D06Q8149307 @top [Q815MNH.J]
F0020K03Q814stone [Q815MNH.J]
F0020K05Q814white [Q815MNH.J]
F0021B10Q815n baulk [Q815MNH.J]
F0021D01Q815k73 [Q815MNH.J]
F0021D06Q8159230 @top [Q815MNH.J]
F0021D06Q8159344 @bottom [Q815MNH.J]
F0021K07Q815compact [Q815MNH.J]
F0021K08Q815crumble and very fine [Q815MNH.J]
F0021P02Q815Q822 [Q815MNH.J]
K0071C01Q812k71 is a locus already been investigated during the 200X excavation season by the German team. The area in which k71 has been located, falls within the cut of the German trench C2 (running W-E). k71 is delimited by markers m4253 (NE), m4254 (SE), m3665 (SW) and m3666 (NW). The NE marker, m4253 is positioned at 347m from the SE corner of the unit (m4254). Today we started with a general cleaning of the whole area in order to remove the little bushes and the dirt accumulated during the winter and previous years; from the cleaning of the area no pottery sherds have been recovered. I did not assigned any feature number to the dirt, since there was no accomulation on the top of the stone exposed already by the German team; close to the section the dirt was thick only few cm. f1 (q1) has been instead assigned to the topsoil of a little area -located in the SE corner- which was not interested by previous excavation in the unit (this is 58cm W from m4254 and 300cm N to m4254). Once removed f1, we assigned f4 to the first 10 cm of natural accumulation under the topsoil (q4). This feature is characterized by a blocky and soft consistence, by a fine texture, it is dusty when removed and presents several roots. After a pick run we assigned another feature number to the accumulation under f4, f7 (q5, q11). The soil matrix did not present aby change, I decided to assigned a new feature number to the accumulation in order to avoid possible contamination with the topsoil pottery. After breakfast, part of the staff (hB, cC, vN, aS) drawn the S section of k71. Being the N baulk of k72 missing, I decided to draw this section ans use it in place of the missing baulk; this in fact falls within the cut of the German trench; this is aproxim. 2m depth and 550m long x3.50m wide. Toghether with jO, I decided also to remove a little area which should have been part of the S baulk of k71 (this area was 45cm W to m4254 and 100cm S to m4254); also in this case, no pottery sherds have been recovered. We decided to do this because it did not have any sense to left such a small portion of baulk in place. We finished the day by cleaning the whole area and respective baulks. [Q812SC.J]
K0071C01Q813Today we continued digging and finished to remove f7 in all the unit (q11, q14). We reached, in the SE area of the square, the bottom of the German trench C2. Yesterday, jO suggested that we should change feature number every 40/50cm even if digging the same feature, in order to track better the pottery. However, since the area that interested f7 was very small and narrow (i.e. 40 cm W and 120 N to m4254) I decided to keep the same feature number in all its deepth, altough we dug it for aprox. 60 cm. f7 it presented the same soil matrix and the same consistence in all its deepth. The feature is carachterized by compact areas mixed with patches of soft ones (perhaps where the roots from the surface plants have reached in?) and presents little irregular stone and few pottery sherds. However, we noticed that close to the bottom of the German trench the feature was charachterized by the presence of phytolyts. A little change has been noticed at the elevation of m4254 +24 -158: here f7 was very compact and with less patches of soft areas. I assigned a new feature number to the concentration of large stone in the NW area of k71 (f10) (already exposed by the German excavation) and to two floating stones which instead appeared during the cleaning of the area: f11 on the W section of k71 and f12 (r5, r6,r7) on the S section of k71. Two stones belong to f11: f11.1 (r1, r2, r3,r4) and f11.2 (r12, r13) hB, cC, vN, aS took the relays of these features. Instead, I did no assigned any feature number to the three floating stones in the SE area of k71. I suppose that these could have been originally part of f10: when we'll start digging here I'll decided if attribuite them to f10 or assigne them another feature number. During the general cleaning of the area, some fragments of plastic bags and an empty cigarette box were found within an animal hole on the pedestal of two floating stones located in the NE part of k71 (at the elevation of m4253 +147 -158). We finished the day by cleaning most of the area and respective baulks. In the S area there is still some dirt left from today's excavation. [Q813SC.J]
K0071C01Q814Today we finished to remove part of the N section, left from yesterday excavation. After a general cleaning of all the unit I moved the workmen in k81. [Q814SC.J]
K0072C01Q812Today we opened this new locus. k72 is a 500mx500m square and it is delimited by the following markers: m4252 (NE), m3842 (SE), m3664 (SW) and m3840 (NW). It is located E to k82 (investigated during the 2002 excavation season by mH and aP). We started by removing firstly the little bushes and then the topsoil (f2, q2) in all the area. The topsoil in this square turned to be not particulary thick (aprox. 4-6 cm in depth). Once removed, we assigned f5 (q6) to the first 10/15 cm of accumulation under the topsoil; f5 is a natural accumulation under the topsoil. It presents a crumble and soft consistence, a fine texture, it is dusty when removed (characteristics which are similar also to the topsoil) and presents several roots. A fragment of modern pottery has been recovered while digging this feature. We finish to remove f5 at the end of the day; we decided to assigne a new feature number to the natural accumulation in all the unit (f8), in order to avoid possible contamination with the topsoil pottery and the accumulation below it. We'll start digging f8 tomorrow. We finished day by cleaning the whole area and respective baulks. [Q812SC.J]
K0072C01Q813Today we finished to remove f5 in the NW corner of k72 (q10). We assigned a new feature number to the natural accumulation below it (f8) and started to remove the feature in all the unit (q13). f8 which presents the same characteristics of f7 in k71 and f9 in k73 (the feature is characterized by a compat soil mixed with patches of soft ones and by the presence of phytolyts). We removed f8 (q13) and assigned a new feature number to the accomulation in all the area, f14. I changed the feature in the whole locus into f14, although there was no change in the soil matrix. f14 is characterized by areas with a compat consistence mixed with soft ones, by the presence of sporadic pottery sherds, small stones, irregular in shape), and it is charachterized by the presence of phytolytics. While digging f14 we found two animal holes at the elevation of m3842 +116- 157. One is located 2m N and 180m E to m3664; the other 2m E and 120m N to m3664. We put a plastic bag filled of some soil in order to avoid possible contamination with the pottery in the accomulation below. At the end of the day, being for the workmen difficult to remove the dirt from k71, we decided to remove the dirt belonging to the cleaning of the W section and S area of k71, into k72 (in the N area), where was easier for the workmen to remove it with the wheel-barrel. Before the end of the da, the area intereseted by the material coming from k71 has been cleaned with the trowel (to avoid possible contamination in the pottery). [Q813SC.J]
K0072C01Q814Today we started to remove f14 in all the square (for every pick run we collected a pottery bag, i.e. q18, q21 and q22). At the elevation of the q18, the feature was characterized by the presence of some fragments of calcar (as happened yesterday at the same elevation in k73); this could indicate that we are probably close to find some stones. f14 presents the same characteristic of f13 in k73. Two calcar (floating?) stones appeared at the elevation of q18. I assigned them two new feature numbers, f19, on the NW section of k72 and f20, close to the E baulk of k72 (r26, r27, r28). We finished the day by cleaning very well all the area and the respective baulks. [Q814SC.J]
K0072C01Q815Today we continued to dig f14 with the big pick in all the unit (q24, q29). In order to facilitate the work, fAB suggested to cut part of the N baulk of k73. I thus assigned a new feature number to the N baulk of k73 (f21) in order to collect the pottery found here (q28). The workmen has been using it as a "ramp" for the weehlbarrel. No other stones appeared from today's excavation in the unit. However, I am aspecting -in one or two days- to expose other stones, as we are reaching the same elevation of k82 the unit. The feature is still characterized by the presence of phytholits (which are even more evident by looking at the section within the square). [Q815SC.J]
K0073C01Q812Today we opened a new locus k73. k73 is a 500mx500m square it is delimited by the following markers: m4250 (NE), m4251 (SE), m4245 (SW) and m4249 (NW). In the NW corner is cut by a German trench (75cm W from and 130m S to m4249) which runs W-E. k73 is located E to k83 (investigated during the 2002 excavation season by mH and aP). We started removing the little bushes, and f3 has been assigned to the topsoil, which turned to be the same of f2 in k72 and f1 in k71. Once removed, we assigned f6 to the first 10/15 cm of accumulation under the topsoil; f6 is a a natural accumulation under the topsoil. When removed it has a blocky structure, it is soft consistence, fine in texture and it is dusty when removed (characteristics similar to the topsoil, f3). It is also characterized by the presence of roots. These are particulary concentrated in the S area of the square (2m N of m4521 and 4m W to m4251) and due to their presence here the soil has a dark brownish coloration. After a pick run we assigned another feature number to the accumulation under f6, f9. I decided to change the feature number in order to avoid possible contaminations with the pottery of the topsoil and of the accumulation below. We started to dig f9 only in the S part of the area, and we finished the day by cleaning the whole area and respective baulks. [Q812SC.J]
K0073C01Q813Today we continued and finished to remove f9 in all the unit (q12). f9 is very fine in texture and dusty when removed. Once we dug f9 for aprox. 40 cm we decided to change feature number (f13) although there were no changes in the soil matrix. We assigned f13 to the accomulation in all the unit (q15). f13 consists, again, of patches of hard and soft soil, and it is the same natural accumulation as in other units of the area (e.g. f14 in k72). Here, the only difference is given by the presence of sporadic fragments of calcar (which are also visible in the N section); we also collected a sample of a small fragment of gypsum (q12.1). f13 it is also characterized by the presence of phytolyts (as for f14 in k72). From today excavation it is left a small portion of k13 in the S area of the square. Tomorrow we'll start digging firstly this portion of the area. [Q813SC.J]
K0073C01Q814Today we continued digging f13 in all the square (q17, q20). f13 is very compact with patch of soft soil and presents the same characteristics of f14 in k72. I checked and scraped the surface before every pick run in all square. Genreally, both the matrix and the components of the feature were the same; the only difference I have noticed, is that, f13 is more compact in some areas (especially in the SE area of the square at the elevation of q20), but is very soft when removed with the big pick. Looking at the sections it is cleray visible the presence of phytolits, as noticed yesterday by scraping the surface. We finished the day by cleaning the whole unit and respective baulks. [Q814SC.J]
K0073C01Q815Today we continued removing f13 in all the square with the big pick (q25). I checked the surface before and after every pickrun, and the feature presented always the same characteristics. The only difference I have noticed, is that starting from the elevation of m4250 +38 -160, f13, the feature was very fine in texture when removed with the big pick, forming blocky pieces of soil, which immediately disintegrated as moved with the shovel. I am aspecting that tomorrow we'll reach the bottom of the German trench. At this point I will move the workmen to k74. [Q815SC.J]
K0081C01Q814k81 interests an area partially excavated in the the 200x excavation season by the German team. It is cut by a German trench - running W-E- (which cuts also k71) in all the N area. k81 is delimited only by the NW (m4246) and SW (m3671) markers: the E baulk is only partially preserved, and therefore was not possible to located any marker here. Also the N baulk of k81 is only partially preserved (it is very badly eroded in the NE area, 200m from the E baulk). For this reason, jO and fAB suggested me to remove it. We thus started cleaning the whole square and removed the little bushes and the dirt accumulated during the winter and the previous years. f15 has been assigned to the topsoil. After a general cleaning of 3-5 cm, a red layer appeared in the NW corner of k81. This is composed of reddish bricky material which presents pieces of whitish plaster/inclusions. Characteristic that seems to be the same as the "red packing" found in J02. This has been always interpreted as being part of a possible "tower" or similar structure. I thus assigned a new feature number to this layer (f17, v7, v7a, v7b). We decided to dig f15 with the big pick (q19); when the workmen were removing the dirt I noticed that in all the area the soil had a different nature. It appeared to be soil mixed with to briky material, and all the unit was reddish in coloration; the red soil was particulary visible in the S area of the unit. fAB suggested to remove the dirt, check all the area with the trowel, and stop digging in this area in the case the red packing was spread in the whole square. Constated that f17 was under f15 in all the unit, I asked the workmen to protect with a plastic nylon the red packing in the NW corner of k81. We then started removing the N baulk of k81 (f18, v8, v8a). We finished the day by cleaning all the area. From today excavation it is still left a small amount of dirt (belonging to f18) to remove. Tomorrow we'll start by removing the dirt, and then I will move the workmen in k82 and k83. [Q814SC.J]
K0081C01Q815The workmen finished to remove the dirt left from yesterday's excavation of the N baulk of k81, f18 (q26) and started to remove the portion left (i.e. the NW corner of the baulk). However, we discovered that in this area the red bricky material was very compact, and not loose as just few cm above. Therefore we decided to not remove this part of the section in order to keep this accumulation in place for a future investigation (f15 is a natural accomulation on the top of the bricky material). The idea is to leave also this feature in place in order to protect the bricky material accumulation below, which seems to be spread in all the area. However, the workmen, finding some fragments of plastic bas during the cleaning of the area with the trowel, decided to pick part of f15 (where it abuts f17). I immediately stopped them, asked them to remove all the dirt and clean the surface with the trowel. f15 is a very thick accomulation, and therefore, it still covers f17. I thus moved the team to k82 and k83 and called dM. We took a general view of k81 (v8, v8a). [Q815SC.J]
K0082C01Q815Hussein Husseni and Kamiran Hussein cut back and "prepared" the N section of k82. We are going to drawn it in the next days. From the cleaning, the section shows a double line of alligned stones (small in dimension) sitting on top of two lines of big stones (prob. belonging to a wall, running W-E). On the top of these small stones, a red layer is visible, which seems to be a preparation for a building structure/wall in mudbricks. The limit of this structure/construction/platform seems to be preserved in the E (in the section we can notice that at some point the alligned little stones end, and there a big calcar stone is located). [Q815SC.J]
Q0013B10Q813p [Q813PC3.J]
Q0013B10Q813p [Q813PC4.J]
Q0013D01Q813k72 [Q813PC3.J]
Q0013D01Q813k72 [Q813PC4.J]
Q0013D03Q813m4252: 400s, 400w [Q813PC3.J]
Q0013D03Q813m4252: 400s, 400w [Q813PC4.J]
Q0013D06Q8139312 @bottom [Q813PC3.J]
Q0013D06Q8139312 @bottom [Q813PC4.J]
Q0013D06Q8139322 @top [Q813PC3.J]
Q0013D06Q8139322 @top [Q813PC4.J]
Q0013D13Q813m3664 (9357) + 141 (height of instrument) - 106 @top - 10\15 @bottom [Q813PC4.J]
Q0013D13Q813m3664 (9357) + 141 (height of instrument) - 106 @top - 10\15 @bottom [Q813PC3.J]
Q0013F02Q813>si f0008 [Q813PC3.J]
Q0013F02Q813>si f0008 [Q813PC4.J]
QI001601C99Q813At the end of the morning I found a fragment of plaque (q16.1) in the dirt removal falled from on of the wheelbarrels in k72; we made a q-item of it, since the find spot is unknown. The plaque presents a scene of a bearbed men holding a naked prisoner with a rope around his neck. [Q813SC.J]
QI001901B10Q814fg [Q816PC.J]
QI001901B11Q814fragment of an unknown animal figurine, legs and head missing [Q816PC.J]
QI001901J01Q8144.5 [Q816PC.J]
QI001901J02Q8145.3 [Q816PC.J]
QI001901J03Q8142.6 [Q816PC.J]
QI001901K03Q814clay [Q816PC.J]
QI001901K05Q814very pale brown [Q816PC.J]
QI001901K06Q81410YR 8/4 [Q816PC.J]
QI001901K10Q814broken [Q816PC.J]
QI001901P99Q814ZSB 2-17 [Q816PC.J]
V0085B01Q919L_V19d3189 J4v85 Q919 sC .jpg [J04Q9TV.J]
V0085AB01Q919L_V19d3190 J4v85a Q919 sC .jpg [J04Q9TV.J]
V0090B01Q919L_V19d3191 J4v90 Q919 sC .jpg [J04Q9TV.J]

Total entries: 131